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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. I have a question for you guys. You were all members and leaders of some of the most powerful and aggressive alliances in CN and you all ended up on the receiving end of your friends and allies at some point. My question to each of you is this:

    Was it before or after your fall from grace/power that you realised the status quo was evil?

    Before, hence why we are here now.

  2. Sorry man, I ride commando. :awesome:

    All the objections by critics are patently silly to be honest. I don't see any alliance involved in this affair directly or indirectly that has any sort of claim to wave the "Save Planet Bob!" banner. This is no struggle of "good vs. evil". Darwin lives here.

    Darwin was dead, and by the very words of Francoism, it is wrong.

    They would only be launching their own August Revolution

  3. Here are some tips on how to succeed with what you have done

    1. Delete your Nation

    2. Wait 20 Days


    4. Shut up, don't make enemies

    5. Stay outa peoples way

    Cause joo know what, doing this only makes your case worse, trust me I have been there done that.

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