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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. The Osean Government reminds the Transvaalers to quickly capture the P-1000 Ratte ruins northeast of Mogadishu before they fall into Communist Hands, and create a general problem as they will have a large landkruiser, and be capable of withstanding your bombardments.

  2. I have no problem with how the game sets its tech levels. I have and always will rp based on that. The only issue that really brings about argument and question is what people can have after 600 (which is current, modern, top of the line in RL).

    UAVs, Cybernetic/Networked Soldiers, Cyborgs(not Movie kind, but like this


    The "cyborg soldier" often refers to a soldier whose weapon and survival systems are integrated into the self, creating a human-machine interface. A notable example is the Pilot's Associate, first developed in 1985, which would use Artificial Intelligence to assist a combat pilot. The push for further integration between pilot and aircraft would include the Pilot Associate's ability to "initiate actions of its own when it deems it necessary, including firing weapons and even taking over the aircraft from the pilot. (Gray, Cyborg Handbook).

    Military organizations' research has recently focused on the utilization of cyborg animals for inter-species relationships for the purposes of a supposed a tactical advantage. DARPA has announced its interest in developing "cyborg insects" to transmit data from sensors implanted into the insect during the pupal stage. The insect's motion would be controlled from a MEMS, or Micro-Electro-Mechanical System, and would conceivably surveil an environment and detect explosives or gas. Similarly, DARPA is developing a neural implant to remotely control the movement of sharks. The shark's unique senses would be exploited to provide data feedback in relation to enemy ship movement and underwater explosives.

    Other proposals have integrated the mechanical into the intuitive abilities of the individual soldier. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have set out to "create an exoskeleton that combines a human control system with robotic muscle." The device is distinctly Cyborgian in that it is self-powered, and requires no conscious manipulation by the pilot soldier. The exoskeleton responds to the pilot, through constant computer calculations, to distribute and lessen weight exerted on the pilot, allowing hypothetically for soldiers to haul large amounts of medical supplies and carry injured soldiers to safety.

    Let me state though, from a realistic Aviation Point of view, one cannot go beyond the F/A-22 for a manned fighter without intertianal dampeners, for if certain inhibiters were removed from the F/A-22, the Pilot would become a skinbag of liquified Calcium, and Water.

  3. An Osean Statement is expected to come within the hour, expect this though, the Union was fully approved by all governmental levels.


    Official Statement from the Osean Senate in the Place of President For Life, Aiden.

    The Osean Federation would like to show that it has fully supported this agreement, and stands by its commitment to the Commonwealth of Autonomous States in Siberia. This, will potentially give Siberia a greater place on the world stage, and allow many of us to retire when we wish. This however does not mean that Osea is by any means dead, think of it as an extended vacation while we work diligently in our underground bunkers to create New Weapons, and Ideas to defeat our enemies, and help our supporters abroad. Furthermore, We are to busy with our Anarctic Idea to do anything else.

    Also, Yea, uhh back off with the Embargo there Lavo

  4. OOC: And just how do you have chemical weapons?

    OOC: Chemical=/=Natural Weapons, Considering my Geographic Location, my Population deals with it for a decent amount, atleast against Variola vera.

    OOC: Assuming you could drive your non-existent cars over to my people and release it.. :rolleyes:

    OOC: Simply Release it onto a trade ship, time the release until it enters your ports, and viola, not only do I have a mobile death dealing machine, but your population begins to feel the effects of the worst Diseases of all time.

  5. OOC: I'll use the phosphorous and keep my men out of there. Let you die naturally.

    Oh yeah, sgaford, your bacteria is going to be useless.

    OOC: When Black Boils crawl down your men and kill them its going to be useless? Of course, if that would be useless, I could always use Variola or Variola vera, either one would wreck havoc on your population.

  6. ICBM's re-enter the earths atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, yet SDI's are capable of intercepting them.

    Theoretically, it has never been proven by a reliable, non propoganda source. Thus, it is highly unlikely, and what country has an SDI at this time? You don't mean that fabled program that the USA spurts on and on about, because you know, a Russian R-500 / Iskander-M Missile can penetrate it without breaking a sweat, and lets not even get on about its other missiles.

  7. OOC: White phosphorous and 200,000 men in your puny country would do it.

    OOC: lol Yersinia pestis would kill you to, and I would not even risk my own men. So please, let us go on and on about these weapons that we know we cannot use.

    Oh yea, Sargun, please don't make me break out the omgwtfinstantwin bacteria that we have harnassed since ancient times.

  8. OOC: A weak, unimportant old nation that is only alive because of Lavo.

    OOC: Even without Lavo, you could never put me down. Its been tried before when Lavo was just a chain of insignifigant Islands in Canada, it failed. Martens and JuliusNero firebombed, MOABed, and blitzed all they could, but never won the true victory.

    Pax Osea!

    Alea iacta est!


    Your Nation may be 500 Days Old, but truely, how long have you RPed? I can pull back threads from early august, and even before of Osea Roleplaying. I just go into, stints of Inactivity, sometimes I get deleted, sometimes I dont.

  9. OOC: Who are you?

    OOC: A Nation older than your wildest Dreams, with Martens passing, I think Osea is THE Oldest Nation in the RP XD, well Btotha might be able to compete, but Im not to sure on that, since he was really just in his own little world for a few months.

  10. The Osean National Broadcasting Agency begins another broadcast


    "We have been waiting for the Day for revenge against our enemies(You know who you are, Mr "IMA CHEMICAL BOMBZ YOU INTO OBLIVIONZ!!!!!"). We waited Patiently while you occupied us, and then we were handed off to Rebel Army, then, we were oppressed by you and your cronies once again.

    Well, since there is no Formal Peace Treaty, all you other Nations are just joining OUR BANDWAGON against Tahoe

    The Die are Cast"

  11. To be honest, we really lack any arms other than some Old Duestch(Martens) Pkzf Laufers(Those !@#$%* walking Artillery Walkers, unless you guys removed them), along with hopefully within the next few weeks, we will begin construction of a new tank, the T-1000 Ratte


    OOC: It is WWII Tech, but if you no likey, I can remove.

    IC: our Standard Small Arm is the MP7 Rifle


  12. You can't even buy level 3 planes (or is it level 4 that's 105 tech?). A fighter of your own design wouldn't fly if it was stronger than that.

    OOC: I know, but atleast then other people would be like "YAY SOMETHING ORIGINAL ITS NOT ZOMGMECHASTOOPIDCOPYPASTSTUFF!"

  13. The "tech chart" isn't meant to be followed strictly. It's for newer, younger players to follow as an indirect guideline so they get the hang of things. If you don't want to follow it, fine. It wasn't meant for you.

    I was about to commision a fighter, of my own design, and I went to refer to your chart, so that FOR ONCE, people do not go screaming "ZOMGWTFBBQSAUCE" over it. your Chart offered nothing towards it.

  14. OOC: *sighs* I'm not exactly familiar with military stuff...

    But it's something like signals intercepting other signals...?

    OOC : It completely depends on the type of Satallite, if it is a Military Satellite, it could effecively create a Electromatic Static that would block out Communications. However, Ground Based Lines, and Terrestial Radio would still work.

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