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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Quite a bit. For starters, policies on politics, religion, foreign relations (not counting embassies). You know, the basics.


    Socialist Parties are against the Law

    Religion is free, aslong as all Churches pay the Worship Tax and have less than 30 people at a service, Foreign Relations? Hell, who wants to deal with us down here in the Ice?

  2. "What is there to know? There is Ice here, Ice there, Ice Everywhere. Oh yea, the rumors are true, we have the old Fueher down here in a UFO *there is mild snickering behind this statement*. Soo, in other news, what would you like to know? We are a State that retains our Germanic Heretige in the best way possible."

  3. Leaders are expendable like any other thing.

    Tahoe just kidnapped mine, and iunoo where it is. Do I care? No, I can simply pick another one of my what, 400 Ig Citizens, create a random name and THERE WE GO NEW LEADER HURRR BUHHH!

  4. OOC: Lavo, shutup for a minute please.

    In order for his planes to land, he could simply use the system the US Navy developed back in 1920 for their flying Carrier.

    He deploys a hook, the planes have a wire that gets deployed, the hook catches the wire, then they drag it back up.

    Ofcourse, Bi-planes, and jets are a big difference. Along with that, the simple fact is, this is a jet, a Blimp is more believable.

  5. Question. With LVN's Chart I will have WWII Tech, does that mean I can use WWII Designs such as say


    A Cooler B-2 Bomber Look alike with near unlimited range(back and forth), that can carry 8tons of bombs.

    (Designed in 1944 foos)

  6. the earth is flat in cnrp. lol

    So, then the Pacific Ocean does not connect and its impossible to sail around the world?


    Its obviously a spherical world or else gravity, and all other constants of the planet would fall apart, and we would fly.

    Damn, I always knew LeVentNoir and Tahoe were liars, this just confirms it /sarcasm

  7. OOC: Actually, the P-1000 Ratte would've been immensely vulnerable to attacks from air or artillery. It's tanks that can't kill it.

    OOC: The One I built a while back had Basic RADAR Guided AA Cannons, and a Pair of Howizters mounted on top, I doubt either of the two would be a threat, it was only decommed when Baron threw a Cruise Missile at it.

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