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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. We hope this leader does not incure the Wrath of Grunder Industries Boner Attack Craft.....

    OOC: Before you report me. I am just to lazy to type B1R, which when typed out is Boner. It is a Fighter based on the B-1 Bomber.

  2. Out of nowhere, undetected until the last moments, a rather small submarine surfaced next to them, with Martens' flag. The Kaiser exits the hatch, followed by Zamoyski. They climb aboard, smiling.

    "Welcome to Nordland. Heard you wanted to chat?"

    Kyu walks out of the Parlor, and smiles as he watches Martens walk up on deck and says

    It has been to long old Friend, please, come in, have a drink with us. There is someone else who would like to see you.

    He Motions into the room, and an older man, one who had long passed his expiration date stood up, and held out a glass. Jonothan had really aged, he was not Immortal, or Ageless like the others, but he still stood there, and Equal Among his Peers.

    God Damn you two, sit, have a drink

  3. The Mogami MK II was floating outside of Penemunde, with it, several important Guests. A Man walked onto the bridge of the Mogami, and looked at the land around him.

    Beautiful, it looks just like I last saw it. If only I had not been forced to hide all these years.

    He looked around at the Man who was standing behind him, with an worn, aged face, and said

    It seems odd, for us to be going to Martens, and for all three of us to be in the same room.

    The Older Man looked at the Younger Man and said

    Yes, after all those years of fighting, maybe this little "Idea" can end this pitiful blood fued between all three peoples, and give birth to a new Future.

    The Captain of the Ship walked in and said "Sir, we are ready to broadcast a message asking for Martens to meet us here, is that alright with you?"

    Yes, do it now, and let us hope he will join us for some drinks

    He Smiled, and walked into a Parlor with his Younger Friend, and said "Gentleman Jack with some Barqs?" The Younger Man's features were finally Visable, he looked like an Korean who had spent way to much time in the Sun, his pupils were red, as if Hell itself had manifested itself in this mans soul, and the Younger Man replied "That is fine, I hope our old Friend can meet us here."


  4. OOC: What's wrong with the Confederate flag? :huh:

    IC: The USB welcomes a fledging nation.

    OOC: Not to sure. I mean, alot of people, say the following

    "I am marching for freedom," Hervey said. "The battle flag stands for freedom and states' rights. The U.S. flag is the flag of slavery. It flew over 100 years of slavery, and Native Americans were annihilated under that flag."

    However, its all a Matter of Opinion. Also, technically this is the 3rd in Name......

    IC: Grunder Industries still maintains 99.9% of the Economy here. So there will be no real changes, other than a Flag, and a New Grunder/Native Run Government.

  5. West-Virginia.JPG

    Today, Grunder Industries has purchased the State of West Virginia, for a sum of 600 Billion Dollars. This, along with a new reform will allow a New Nation, hereby Known as the Confederate States of America to be born. It has very close ties with the Catholic Church, and will be a defender of its Parent Nation

    OOC: Cannot think of more, another RP is gouging my eyes out.

  6. Hans was walking down Norfolk, looking at a series of Concrete Buildings Grunder Industries had begun to build. They were huge, and inside, under the Canvas that covered them from Prying Eyes was a fearsome sight indeed. Many Coastal Cities, and areas along Rebel Virginia had been seeing buildings such as this pop up. Under the Canvas, was a 16" Gun Turret, one of nearly 68 being constructed in Norfolk alone. Soon this Economic Center, and Grunders Headquarters would be one of the most heavily defended spots in the World. Yorktown, Washington, Delmarva, many areas would soon feel the awesome Power that was Rebel Virginia, and see that Artillery really was King.

    OOC: This is for reference. A 16" Gun, when firing will paralyze nearby Humans outside of its Gun Carriage from fear, and the combined sound, and sight of it firing. If you had 12 16" guns firing at once, you could tip over a nimitz.

    yum yum yum


  7. After a long wait, the looks for the latest Saborian stealth airplane were made semi-public, though the stats are classified as of now.


    From what is known, its name will be SF Coyote II and it will act where the SF-2 Morgan cannot operate.

    General characteristics

    * Crew: 1 (pilot)

    * Length: 22.0 m (72 ft 2 in)

    * Wingspan: 14.2 m (46 ft 7 in)

    * Height: 6.05 m (19 ft 10 in)

    * Wing area: 78.8 m² (848 ft²)

    * Empty weight: 18,500 kg (40,786 lb)

    * Loaded weight: 26,000 kg (57,320 lb)

    * Useful load: 7,500 kg (16,535 lb)

    * Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg (81,571 lb)

    * Powerplant: 2× Bwaka AL-41F turbofan

    o Dry thrust: 96.1 kN (9,800 kgf, 21,605 lbf) each

    o Thrust with afterburner: 152 kN (15,500 kgf, 34,172 lbf) each


    * Maximum speed: Mach 2+ at altitude (2450+ km/h, 1,500 mph)

    * g-limits: 9 to 10 g)

    * Cruise speed: 1,300 km/h (807.8 mph)

    * Ferry range: 4,000 to 5,500 km (2,485 to 3,418 mi)

    * Service ceiling 20,000 m (65,617 ft)

    * Rate of climb: 350 m/s (68,898 ft/min)

    * Wing loading: 470 kg/m² (96.3 lb/ft²)

    * Thrust/weight: 0.84 (dry thrust)

    * Minimum thrust/weight:

    o With afterburner: 1.19

    * Runway length requirement: 350 m (1,148 ft)

    * Endurance: 3.3 hrs (198 mins)


    * Guns: 2× 30 mm internal cannon

    * Hardpoints: 7 Internal, 8 External Addons(Ruins Stealth)


    * Radar: N050(?)BRLS AESA/PESA Radar (Enhancement of IRBIS-E) on SU-35

    o Frequency: 3 mm (0.118 in)

    o Diameter: 0.7 m (2 ft 4 in)

    o Targets: 32 tracked, 8 engaged

    o Range: 400 km (248 mi)

    + EPR: 3 m² (32.3 ft²) at 160 km (99.4 mi)

    + RCS: 0.01 m² at 90 km (55 mi)

    + Azimuth: +/-70°, +90/-50°

    o Power: 4,000 W

    o Weight: 65 to 80 kg (143 to 176 lb)

  8. ooc: well after looking into the cost of the Iowa which was 125 million at the time of commissioning and adapted the figure to current money (using some funny math) so it's looking like 625 million.

    IC: We will provide Grunder with this ship for 600 million and also ask permission to use the designs for our own needs.

    IC: That is acceptable.

  9. Grunder Industries is interested in purchasing a New ship. However, your models are insufficient, so we would request that you would build this Vessel for us


    OOC: Technically, its a Battleship, but oh well... FEAR its 16 Inch Rocket Assisted Guided Shells!

  10. Grunder Industries proposes instead of your design listed, you use the Mogami Mk II Class Cruiser. Considering it has many advantages over your listed designs, and is smaller, and more economical to produce(Re:Kiev Class Carrier), you could possibly make more money off of it, and produce more at the same time.


  11. OOC: Dude are you serious, my old Somalian country doesn't exist anymore, the old leaders are all dead, and we are in Scandinavia now, what more do you want?

    OOC: ITS NOT YOU IM AFTER I AM JUST SECURING THE LAND NOW! JEEZ DID I EVER SAY I WAS ATTACKING ANYTHING? NOEZ, Well, actually, I did. I am Attacking Osea Proper, and bringing my people back home, well, whats left of them. those B-52-Rs are insurance PAC keeps its nose away, nothing like a good old fasioned Salvo of Missiles to keep people in check...

  12. I would be interested in purchasing production rights. We could wire the money to you upon your response.

    OOC: 80 Billion is the size of Chinas Military Budget..... Just for Reference.

    IC: If you wish.

  13. Unbuti was walking down the passage ways of General Resource Ltds Headquarters, it had been a long time coming. The Past months had been hard, non-stop work on building up an Armament to win the War that had yet to end. It required dealing with the Enemy, and building the enemy stuff to keep them from noticing, but it was worth it. All those B-52-R Bombers which had been secretly produced, and tied up production for the past month would finally be useful. A Taste of Hatred had gone down his throat every time he had to deal with those pit vipers in PAC, or those Pagans in Europe. It would soon be time to strike, and like the Noble Hound of Africa, Osea would rise up again, and fight for its allies, and against its enemies. Grunder had been a good front, it had been collecting resources, building weapons, continuing contracts all towards a purpose. It had allowed 10 B-52-R Aircraft to be produced, and to be armed. It had allowed 20 RFX-00 Maves to be produced, and tested onto Oseas Carrier, the Mogami Mk II to be fielded.((I ordered it way back from Centurius, it was under construction during the war)).

    War was enevitable, but this time the Warriors would be prepared, and the Angels would descend from heaven, and avenge the loss of their leader. Pity it was, Unbuti Thought, Aiden should have fled with the rest of the leadership, but instead he had decided to stay, and try to buy a little bit more time to allow for people to flee. It had been rumored that he had died in battle against an Einherjar, no one had confirmed it yet. His son was growing into a leader, but could not match his fathers Martial Prowess. Instead of the Traditional Armor which had dominated the Line for so long, he preferred some of that "Power Armor" like the RA's Standard Infrantry Man, but bulkier. Alas, he would probably not be like his father, but now he was Monarch Elect. Well, It was time to slog on. He Continued through the Corridors until he got to a Vast Chamber, thank god for the Pope he thought. Inside of it, built into a Mountain outside Spanishburg, West Virginia, a Massive Aircraft Hanger, with Doors, and even a Catapult to help launch Fighters. He looked along the vast walls of the Chamber, and saw the pride of the Fighting Force, 10 B-52 Bombers, all so heavily modified with Albative Coating, New Engines, ECM Generator, Electromagnetic Disruption Gears(Backup for if you EMP my $@!, they are in essence huge gears that absorb energy, keeping my engines from overheating, and absorbing your pulses), over 80 External Hardpoints, and the Internal Bomb Bay also refitted to carry UIM-119 Micro-Missile Pods. The Guntank was a fearsome Aircraft, but she was only 1 of her 10 sisters. They had been the testbed for the Bone-R Concept, and proved very useful, hence when it had been said they were scrapped, they were really kept. He looked into the Far Back, and saw the RFX-00s, such beautiful Aircraft, and so Powerful. Hopefully nothing would have to face them, there had been the RFX-01A on hand, but it was being saved for the final part of the Operation, incase things went downhill.

    "Oh well, heres for the future" he muttered, and continued to walk towards the meeting room.

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