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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. OOC: Blah, sorry for gravedig, but I had been busy, saw the PM a few days ago, and was going to reply, but everyone had it handled, and I figured it was a joke, now for a full time response.

    IC: The Leaflets are allowed to linger, and the crashed Aircraft is hurried away to Grunder Aeronautical Development for some research into its Airframe.

  2. A while back we were having a GATO brainstorm about what role we should seek once we are a free alliance again. We had a good range of differing opinions and some good debate both in the topic itself and elsewhere such as on IRC. I'd like to share one of my original posts below and then follow up with some additional thoughts that were the direct result of my discussions with fellow GATO members.

    Please keep in mind that these thoughts are simply my own ideas of where I'd like to see my alliance go. While some of these ideas received more support than others, GATO as a whole has not endorsed these ideas in any way shape or form.

    All right, there's the post. I hope you made it this far. :) Now for some additional comments:

    On idea #1, I proposed a 14 day cancellation time period but I recognize that such a long period may be a bit extreme. I'd be perfectly happy with a 7 day limit, but less happy with anything below that. Remember the point of this limit is to discourage creating a treaty with people who might abandon us at a later time, to provide us time to work out a situation diplomatically while we still have allies allied to us, and to give our military time to prepare if a war is inevitable.

    Also be very sure to note that all my ideas for these "better treaties" only apply to ones that contain a defensive element. Purely economic or friendship based treaties are excluded from many if not all those sub-points.

    The point of idea #2 is that a true friend has nothing to fear from a treaty. One might correctly suggest that a treaty shouldn't even be necessary in that case and I'd agree except for a few things. We all know that as players and alliances in CN we like to negotiate treaties it's fun after all, we all like to keep such agreements public knowledge as a warning to others and as a passive defensive, and lets face it, we all like to be noticed for doing things. :)

    Idea #3 generated many questions and opinions from my fellow GATOans. Would we have the military power to do such a thing? Would foreign, non-brown alliances, disparage us for attempting such a thing? Would the other alliances on brown cooperate with us, attempt to hinder us, or want no part of the idea and ignore it? Etc.

    I do believe in time we will have the military strength to accomplish the defense of brown, assuming that foreign alliances don't meddle with brown in a lame attempt to disrupt GATO or draw us into a war.

    As for working with other brown alliances, I think it would certainly be possible. GATO has no interest in "owning" brown in the way the NPO "owns" red. I believe that a defended brown would both make it a safer place for all brown alliance, and provide all of us with more and better trade opportunities. Joint defense of a color might very well be more difficult than NPO style exclusive ownership, but I think the rewards of more trades, more potential members, and closer relationships with other brown alliances makes it more than worth the effort for GATO.

    Anyway there you have it. Feel free to discuss these ideas but please, this is not a topic about GWI, GWII, GWIII or any other war really. It is also not about the lives, actions, decisions, or "deaths" of any past or present GATO members. And yes, you know who I mean.

    Finally it is worth noting that this is the first non-introduction post to the Honor in Justice blog. BarbulaM1 created the blog a bit ago and later invited me to post along side him. We will likely cross post all our articles to the OWF for increased visibility (finding a random blog is of course difficult). The blog itself will serve as a great archive of all thought provoking topics.

    Thanks for your time and don't forget to comment.


    I love you

  3. FAN would rapidly grow to an Insane Beast as many other people rerolled, joined them, their hardcore Fanatics would come back, and Atrophis would rule the world :awesome: then we would all have Pretzels, and it would be one perfect world, with a hell of alot more guns...

  4. I, for one, would be completely in favor of using the imperial standard of black, white, and red. In fact I do use in in the guides I create on our forums.

    Stick with it, its the best flag, and has none of this Post-Modern &*&^ Jazz on it. It is Simple, Elegant, and well, Perfect...

  5. Richard was walking through the hall, gathering up some of the various images on the walls. They were of Bacteria, some of the most fearsome in History. One of them, he remembered when it was uncurable, Smallpox. It had been a long time since the Vaccinations for Smallpox had been handed out (IRL 1960s Africa was finally vaccinated), but recent developments had led to new Mutations, more fearsome versions. Several Samples had been kept over the years, and worked on to create cures for other diseases, but now, now there would be a Weaponized Version(The Soviets did it in the 1960s, and 1970s in response to "other" Biological Weapons). It would have to be strong, and it would have to awnser the Threat that other nations posed on West Virginia.

    Data on it had been sent to West Virginia's allies, and it would soon be working on a New Version to help its Missiles, and Rebel Virginia's missiles rain down hell on their enemies(Quite Litterally Hell, Smallpox could easily end all Human Life :/ )

    OOC: In Essense, Weaponized Smallpox+Missile+Target=Dead Area. There is no cure, there are only Vaccines. Chola, Nikanov, and Rebel_Virginia are the only states other than myself that know about this. -

  6. This is over. We are not bandwagoning, as you put it, and our comrade is NOT a terrorist. And we would like to inquire how you know what our definition of terrorism is when you have never been to the country. We are confident that you will never get out of your continent so we have no worries of an attack.

    Say that in about 8 Hours, when 10 B-52-R Aircraft fly over your Nation, and force your Airforce out of the Skies. You lack any right to even attempt to fight a war with any Nation involved. You have no Treaties, and you have no Obligation, you are just seeking to "kick him while hes down". Have fun with 800 Pound Bombs raining down.

    Total Attack Force

    10 B-52-R Bombers

    1 RFX-01 Fighter

    2 B-52 Tankers

  7. No, we do not tolerate terrorism of any kind. This is terrorism.

    How is fighting a War Terrorism? By your Definition over half of the world is engaged in Terrorism on a Daily Basis. One of your Comrades Stockpiles Biological Weapons, and is by your Definition a Terrorist. Admit it, you are bandwagoning.

  8. You have already wasted your surprise by announcing this much.

    Not really, since you still do not know what to expect. For all you know we could be building Chemical Oxygen Iodine Lasers around the Country, or we could be building a New Type of AWACs System that will fly over Virginia, and West Virginia.

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