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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Grunder Industries files a lawsuit with the UFE over the infringement of their Patent on the Scram Jet/Pulse Detonation Engine Format.

    When we gave you permission to manufacture and inspect the RFX-01 Model Aircraft, along with produce it, we did not include rights to remove its engine unit, and use it in newer Aircraft.

  2. Today, unveiled on National Television a Grunder Industries Spokesperson has announced a New Fire-proof Paste that can be used for insane temperatures. For a dramatic demonstration for the media and the military, he made a thin mask of the material, put it over his face, and aimed a specialized blowtorch at thousands of degrees directly at the mask. The temperature was intentionally much hotter than the temperatures reached by the Space Shuttle on reentry. A thermometer located between his face and the mask measured no appreciable temperature change below the mask after nearly ten minutes, and the integrity of the material stood strong.

    Grunder Industries is protective of ingredients for the concoction, but during a segment aired Today on Discovery Channel's daily news show Daily Planet, they revealed one secret to be Diet Coke. Images from electron microscopes show that the particles in the paste are very porous, which makes it a good insulator. Other tests showed the paste contained lithium and bromine, bound into compounds in the paste. Microscopically, it looks like a diatom absorbent, such as kitty-litter or any common industrial oil absorbent.

    They have announced that they will begin to package the paste in 1 Pound Canisters, and sell it around the world, for a fee of $50 Per Pound.

  3. As the Naked man begins to run through the courtyard of Parkersburg(Yes, real town), the people of town begin to walk out of their houses wondering "Oh lord, why is there a Naked man in our town? HOLY CRAP GET THE KIDS INSIDE DON'T LET THEM SEE!!!" The Men began to grab their pitchforks, and shotguns and surround the Naked Man.

  4. Those threads are still here, they are simply not stickied. The only complaint I can see here is that you now have to share the Fantasy RP forum with others who might want to RP outside of "CNRP" which is easily circumvented by placing a CNRP designation in your thread subtitle.

    What is the particular issue?

    People being Elitist/Non Sharing.

    If you would like to differentiate from the threads, use the old CNRP tags from 06.

    In the Sub-Title you would put <CNRP>

  5. I need a list of things for a Video Project I wish to do using an engine.

    First, I would need a National Airforce Logo for someone who wishes to join.

    Second, I would need a Trans-Atmopheric Fighter Lineart. Please, something not blatently ripped from an Anime. No Screenshots, or stuff like that.


    is an example of what I need.

    Third, I need a design from your Nation, of what a Planetary Craft would look like(Say Mining the Solar System, travelling from Earth to Mars, etc, etc)

    Now, your probably asking, what do I gain from this?

    A Spot in a small 3d Machanima I am working on. You want more? Add in yer voice when I get to that stage.

  6. I will not lie, the F/A-22 has several features that are great. namely

    * Stealth

    * Thrust Vectoring

    * Its a frigging computer

    However, the F-35, by all accounts is just trying to do to much. It would be like creating an swiss army knife that had a bazooka, and ak-47 built in. then, dont even get me started on the cost.


    On to the EMP Subject.

    Sure, fire away, here let me jump in my draken, and watch as you go QQ while I go Pew-Pew in your base because I don't rely on electronics.

  7. That is actually partially propaganda on my side. 'Course it isn't impenetrable and someone with the right tactics could get through. But it's hard, and you have to do it right. Possibly like what you described there.

    /prepares the fleet of 1 winged F-15s

  8. I know, but I'm talking about a 1987 squadron vs. a 2010 plane. People say the one plane wins simply because there is 23 years between the two different aircrafts. It happens alot and I see it. Just because someone says they have modern planes they can just win a dogfight simply because thier planes are modern. No strategy involved...might I add.

    The last war was terrible with it. Should aircraft strategy, formations, positioning, and environment play an effect on this game?

    If it did play a part it would be a much better game. For instance.

    Lynneth has a Anti-Air Network that he claims is unstoppable. I admit, there are very few reasons I would ever want to have to tackle it, but if forced into a conflict with him via my Parent State Rebel Virginia, I would have a certain strategy to go about it. I would use a tactic developed in vietnam called the Wild Weasel, which is where you use one Aircraft as bait(Usually a Bomber Formation) to determine where your enemies RADAR and SAM installations are, while a squadron of low flying Aircraft(less than 50 meters above the ground) goes in with Unguided or Guided Munitions, and hits the sites, thus disabling the enemies Air Defenses.

    In Dogfighting, yet again tactics should play a part in my mind, but that is because I know more about tactics, say someone like Lavo was against someone like say James Wilson, Lavo would eat him alive, even with Inferior Aircraft because Lavo would use manuvers and tactics that are used in real life against adversaries. If you got an Aircraft behind me, and I was flying a J-35 Draken I would use something called the Cobra to make you fly past me, while I use my superior agility to get a lock on you, and get out of dodge after I fired off a shot.

    So, in effect, they should, but shouldn't.

    Tactics should be an offset to Technology. You can have superior technology and retarded pilots.

  9. I have no problem RPing modern aircraft...its the peeps who say they've got 2010 aircraft and think its a hell of alot better because its 2 years past me...

    Last time I checked, 1987 aircraft are just as effective as some current models.

    They are the current models

    This is why I don't custom build anything. I'd rather just use actual military technology then make tiny tweaks as my tech level goes up.

    I mostly use Modern Aircraft as a Basis of of models. My Mainstay, the MiF is a extensive F-15 modification for higher speeds and a heavier load. Unfortunatly that caused a massive reduction in turning.

  10. This is a response to Coby Sebs assumptions about Aircraft.

    First, let us go to engines.

    Almost All Aircraft since the 1970s in American Inventory have used the same engine under different Modification, the F101 General Electric Turbofan.(B-1 Lancer, F-16, F-14, B-2 Spirit, Lockheed U-2) that engine alone, generates enough thrust for everything I need. Then considering the next two engines in Aviation Development(American Side) the General Electric YF120 Turbofan began testing as part of the YF-23 and YF-22 Programs. It lost to the Pratt & Whitney F119 Engine in the competition, but instead was converted into the General Electric/Rolls-Royce F136 Engine for the JSF Program. Since the F/A-22's engine's first test run was in the early 80s, as part of the Program, the Pratt & Whitney F119, and General Electric YF120 are both capable for service for anyone who wants to use them prior to 1987. Now, should you wish to go Russian Side, they have been using the Saturn AL-31 Turbofan Engine for all Sukhoi Jet Fighters since the SU-27 took flight in 1977. The AL-31 is capable of thrust vectoring, it is an overall good engine.

    Secondly, let us go to Avionics.

    The APG-63 Avionics Package built into the F-15 Fighters is the standard for most Aircraft today(Design wise). It was first fielded in 1973, it provides the radar support for the entire aircraft.

    Thirdly, let us go to Missiles.

    Omm nom nom nom, the AIM-9 Sidewinder. Such an old little thing there aint she? Started Production in 1953. Currently, the USAF uses the AIM-9R Sidewinder, developed in 1987.

    Ohh, the AIM-7 Sparrow, the AIM-7D in 1959, AIM-7F in 1976, or AIM-7M 1982(What is used today). I do not even feel like posting that entire argument.

    Currently the only thing that was out of service is the AIM-120 AMRAAM. It was first introduced in 1991. It had been tested in the 1980s, and used by a A-10 in 1982 as part of a test firing.


    So, Herro. I think I have just laid out all of the arguments against custom Aircraft.

    Oh yea, Physics. Forgot all about Physics.

    If you develop something like say this


    and expect it to fly against something like say this?


    I would put my money on the F-15 with one wing. I am pretty sure anyone else who knows something about Aircraft would tend to agree.

  11. OOC: I don't see you in the Database, plus you just got a brand new nation, so I doubt your planes are worth a tenth of others considering any tech you may have had.

    OOC: Would you like me to Post the Battle Reports so you can SEE how much tech I had when the war began? I had enough for the early 80s, which is all you need if you know how Aircraft are to be designed, and wish to design one. Of course, you did not realize that almost of todays Aircraft(including the F-22) was designed in the 80s.

  12. OOC: *Claps* I have the F-15! Good job man. You still don't get the point. I'm not trying to support this plane, just saying that you can't build planes of that technological level.

    OOC: I am sure when you looked at my nation to determine that you also missed the fact that I am getting tech raided.

  13. OOC: You don't have better planes than Taeunas. I'll give you the other stuff. But 38 tech planes, even with tech sharing, are nowhere near 'the ultimate in air superiority.' Seriously, that's a huge load.

    EDIT- Tags.

    EDIT 2- Forgot about #2. No. See reason above.

    OOC: I have been sick.

    1. If they are all designed like that? I can win with MiG-15s. Those right there would fall out of the sky the moment they tried to turn.

    2. Have you even paid attention to any of the Aircraft I have had up for Export? Considering they are designed by hand to be Air Superiority Aircraft, using Physics, and Lessons learned previously(in most cases) they are, and will be superior to any of the crap designs people pull out of Animes, and real Life.(Oh, don't go QQ I got the F-35. The F-35 is a huge piece of crap. The AVB Harrier II can out preform it if need be. Then your going to go QQ I has the F/A-22... Oh, wow, you got a computer with wings and thrust vectoring. *Claps* Its engines are the only good part about it from a design standpoint.)

    If you want the best Air Superiority Craft ever, well non Grunder, look at the F-15.

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