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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. tyre.gif

    Tyre Mk IV

    Engine: Fusion 165 Standard

    Armor: Ferro-Aluminum


    4x Ultra AC/10

    8x Missile Hardpoints

    Communications: Masters 400

    Targeting and Tracking: DST Model 316/4

    The latest of modern designs by Hughes, the Tyre is the ultimate in air superiority[1]. It's small and manuerverable at high speeds. With a max speed of Mach 2.55[2], it can close with or outrun almost anything else on the market. It carries eight air to air missiles, in any configuration required. Outfit for long ranger interceptor missions, medium range air superiority fights, or short range defensive combat. [/i]With dual UAC/10's in each wing and 1000 rounds for each gun, this baby can dogfight to a win and still be home in time for dinner.[/i][3]

    The two older production models of the Tyre can still be produced, if there are countries that wish to buy them. Any such sales will have to be approved by the Foreign Ministry.

    Grunder Industries begins to pick apart at the lies and slander on this

    [1] Ultimate in Air Superiority? You must have missed the RFX-02 Missile Truck, or BONER Type Aircraft. (B1R) Along with the RFX-Line of Aircraft in General. They are unmatched in dogfights, and if the Nordic War proved anything, only Grunder Aircraft can Kill Grunder Aircraft.

    [2]Mach 2.55? Our Slowest Intercepter Does Mach 2.9 We have 19 of them on the Market.

    [3]1000 Rounds? Why our GAU-8 Cannons fire a higher calibur round, and a larger loadout of Munition. For a Design such as yours, using 4 Cannons, you really have underpowered it.

  2. Company Name: Grunder Industries

    Company Nation: The Union of West Virginia, and Ohio, or Shortly West Virginia.

    Industry/Sector: Technology and Military Applications

    BoAT or AITC: BoAT

    Floor(s): Any Floors, preferrably the Top 9 Floors

    Special Note : We would like to purchase, or rent out the Top Nine Floors of the tower in order to create a Museam for the lower Four, that have to be walked through so that people can see the various Models of Aircraft Designed by Grunder Industries. This will allow for tourism for the tower, along with an increase in business for other Companies that rent/buy space because we attract large spenders, who wish to gain Quality Aircraft.

  3. Despite the name change we still regard this shamble of "people" as terrorists. We do not recognise this "nation".

    West Virginia makes a statement to her American Allies

    White Altea, or Atlantea as it wants itself to be known as has stepped on many toes, it is now far away, and should be put out of our minds. We have larger, and more important problems at this moment, and should be working towards a New Era within the American Continent

  4. We wonder why exactly is West Virginia completely isolating the former Altean territory? Such operations seem to be pretty pointless.

    EDIT: And chiefly, an utter waste of money and potential income.

    Because, we have a plan.

    Our soldiers will instead be preforming large psycological training inside of the territory.

    Yes, we know we have to level several major cities. We have FAEBs for that.

  5. Does West Virginia pay by the hour or salary? The citizens of Boomtown are open to pursuing employment offers on this venture.

    Salary. Daily Pay is determined by the amount of work done.

    They haven't decided yet, actually.

    Phase One is happening while they evacuate.

  6. After a long, and hard debate, the Government of West Virginia has come up with a solution. It shall start in a series of Phases as part of Project IRON.

    Phase 1. All Buildings, and Roads shall be completely destroyed. A Large Amount of Foreign Workers shall need to be hired to get this completed within 3 Months.

    Phase 2. A Giant Chainlink Fence, with a Concrete Fence infront of it, and a Barbed Wire Fence spanning the gap between the two shall have to be constructed around the Borders of the Former State of Altea. There shall be 15 Guard Stations beyond the view of the Interior built into the Concrete Wall, they shall be the only ways in and out.

    Phase 3. ????(Seriously Its Classified, I will only tell people at a later date)

    Phase 4. Soldiers run around in the Nature Preserve dressed like Monsters


    Phase 5. We Watch as a New Civilization Emerges.

  7. OOC: You could ask Ranather or Lavo_2. They're generous with giving away land.

    OOC: I already asked Lavo on his behalf.

    Rj says:that pocket of Iran that is yours

    Rj says:can Atlea have it??

    Rj says:the protectorate

    Lavo says:%#$@ no

    Rj says: %$#@

    Lavo says:I made the mistake of giving him land once

    Lavo says:I'm not doing it again

    Rj says:Oh, I did not know that

    Rj says:Let me see who else I can talk to

  8. Prove it. If you truly think us hippies, then you undoubtedly believe we'll never use it.

    Out of curiosity, just who would you consider a neutral party?

    To us? Rebel Army? Rockport? Naboo.

    Again, how is a report about pollution important to your security?

    Grunder Industries foundation is built on the happiness of our workers, if they are unhappy, and sick we cannot maintain the Internal Stability of the Nation. Being unstable would threaten our security, and provide an attempt for foreign agents to further destabilize us by plotting Rebellion.


    Grunder Paratroopers are now completely wiped out, and a series of the "Department of the Airforce Regrets" Telegrams has been printed out, and is being dispersed among the families.

  9. Yes, well, I could take RV if he were alone, but Mergerberger(sp?) II is helpin him, so I'm outta luck. Thanks, RV.

    Go to Somalia, I hear its great this time of year :P

    Noooooooo! I wanted Greece!

    j/k, I'll take any land that isn't on Antarctica.

    Come Chill with meh :P

  10. As the Squadron began to approach the Ohio River, and Cross it, 2 Fourships of RFX-04 Missile Trucks began to take off to also provide a little extra punch. They were expected to cross the border within 5 Minutes.


    The Paratroopers were getting slaughtered, but began to call out Code Orange. They began to wear their Assault Gear, full with Gas Masks for Psycological Effects for the next few raids, in order to scare the Altean Attackers when the Paratroopers launched counter assaults. They got the order finally, after nearly two thirds of their numbers were lost to pull back to Parkersburg, and let Phase 2 of the Operation begin.

  11. OOC: I think it looks like an F-15, but I could be wrong.


    No, just no.

    OOC: I think it's closer to an SU-30.


    Wrong, the SU-30 is not even an Airframe, its called the SU-27 Airframe. The SU-30 is just a upgraded name.

    It is a MANTA Aircraft(Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft) that uses a system of custom designed intakes for better turning, and then a better rear design to allow for better dogfighting, and evasion abilities. Unless you have some God-forsaken YF-23's, or something from the books of Yukizuki, in short, you have a shmall chance in hell. Why? because I use custom designs that use the laws of Physics, and Badassery to Kick Opponents to the curb, or, make cash :P


    For Reference to an F-15.

  12. But pot smoke pollutes the air. No one likes to get high off the pot fumes in the air.

    The Average Car, such as those in other nations pollutes the Air nearly 16,000 Times more than a Joint. Considering we here in West Virginia use an advanced System of Underground Electric Trains to connect our Mountain Cities, along with a Clean Hydroelectric Power Supply. We barely contribute to the Carbon Footprint, compared to our enemies.

  13. OOC: Best post ever imo.


    Forvenge is confused as to West Virginia's Casus Belli. Environmentalism is a huge issue, but war for green peace is hypocritical.

    IC: We like our workers to be happy. If one cannot smoke their pot on a nice clean, clear riverside Mountain Fortress, how can one be happy?

  14. //Charleston Airfield

    The 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, flying SF-2B's prepare to take off.

    They were held back with their brakes right by the underground hanger, and let their afterburners kick up until they were released, the sheer force of it throwing them into the Air with only a good 130 Yard Runway. They soon began to take a Fourship Formation, flying in a Diamond to increase their signature, and appear as a lone bomber over Airspace. The Flight lead, Kallen, looked to her left, and saw Richie flying second. The 23rd was the best of the best, they had been with Grunder ever since the exodus from Arabia, now they would really get to test their mettle, not like the last war against the Anarchist Scum



    Words of a Ceasefire, after the slander given to the International Community is not possible. You have to renounce your claim that Grunder, the single most environmentalist Nation in North America polluted the Ohio River.

    OOC: An SF-2B, I developed it a while back for sale, here is a refresher.


    General characteristics

    * Crew: 2

    * Length: 21.935 m (72.97 ft)

    * Wingspan: 14.7 m (48.2 ft)

    * Height: 6.36 m (20.85 ft)

    * Wing area: 62.0 m² (667 ft²)

    * Empty weight: 17,700 kg (39,021 lb)

    * Loaded weight: 24,900 kg (54,900 lb)

    * Max takeoff weight: 34,500 kg (76,060 lb)

    * Powerplant: 2× AL-31FL low-bypass turbofans

    o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each

    o Thrust with afterburner: 12,500 kgf (122.58 kN, 27,560 lbf) each


    * Maximum speed: Mach 2.0 (2,120 km/h, 1,320 mph)

    * Range: 3,000 km (1,620 nmi) at altitude

    * Service ceiling 17,300 m (56,800 ft)

    * Rate of climb: 230 m/s (45,275 ft/min)

    * Wing loading: 401 kg/m² (82.3 lb/ft²)

    * Thrust/weight: 1.0


    12 Hardpoints

    * Guns: 1× GSh-30-1 gun (30 mm caliber, 150 rounds)

    * AAMs: 6× R-27ER1 (AA-10C), 2× R-27ET1 (AA-10D), 6× R-73E (AA-11), 6× R-77 RVV-AE(AA-12)

    * ASMs: 6× Kh-31P/Kh-31A anti-radar missiles, 6× Kh-29T/L laser guided missiles, 2× Kh-59ME

    * Aerial bombs: 6× KAB 500KR, 3× KAB-1500KR, 8× FAB-500T, 28× OFAB-250-270

  15. OOC: I wave my might GM Staff of Lightning, Destruction, and Secksi and your post is scrubbed.

    There is no way you moved that many soldiers from the Arabian peninsula in the matter of half a day. One, no one has that many transport planes (okay fine, maybe one of the super powers but even then, jet lag would be really bad for your soldiers). Two, moving them to a place where they can be easily moved out takes at least a day to a day and a half. Loading them on naval ships takes another half a day or so. Then you're looking at probably a week long journey home.

    Your boys in Arabia are still down there.

    OOC: The Valkyr, if mass produced could do it in 4 hours.

  16. OOC: Godmoding, I never agreed to let you post this.

    IC; Altea has no factories on the Ohio River. One then must wonder if Grunder Industries was, in fact, polluting the Ohio River as ACIA Intel suggests.

    OOC: Half of the river is mine, I can claim that, and considering public opinion is more or less going to be swayed by Grunder Industries, which has for a long time been a beacon of Stability, and Unbiasedness through its sales, and development projects. I can pretty much fabricate whatever I want, and people will believe it.

    If anyone ATTEMPTS to enter the Ohio Valley, which will soon be occupied, they would be shot without clearance.

    IC: West Virginia laughs at these weak claims, and invites Western Republic, Rockport/IW Investigators, and Cain investigators to look at the water, and prove this to the world.

  17. OOC: Who told you that nation was polluting the water? Besides, some of the pollution might have came from my nation in acid rain.

    OOC: I said it. If you wish to repute my claims, go investigate the Ohio River yourself. go ahead, it seems like you think that the CB has to be 100% Valid, its not, and your not paying attention to the fact that he put troops on MY Border, ASKING for THIS retaliation and pre-emptive strike.

    IC: Because you are not polluting our River with your green sludge.

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