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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. 1 Week Ago, Ohio River, West Virginia

    It was a calm day on the Ohio River. Grunder Industries began to survey the River on their side for purposes unknown. It was rumored that they wanted to turn a stretch of it into a new lake, or water runway, it was all unknown. A surveyor began to fill his canteen with water from the river, it was supposed to be rich, clean, and perfect for ones health thanks to the runoffs of fresh snow water from the Mountains of West Virginia, but instead, there was a greenish-brown, smelly, sludge as one could call it. He did not even take a sip, but instead sent it to the Chemical Labs for testing. Another man, the Foremen of this expedition looked to the other side of the River, and saw the problem. Altea, it had built factories, and other dirty devices along the River, and was spewing its filth into what was once rumored to be the cleanest river in west Virginia.


    16 Observation Zeppelins were prepared for a long term mission over hostile skies, behind them, 20 C-130s began to load up with Paratroopers for the mission. The Paratroopers were dressed in red and brown, to make it seem as if a Communist Invasion was happening. They began to take off as 20 more F-14 Tomcats began to take up the support of them. The Aircraft began to cross the river, and the Invasion in Ernest began. While this was happening, a simple message went out to the world.


    "Altea is destroying the Natural Beauty of our great land, and cannot fathom the extremities of our methods to keep pollution down. In their short time in North America, they have destroyed one of our greatest treasures, the Ohio River. Not only that, but they had mobilized troops along our border, and the border of our Sister, Rebel Virginia. This cannot be tolerated, thus Altea must be destroyed"

  2. *Private note to Grunder Industries*

    Saboria is interested in participating in creating this plane. It would revolutionize travel.

    Would there also be a possibility of using it or a similar design for military purposes?

    *A Returned Memo, delivered by hand*

    Of course, we ARE Grunder Industries of course.

    Whilst final specifications would be required, we believe we should be capable of accomodating such a craft.

    We expect it to be roughly the size as a An-225 Transport Specifications, for the AN225 If Needed

    Rockport has already planned, designed and built a fleet of hypersonic passenger planes.

    You have, no one else has. We are working towards a Free for all version.

    OOC: 700%! isn't that 600% over the theoretical maximum!

    OOC: I have not sold a single Aircraft since 2 months ago....

  3. The first design for the Valkyr has been submitted by an unnamed source with Grunder Industries, it is rumored that the Sand Dune team is behind the design.

    <Image Withheld for Security Reasons.

    OOC: Keep in mind, the Valkyr is like the Concord+XB-70+Space Shuttle Enterprise, all of which were developed in the 70s. However, due to the nature of this design, and the work for its engines, development of this shall last for 2 weeks, which should range to around 8 IC Months.

    OOC Edit - According to Triyun, someones been in my Photobucket, stealin mah pics.

  4. Jonothan was walking down the passageways of Grunder Industries headquarters, with a report in his hand. Sales were down nearly 700% in the lads fiscal Quarter. Wars had become less and less rare, the Weapons Industry was becomming something of the past, so a new Idea began to flow through Grunders Technical Department. A Civilian Liner, that could get anywhere in the world in less than 5 Hours. It was genius, but there were many problems. Grunder Industries had no experience in Civilian Aircraft, of course, it had designed some very "Awesome" aircraft in its day, but it had designed nothing that could come close to the comfort, and affordability of the 747.

    They had a solution, they began to look at the RFX-01(B-1R) Program, and another, older Program the XB-70 Program and came up with an Idea. Using research that had been done nearly a decade ago, on the Global Recesse Strike Aircraft, or LONGREACH Program, they had come up with an idea for a Aircraft that could do the job. However, its prototypes were lost in the Collapse of the First Osean State.

    Then they began to look at the RFX-04 Program, and finally began to work on a rough technical drawing.

    Now, the call was going out to other nations, what nations would allow this future bird to land in their Airports, and ferry passengers around the world, at low cost, and extremely fast?

  5. Some land in the Caribbean is opening up soon (It's mine now and I need it gone) so, if you're interested, you can get (Very soon) Cuba, Hispanola, and some of those islands around there. :awesome:

    I offer to purchase that land. 6 Million Cookies, and 1 Million Glasses of Milk.

  6. Today, inside of Charleston, a Hanger began to open to reveal the newest of Grunder Industries Global Strike Aircraft. The RFX-04 LRSI(Long Range Strike Intercepter) Craven has been revealed to the General Public. Based off of an Older Airframe, the SR-71 Blackbird, the RFX-04 is a Weaponized Version that has had much of its interior gutted, to make room for an Armament of missiles in an interior bay. Along with that, its engines have been overhauled to allow for much better fuel mileage, and now accept the Grunder Standard Fuel, GSF-6, which is essetially Moonshine.


    The RFX-04 LRSI Craven will be available for sale to select nations. Its nearly unlimited range, and ability to carry missiles to any part of the globe should make it a hit among smaller nations.(Requires 1968 Tech)

  7. Skimming this briefly, it reminds me of the previous Essays, and other things that have been written to serve the same purpose. As a "Attempted Civilized" attack on Vox Populi.

    It shall sit in the corner of my desk, unread forever more until it hits the Recycle bin, lets hope my Secretary does not read it, and try to give me a full perspective on what everyone has said here.

    I am disappointed in you Count da Silva, however, I hope that you have a great time in whatever the future brings you, be it War, or Peace.

  8. It was a calm morning over Richmond as a flight of Heuys began to fly overhead, with Speakers attached to their side(Refer to

    for an idea, but without missiles n crap firing) and began to play Ride of the Valkyries as a supersonic boom was heard overhead. A woman looked overhead, and saw a flight of Fighters fly overhead. They were painted with the Rebel Virginia Flag, with a Band of Steel, and a Hammer overtop, the Icon of Grunder Industries. they passed overhead, and she waved. It was pointless though, they would never see her.


    Each Four-Ship began to break off, and drop little tanks which exploded into the National Colors of Rebel Virginia, and fell harmlessly to the ground. The Fourships then split up again, into pairs, and began to weave in and out of close proximity of each other, with meter feet inbetween them in an Acrobatics show to show off their prowess.

    OOC: I show down 11 Fighters with only 1 Loss today in a War XD

  9. So, I could possibly be in the wrong forum for this, if so, I apologize, however, I have been wondering about something. I have been looking on the "Wars Screen" for The Centurion Brotherhood, and I have noticed, without a doubt, that you either have

    A. Ghosting Problems


    B. No respect for the continued Solidarity of the Red Team, via the Red Protection Sphere(I forget which Doctrine it is, but I know that I <3 it).

    Normally, I would not post this in a general area, or even mull around about it, but recently, I have become angered. I was just unbanned from Cybernations, and started doing Tech Deals to grow again, and even last time, it was always The Centurion Brotherhood who raided me while I was on red.

    So, I am going to ask, in PUBLIC Eyes, can you please reign in your tech raiders, and give me back that 1 million you stole from me, or simply watch as I burn the wretched excuse for a Tech Raider who did not even go into DEFCON One when he hit me, then pummel him into oblivion, instead of going to the NPO for protection, and getting them to help me?

    - Love, SGA-Ford/Aiden Ford, that extremely hateable guy, who always calls out alliances for random mistakes, and goes with the flow.

  10. "That is excellent, we might be able to send a few older B-52's to bring home our men." The President continued blabbering, awestruck, when another Man, in a Suit walked in "Evening Gentleman, I see the 'President' has been taking advantage of his office, and I heard the news from downstairs. I am the represenative from Grunder, we are wishing to see what Infrastructure is left, and what we can do to rebuild, and reconnect ties with our former branches."

  11. Due to the Lack of a Modern, and Electrical Capital Building, the meeting will take place in the Charleston Theater.

    "Hello, It has been a long time since anyone has visited our fair Nation. We must ask, we have not had much news since the beginning of the Issurection. How did the War go? How are our Troops in the Ruins of Forstellen? Are they alive, if so, can we please book flights home for them?"

  12. Sooo, it looks like I am back in the land of the Living.

    I am looking for Long Term Tech Deals. Meaning the Following.

    A. This will last more than one tech Deal, in order for either party to Cancel, they will have to give a 10 day notice.

    B. This keeps lets you get security.


    Why choose West Virginia?

    A. We are located on the Scenic Red Team, meaning that we are protected by the Big, Bad NPO

    B. West Virginia is known around Planet Bob in the Alliance Spectrum because of its Illustrius Leader, Aiden Ford(Formerally SGA-Ford)

    C. Because, we melt Face.


    Anyone wishing to engage in business, may use this Nifty Link to my Nation. Now remember people, girls like guys who buy from Aiden.

  13. 11Pm, Eastern Time.

    For the First Time, in 15 Weeks, the Lines to West Virginia have been restored. However, it was found that an Internal Civil Dispute between Natives, and Grunder Industries had caused the dispute.

    ((~Nation wont let me login, it reads as banned on the game still, but I am back. This is a heads up.))

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