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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Rights are for sale, but Exclusive Production is not.

    80 Billion Pounds for Rights.

    OOC: USNA, that includes the Payload, which if you think about it is 432 Micro Missiles, which are expensive in their own right due to the fact that they are well, hard to manufacture.

    For Reference


  2. OOC: Just a question, are these aircraft up for order or are you just putting this stuff up for some other reason?

    OOC: This is up for grabs, people can buy them in Pairs, at a Price of 40 billion Pounds Per Aircraft. Plus, I am putting them up now, so when they are used in the future, people do not !@#$%* o_O

  3. If it helps at all Ford, I don't expect them to be invincible. When all is said and done, they are just scrap metal.

    What I meant was, mix around. Keeping an Airforce of all 1 Fighter is not very smart. Refer to Iraq, they had a large Airforce, but it was all MiG-23s, no Versitility there, and thus they got eaten alive by the USAF.

  4. Today, as crowds were still asking about the RFX-01 Type Fighter, another Aircraft, larger and more powerful than any known Fighter, Bomber, or Aircraft in general was unveiled. The RFX-02 Nwyrve Attacker Aircraft. While not a necissarly new Airframe, it is a completely new Aircraft designed to completely, and utterly destroy all Opposing Aircraft in flight.

    With a Proposed Payload of either 48 Conventional Missiles, or 288 UIM-119 Micro Missiles. Along with an Internal Payload for up to 24 Missiles, and 144 UIM-119s, the RFX-02 Nwyrve is going to be a Long Range Attacker, with a range of 4,000 Miles, it could easily either sit in its home Airspace for Days, or Take the Fight to the Enemy. Being able to Ripple, or fire its Payload one by one, it could easily, in pairs be able to eliminate, and control the skies for its Owner.



    While the Operational Costs are high, and the costs of arming the RFX-02 Nwyrve is higher than that of other fighters, and bombers, it is an Aircraft that can, and will ensure the skies are never taken.

  5. OOC: Aiden, are you still in my country using stuff to produce things? I don't seem to remember the end of our last IRC convo. Let me know.

    OOC: Well, my views towards the scum that is PAC has gotten me banned from the IRC. Currently I use a host of nations, mainly those that contract me to produce parts. Then I ship them to an area for assembly, of course, I am not enough to build the plane in saboria, and ship it to Nordland...

  6. "I wonder if it is possible to start producing this right away, for the war."

    The Airframe, and engines can begin production immedietly, however we have to await further reports from Asia, and North America before the Avionics Packages can be mass produced. You however, can produce them in your own factories.

  7. A Few Months Ago(Osean/Nordlandic War), a Aircraft known as the RFX-00 Mave was unvieled, and used in combat against Nordic Forces. Several Weeks after the War, Nordland contracted Grunder Industries/General Resource Ltd to create a fighter of Equal Statistics, and using the Same Weapons Systems as the RFX-00. The RFX-01 Program was Born. The RFX-01 has been in Testing, and Design for the past month, and has only recently, with the finalization of its UIM-119 Micro Missiles System, from Grunder Industries Arabia, been deemed ready for unveiling, and production. Two Versions, the RFX-01A Prototype, and RFX-01B Production Version have been designed. Both using the same systems, except for the RFX-01A's more advanced datagathering, and storage devices.


    The RFX-1A in Flight. It uses its RAMJET/Pulse Detonation Engines to move at Mach 1, and then uses its suspension gears to move its wings into a Delta Position to allow it to manuver at those speeds, and exceed Mach 2.5.


    A Flight of unmarked RFX-01s over Grunder Industries USB Testing Grounds.

    OOC: Short, Sweet, to the Point. Arms Dealers to the rescue.

  8. A Gründer Industries Announcement

    A Few Weeks ago, we were tasked with designing a Warship for a Client. It has taken us a great amount of time to do so, but we have.

    This, this is the XXI Type Warship. It is equipped with state of the art (1970s wise) Technology, including a new type of Detection, and Management Systems(That seriously make AEGIS look bad). Its Main guns fire a GPS guided round up to 300 Miles, and can easily allow this to be a powerful addition to any fleet.


  9. Another good RL example of this is Iran with their F-14 Tomcats. Probably only 1/3rd of their inventory remain in service because they cannot maintain them themselves because they don't have the tech (without outside assistance) to do so.

    Actually, thats wrong. Iran just got their F-14's back in the Air thanks to new engines. They put the engines in, just did not have the ability to develop their engines. They are using the same power plant as a SU-27 now.

    Triyun, you do know that Flight Simulators existed in the 60s and 70s, they were actually developed then, as part of the US Navies Top Gun Program during the Vietnam War. Furthermore, it is more about capabilities, look at how I said "in a Dogfight", a MiG-15 has a small turn radius than the F/A-22, and can accelerate just as fast, except for the fact the F/A-22 has a stronger Rate of Climb, and Thrust Vectoring. Furthermore, a MiG-15 with AIM-9 Missiles(north Korea has adapted its MiG-15's to carry Radar Guided missiles, and heat seaking missiles) can, and will decimate a F/A-22 that is not expecting it.

  10. Or people accept that the Majority, if not all of their equipment will be of their IG Tech Level. If you have one piece of advanced equipment, ok, thats understandable, if your entire inventory is more advanced than your IG Tech, thats wrong.

  11. All of you just be quiet, I sleep for barely 9 hours, and this happens.

    First, Baron of all people about tech sharing, you definitly need to shutup. You claimed I could not operate a fighter I designed with Lavo, which operates the same basic way any other Aircraft Operates.

    Sumeragi, you have yet to RP any industrial expansion, in fact you are constantly just aquiring more and more advanced Weapons from Martens.

    LeVentNoir, you were an oppressive nation, you constantly seek regulation for everything, and for that I <3 you.


    Techsharing, atleast in the way I view it should be like this

    1. The Technological Scores do not add up, the United States gave Israel F-15s, and F-16s, does this mean Israel can produce them? NO....... If you want to RP weapons deals, have at it, but remember, once one of those weapons is lost(which will happen, no tank or Aircraft is immortal. You throw 3 MiG-21's at a F/A-22 and you have a Dead F/A-22) you cannot replace it without outside help.

    2. Realize that Technology isn't everything. You may have F/A-22s, or PAK-FA's, or even more advanced, but remember Technology isn't everything, the knowledge of how to use it, and where is what counts. Roleplay on a Personal Level, if you simply say "A Wing of F/A-22s moves to destroy the Resistance[/i]. remember those Pilots that you are facing off against may be proffessionals, and if I come back with a long post entailing a dogfight, in detail, don't cry when you lose. Roleplaying is more about Detail, than it is about Technology.

    3. Realize that under most of your governments, barely any, if little technology gets to the bottom of the food chain. Fine, have your LCD Screens, and Quad Core Processers, your people are still living in Hovels. Until someone adequately RP's having all their technology diffuse, I will cease to recognize them if they claim all of their Citizens have PC's, and Flat Screen TVs in their homes.(Lavo, Martens, Saboria, I know yours is atleast adequately diffused among your Populace. Rockport, you are a Technocracy, its definitly diffused)

    4. Realize that the Past Technology is not to bad. Did you know, that in 1964 we got a Man onto the Moon? A Much Greater Accomplishment with Much less Sophisticated Technology than we have today, and now we struggle to throw a man into space......... A ME-262 can do a great job, if you use it properly, a MiG-15 can utterly $%&@ a F/A-22 if you get it into a dogfight, and have an experienced Pilot. Newer is not always better, there is a reason the Russians keep their T-34MU's Active Still, and no, its not for numbers. The Israelis, they still use the Sherman and Tiger Tanks, I guess you didn't realize that either. Bigger, and Newer is not always better. For instance, lets take the M1A1 Abrahms against a T-62, if the M1A1 sees it first, and gets the first shot off(which is not always keep in mind), it will win. However if that T-62 sees you rounding a corner, and fires off a shell, your M1A1 is dead.

    5. The Basic Principles of Operation in almost every Aviation, Naval, and Armored Warfare Device remains the same, expecially now. A MiG-15 Pilot can operate a MiG 1.44, a Sabre Pilot can operate a F-22. It is all about personal experience, and skill. The basic Priniciples are the same, and the only major difference is fly by wire, and analog flight(Fly by Wire is digital, Analog means you move the rudders with your own power).

    6. Cost, you cannot possibly afford everything you RP with, or everything you do. I tried to keep it simple as Osea. I worked on Aviation, and Missile Defense, which quickly got Overrun :angryface: I still was not fooling my self into thinking I was debt free, I wasn't. Aircraft costs money, the F/A-22 costs 127 Million Per Unit, think about that......

  12. That's true I didn't have a diagram of the F-22 available when I thought of that, what about creating a stealth Su-37 then? Obviously a ground up redesign would have to be done but theoretically it could be done.

    The Su-37 already carries a Russian Stealth Package, which is based on the Krydesh NIT Plasma Stealth Theories, it is also applied to the TU-160 Bomber, and going to be on the PAK-FA. It is an Package that is extremely powerful(No RCS signature), however whenever Radar waves are absorbed by its field, its heat signature bounces up massively allowing it to be tracked by Infrared Visions.

  13. OOC: After further examination, and discussion with another decent aviation freak, I have declared that 3d Thrust Vectoring on a F/A-22 is impossible.


    Look at it.

    Replace its current propulsion with 3d Thrust Vectoring. You will have a burnt tail, and insane heat emmissions, thus destroying its current stealth abilities. Along with completely destroying its manuverability as a whole. While it could be possible(with immense Modifications to the Airframe) to allow it to have 3d Nozzles, it is not feesable. It would be more economical, and decent to leave the current design, and dabble with a new Airframe....

  14. ooc: Not necessarily, I'm only talking about minor changes so far. Like the 3d thrust vectoring. The canards maybe but everything else would mainly just be an upgrade to its dogfighting capabilities.

    OOC: Alright, I will see what I can do....

  15. The first plane U.R.P.R. would like to contract Grunder industries to make (once feasible of course) would be a bloc upgrade to the F-22. Our engineers have looked into the F-22's main opponent (Su-37) and have decided to try and incorporate some of the Su-37's capabilities into the F-22. These include the rearward facing radar in the tail boom, full 3d thrust vectoring, and canards on the nose to increase maneuverability.

    OOC: I'll pm Aiden with the full details.

    OOC: Why not just redesign an Aircraft.... That would completely butcher the F/A-22....

  16. OOC: Yeah, but Volvos can drive through a brick wall, I saw it on TV. It was totally fine afterwards.

    OOC: Yea, but a SAAB can sprout wings, a jet engine, fly then do a 90 Degree Stall, put out and continue going..... Well, atleast the Draken can, the rest of their Aircraft are iffy in my books.

  17. Yuktobania.png

    Gründer Industries Cholan Empire Branch Begins Construction

    Today, the Grunder Industries Cholan Branch began operations as it bought out an Abandoned Warehouse to serve as its primary Construction Area for General Resource Ltd Type 3 Aviation Parts. This Warehouse will eventually be ringed by several other Grunder Industries Facilities, which will be purchased from Surrounding Businesses, or intergrated. We hope to employ up to 80,000 Citizens of the Cholan Empire, and look forward to working with them in a long, and hopefully war torn future(I deal in Weapons, thats the like, heaven for Weapons Dealers).


    Cholan Branch HQ, which will serve as a Construction Facility for now, which hopefully in the future be expanded


    The inside of the old warehouse, which was previously an Old Turboprob Bomber Factory, which will now be brought back to life, constructing modern Aircraft.

  18. OOC: update, this thread is now the General Purpose Requests, Contracting, and other Thread, the Top Post will be an index, I am moving its Post Down here to allow for Indexing Purposes, along with posting a bit more in another post. This is Not Double Posting, it is Triple Posting different Things to make it easier



    A Series of Announcements

    First, let us state that in the wake of the Osean/Nordland War we will be relocating our HQ into Norfolk, Rebel Virginia. We will continue to operate our Rebel Army Branch, Transvaal Branch(Technological Supplies), and Mogartopia Branch(Aircraft Sharing, One Way). We will begin to transfer our Employees that were refugees of the Conflict, and those that stayed to Rebel Virginia, to work in the Series of Factories, Universities, and Design Commitees that we will be opening.

    Second, comes a re-affirmation to our continued leading of the Aeronautical Field, and continued Neutrality in the area of Aviation Exports. We will continue to Export Aviation Parts, and Aircraft to any, and all nations not engaged in the following.

    1. War

    2. Territorial Disputes

    3. Economic Arms Embargos

    Third, we are proud to announce, that as a gift to the Nation that now houses our HQ, we present the RVF-1 Farmer II Fighter. It is a Variable Wing Supersonic Fighter Designed for Interception, Ground Attack, and Air Superiority(AE: Multirole, refer to MiG-21, or F-4).


    Fourth, we are considering opening branches in the Following Nations. J. Andres, Tahoe, USB, and several other states that are looking to secure quality Aircraft, for a low price.

    TL:DR - I am staying around as a Corporation. I build Aircraft, of Certain Technological Era's for Certain Nations. I build them in Rebel_Virginia, thus explaining why he will be getting access to my Technology, Infrastructure, and Military might, aka my IG Stats ontop of his own. This will give him an economic Boost, as well as give others time to enjoy Quality Gründer Designs. We Still refuse to export to Afrika Reich.

  19. We Will be opening 3 new Branches within the following Weeks

    A USB Branch(Aviation Parts, and Design)

    A URPR Branch(Research and Development of New Aviation Technologies, along with Design of New Aircraft)

    A <Omg Forgot Keshav's Country, I think its Estovakia though> Branch which will continue to produce the Mihou, and other Aircraft that will be designed for them in the future.

  20. The RA looks forward to continuing to work with Grunder Industries in the future. We with you luck in your relocation of your Osean operations.

    OOC: I don't know whether that thing is amazing or absolutely horrible.

    OOC: But thats the Mystery? Is it a F-14? Or is it a MiG-21? Or is it neither?

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