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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. [i]What Specifically is Athens looking to do, from what I understand Grunder Industries has a great deal of Theoretical, and Hypothetical Designs for when we eventually go into space, nothing anywhere near as advanced or large that Athens itself has built such as its great battlestar.[/i]

  2. [i]"It was a short flight, but thank you for your concern. I look forward to the discussions, and hope that both parties dreams and aspirations for this meeting can be made. However if you do not mind, could we take a stop at a rest-room, I really dislike using the ones on planes."[/i]

  3. Stephan Pino will be flying to New Orleans once he has finished packing his stuff in Merida. It is estimated that he will arrive in 14 Hours. However in the Meantime he will be briefed on relevant Information from Grunder Industries.

    14 Hours Later

    Stephan had just disembarked the Luxurious Grunder 7700SST when 2 waiting West Virginian Liasons pulled up in a Wrangler to escort him to the meeting.

  4. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1339376086' post='2980457']
    The twenty SU-30 fighters had guarded the convoy of Georgian troops safely to their destination and with the soldiers now as well concealed as they could be inside a heavily forested area not far from Charleston Air Force Base. Here the troops were far less visible underneath the canopies of the trees from above and they had made sure to erase their tracks as well. The soldiers quickly dismounted from their vehicles and began to store supplies within their camp, they had more than enough supplies and ammo to last for some time even in the case of a sustained firefight and those not removing supplies were either put on guard duty or began to dig foxholes for defense.

    The SU-30s had based themselves at Charleston itself and they made sure to always have at least one flight of five aircraft in the air at any time though the pilots on the ground were always ready to scramble immediatly if required. Thus when reports came in of incoming cruise missiles the aircraft on the ground were scrambled as quickly as they could whilst the CAP flew off to engage the missiles as quickly as possible. As the other fifteen planes took off and formed into their own flights the orginal group under command of flight lieutenant Jackson picked up fifteen cruise missiles inbound for Charleston. Ordering his flight into close formation they switched to their sidewinders and began to lock on to the missiles. Knowing they only had one shot they all waited for active lock tones before firing one sidewinder each, once done they dived and began to turn back so that once the cruise missiles flew past them they might be able to engage again.

    The other planes having formed into battle formation also moved to engage the cruise missiles and like their fellow pilots under Jackson all fired a single sidewinder each once the Tomahawks came into range and they had active locks. With the cruise missiles still some distance from their target it was unlikely they would be programmed to yet take defensive movements and so only a few should make it through and the Charleston air defenses should be able to deal with any survivors.

    As the Flankers came into range, they quickly locked on and watched as their sidewinders went flying off. Each one connected with its target, it was actually fairly amazing how they almost flawlessly intercepted the subsonic missile.

    This was definitely good practice for the Georgian Pilots.


    [u]Public Announcement[/u]

    In Light of International Pressure, we have decided to issue an order suspending combat operations, and withdrawing forces in the area. Soldiers preforming landing operations in South Carolina will be withdrawn, and all routed to the beachhead on Hilton Head Island, while the Combined Arms strikes of the Nutmeg Navy, and Naval Air Arm will strike the bridge connecting it to the mainland cutting it off.

    Combat Operations will resume in 48 Hours should the Carolinian Government not surrender.

  5. As the Aircraft began to return from their missions, the West Virginian government made a Broadcast on its Diplomatic Channels.

    [u]Regarding the States aligning themselves with the Carolinas during this War.[/u]
    Nothing short of unconditional surrender will be accepted by the West Virginian government. The Longer a nation waits to surrender the more harsh the eventual terms imposed upon them will be. After one week(24 Hours) we will also no longer be able to guarantee a Nations independence in a postwar climate.

    As the night began to fall on the 1st day of the war, the West Virginian Armed Forces launched a series of 92 Tomahawk Missiles with BLU-97/B Combined Effects Warheads at the following targets

    Charleston Air Force Base
    Fort Jackson
    Marine Corps Air Station
    McEntire Joint National Guard Base
    Naval Weapons Station Charleston
    Shaw Air Force Base

    As the night settled in though the full losses of the West Virginian Airforce was determined for the first days battles.

    VB-86 - 1 Grounded Mechanical Trouble due to the Proximity Detonation of a MIM-104A, 2 Lost due to a mid-air collision during landing procedures
    VF-33 - 9 Grounded due to Mechanical Troubles(ETA 2-3 Days till back in action), 12 Lost due to Enemy Fire, 1 Lost due to friendly fire.
    VF-32 - 2 Grounded due to Mechanical Trouble, 1 Lost to enemy fire.
    VA-2 - 13 Lost to Enemy Fighters, 20 of them damaged but returned home.
    VAF-2 - 11 Lost to Enemy Fighters, 9 of them grounded due to damage, 14 of them pending evaluation to be put back into service.

  6. [quote name='MostGloriousLeader' timestamp='1339047356' post='2978657']
    This is one thing I kind of had a question on. I can accept Aiden using the Blackbird fighter that he has because it was actually attempted (bearing prototypes and resulting in an active duty aircraft based on the design, the SR-71). The same with him using his XB-70 Valkyrie. I feel the gray area is stuff that hasn't been really developed for whatever reason. An example is Aiden is using the F-108 fighter as an aircraft. While the aircraft has stats available for it there was never a working prototype created that I've heard of and I doubt many aircraft have performed exactly as their initial stated abilities. I honestly have no real problems with him using it but I do want to know how stuff like this factors into what you can and can't have.

    I also have a question as to the particular variants of equipment. Are we supposed to use certain versions of equipment when they specifically came online or would having the base equipment suffice for having everyhing? Example: The M1 Abrams was introduced around 1980, the M1A2 variant came about mid 90s I think. Would you be able to use the M1A2 only when you get to the mid 90's tech level or would you have it at the 1980s tech level?

    You dare compare YF-12s with their less advanced brothers the SR-71

  7. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1339026193' post='2978459']
    I would have to say unfortunally no. I am not saying this to be evil or a pain in the neck but even though it might have been feasable we don't know if it actually was. After all looking at the A-150 the wiki for it only gives a probale armour for the boat and details that it has many 100mm guns. Without actual figures for us to know it is easy for people to make their own figures up which could affect the actual feasability of the design.

    So in general I would have to say no to prototypes that were not introduced.

    Boeing X-32 vs Lockheed X-35

    Northrop-Grumman YF-23 vs Lockheed YF-22. YF-23 was the superior design but was not adopted due to the fact that the YF-22 was more easily adapted to the NTF Program, which was cancelled 2 years after the YF-22 was selected

  8. The Smaller Nations should be using F-16s, or F-15s, or MiG-21s.

    Or they can nut up, do a bit of googling on how to do lineart and attempt to draw a reasonably aerodynamic aircraft then get some stats assigned to it.

    !@#$, my most Advanced Aircraft is the YF-12, and F-117. You don't see me !@#$%*ing about AMG I WANT MAH F-22z.

  9. Do you have proof that they were functional? No you do not.

    The United States Air Force would not sit on their hands awaiting what was supposed to be the God-King Fighter to arrive without good reason, like the fact that many key technologies such as weapons delivery, and dispensing systems were not fully ready until the times of the tests.

  10. To first of all present the agreement that Isaac and myself agreed to.

    [quote name=EM]OOC:

    Okay, i've sat down with Isaac and Aiden and hammered out an agreement to allow this war to continue on with both parties satisfied about its entry rules since there was a prior issue.

    1) This war is to be closed to everyone barring:

    -Isaac, Kevz, Supercheese and Altarian Republic
    -Aiden Ford and Graniteknight

    2) The Isaac 'side' will be granted a 50% increase (1.5 x Force Multiplier) for the duration of this war, which includes Troops, Tanks, Airforces, CMs, and Navies

    Good luck to both sides, and I look forward to see this war RPed out to its full conclusion. Let's have us a good war[/quote]

    Now, to address some OOC from last night.

    [quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1338867667' post='2977262']
    "At this point, The Republic of Cuba is now in a state of war with West Virginia and The Nutmeg empire."


    A 100,000 man force had been assembled, along with 1000 tanks, 5000 afvs, and the bulk of the Cuban air force. [b]The forces would quickly move and [b]assemble in Florida[/b] then begin moving towards Carolinan territory, eta being 14 hours. The air force would move much faster, 20 squadrons of F-23s armed with 4 AIM-120 Amraam medium ranged air to air missiles backed by another 25 squadrons of SU-35s armed with 16 R-77 missiles. They would fly along the [u]Florida and Georgian coasts[/u] for the majority of the flight, once nearing USC territory they would turn in and head towards the capital to link up with any other friendly aircraft.[/quote]

    1. While I do not personally mind Supercheese using Florida as a method of moving forces through the Florida Panhandle into Georgia, I do mind any waivers to their immediate protection being covered by JED/Ty.
    2. Fairly Normal Procedure, don't see why people are complaining.

    [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1338871624' post='2977294']
    OOC:Get over it and get ready to rummbleeeeeeee....sersiously though we dont have to OOCly inform you of where our planes will be flying. Jed doesnt have to respond, he could not care ICly.[/quote]

    Jed does have to respond, it is his territory after all.

    [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1338872582' post='2977310']
    OOC: I do believe using non-combatant air space as a secure air corridor goes against the nature of this compromise... unless Aiden is alright with that too? In any case, I agree that a new thread would be easier to deal with.[/quote]

    Considering there were no agreed upon safe zones, this would be spreading the conflict there. If JED/Ty are comfortable with hypothetical inceptions that they would have to leave alone and run its course in their territory thats fine. However if Isaac is attempting to hide behind non-combatants its not fine.

    Also to address something on IRC.

    [quote][23:51] <Isaac> btw Executiveminister, I am now at 500 tech
    [23:51] <Isaac> XD
    [23:53] <@Executiveminister> okay?
    [23:53] <Isaac> so I can now haz planes
    [23:54] <Isaac> without haz arguments
    [23:54] <Isaac> I can also haz 35s[/quote]

    You better over the course of the war(Which was declared, and had large campaigns launched when you had your incomplete prototype stage 2001 F-22s) roleplay taking your Old f-22s out of service to upgrade them to full functionality. because if one moment your F-22s in the air are Not Complete, then next they are complete I will renege from all OOC Agreements because of Metagaming to the extreme. As to having F-35/(J-35) sure you can have them, but I hope you fully realize what I am saying by that, because you sure don't have Joint Strike Fighters.

  11. Charleston Air Base, West Virginia

    General Landry was furious when his aid walked in and told him that Williams had activated his emergency transponder, it was something that was only a worse case scenario. He picked up his phone and dialed the Presidents office informing him of the operational failure. Landry hung up the phone after a brief and heated conversation with the president and turned to all the collective officers at the largest Airbase in WV, and said "Alright men, this is a Case Red. The President has ordered all planes in the air. I want the 40th-50th Tactical Fighter Squadrons up first, then followed by the 2nd-20th Tactical Fighter Squadrons. Our Supersonic Flyboys will be scrambling from Ohio soon enough. The 36th-40th Attacker Squadrons will follow suite. Each one of you must report to your respective squadron, call upon them to carry respectable load outs. The VA-2 Squadrons really need to focus on carrying AGM-88 HARMs, but should the base Armory be out of the, you are cleared to use GBU-27 PAVEWAY IIIs. VAF-2s are to carry strictly air to air Armaments, I will leave what it is up to you.

    Most of the flight captains saluted, except for the Stand-In for Major Williams. "Sir, what about the 1st, we are ready to go even if we are a man short. Please give us orders to scramble". Landry sighed and said "Lt, you will get your orders to fly very soon, but I want your squadron to escort some VA-1s around border passes, and begin to collapse any Tunnels that would allow enemy armor to pass into the homeland on the Northern, or Eastern Fronts.


    Two Hours Later, in the Immediate Airspace of Bluefield, WV.

    The Largest Attack Force assembled in Modern North American History was loitering over the town, when the signal came that the VB-86(Armed with Popeye Standoff Missiles), VF-33(Armed with x3 AA-10R Alamo), and VF-32(Armed with x3 AA-10AE Alamo) had crossed into Commonwealth Airspace, and was beginning its opening assault on MCAS Cherry Point, Pope AFB, MCAS New River and Camp Lejune. The VF-33's were flying in a Formation mixed in with the XB-86 Aircraft, with the VF-32s trailing about 10 miles behind. The Entire force was moving at Mach 3.1 towards their targets, there would hopefully be absolutely no way for Carolinian Aircraft to not only reach their altitude of 75,000ft, but also be able to fire munitions going at the speeds required to maintain a stable lock. Should however the Carolinian Military scramble a defense for the two targets, the VF-33s would deter any attempted assaults on the XB-86s, while the VF-32s caught up and then engaged the enemy aircraft. Before the VF-32s would arrive though the 33s would turn off their Radar, and begin flying via Mark-1 Eyeball. Cooperative bracket, and scissor maneuvers would be used to get enemy aircraft within their sights to use guns if necessary. However, should the enemy realize the maneuvers used, and begin doing counter maneuvers tactics would be switched to Lag Pursuit, or Double-Circle Attack Patterns. Chaffs would be used sparingly, with a maximum of 10 deployed per perceived missile lock.

    Meanwhile, the VAF-2, and VA-2 Attack would begin crossing the Commonwealth/WV Border, and head to the Carolinian Capitol at the very moment it was known that the first attack group had begun engaging their targets. This attack would not actually reach the Capitol, but instead be targeted at all Radar Emplacements in between Southern West Virginia, and the Carolinian Capitol. They would also destroy the Wreckage of the VAF-2 Piloted by Major Williams in order to prevent any Secrets from being gleaned. Should enemy attacks in the form of F-22s, or F-23s come, the VAF-2s would engage using their AA-10AE Alamo(x2 Per Plane), and if anything conventional came, they would engage using their AIM-7M Missiles(x2 Per Plane). They would also be using cooperative bracket, and scissor maneuvers to attempt to bring enemy fighters into their sights.


    Should everything go according to plan, the mission would ideally cripple the Military Defense, and Counter-Attack Capabilities of North Carolina.

    [OOC] This Attack is to by Synced with the one MO is posting in a few minutes.[/ooc]

  12. He should be easy enough for you to identify. Honestly, I would not even bother with spyrolling it Altarian. Get the IFF Frequency/Code from Isaac, find said aircraft that uses those numbers, and then check who has been working on it

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