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Everything posted by Phaedron

  1. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1340660586' post='2996192'] In fact I don't know why I bother considering everyone here is nearly all bought and sold anyway. [/quote] If I had known I could have gotten paid to troll OWF...
  2. [quote name='Abshire' timestamp='1340627382' post='2995768'] I imagine this will go about as well for you as the last time we fought. [/quote] Would that be the time you jumped in on us after we had already been fighting GATO and VE for a week? Yeah, you guys really showed your fighting prowess there. Truly.
  3. [quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1340609080' post='2995655'] I like that you believe in destroying us. It's gonna make this whole thing MUCH tastier. SR. [/quote] It is true that this is quite possibly the first war The Apparatus has ever been excited about from a more than "at least we get to destroy stuff" perspective. It's good to have an enemy. We're also completely comfortable leaving you a smoldering pile of ruin from which you can rebuild -- I mean, better than driving future fun away from the planet.
  4. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1340607373' post='2995636'] Remind me where I said it was JRV? And are you actually denying that you queried me asking if I could be [i]just a tad nicer[/i] and my response was "I'm just !@#$@#$ with her, we're cool" [/quote] Only knew it was JRV because the only other trium I was close with was Doc, and he's out of office now. Also, I read minds. Dur. Glad you remembered that 5 seconds of our shared lives before now. Not so much on my end.
  5. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1340607470' post='2995639'] How could you forget that? [/quote] I'm kinda a little slow. You heard it here first :/
  6. Perhaps a hippo really can change its spots... or was it a leopard his teeth? At least it was a well-written and thoughtful OP. /o GOD
  7. [quote name='King Death II' timestamp='1340569592' post='2994701'] Not only is this post ironic but it reeks of hypocrisy. Your alliance is a series of FA blunders from day 1 which all of your allies and friends have been warning you about yet you pay no heed to them. How about you fix your own alliance before trying to tell me what to do with mine? [/quote] KD, from day one I thought you were a blow-hard. Oh, Ernie and Rand would stick up for you... but you're a bag of wind dude. Something I want to pop because of the funny noise it will make. The Apparatus is by no means perfect, but to say we've made FA "blunders" -- please explain them. Or was leaving a bloc no one had ever heard of before we left it a "blunder"? lol. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1340573166' post='2994742'] Phaedron is nothing but a suck-up. He tried to get me to be nicer to MHA's tri (the one I'm actually on friendly terms with, even) so that he could try to get a "thing" going between App and MHA or whatever it was. [/quote] Go actually have a talk with JRV about me, and then firmly remove your head from your nether regions, thanks. This post has as little basis in reality as nearly any I've seen involving me at least.
  8. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1340605445' post='2995604'] Spare us the lame CB. If you wanted to hit us, that's all you had to say. [/quote] Forgot that you decided unilaterally (perhaps along with MK) that CB's are garbage and all this is about is hitting folks you don't personally like. However, we instead decided to at least LIST the reasons we don't like you. We want to hit you because of those reasons, and probably others I have forgotten. o7 The Apparatus
  9. Sure glad we're still part of KDF... oh, wait. At no point did I ever think NPL would need us to activate our new treaty, but if they had, it would have been doubly hilarious. Expertly executed KD. Reap what you sow buddy. o/ NPL PS: That's the biggest troll I think I've ever done... pointing out an insanely stupid FA decision. Damn, certain parties must be rubbing off on me
  10. Ham Sandwich was your most reasonable listed CB o/ Rampant Destruction It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
  11. Funny thing about this announcement: if we hadn't made it, we would have eventually been dinged for not announcing an FA change. By announcing it, we open up the whole bag of "who?" comments. No argument from me that the likes of KDF or Arizona are anywhere near as "important" as the larger blocs, but at least they are trying to provide an alternative. No matter what our FA differences might be from those two (and they aren't exactly fundamental differences either), we appreciate that they provide a space for nations that want to be slightly more than neutral, but not quite extremely active in Digiterran politics. Thanks to our friends for all the love. Our FA quest is not over by a longshot, and I highly doubt anyone will be asking "who?" on some of our future announcements
  12. Nice to see our protectorate taking their first FA steps. Grow and prosper my friends
  13. I think Lanore is just a little envious. We love you too, seriously [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339209173' post='2979653'] I demand some Greek SteamPunk pr0n now... [/quote] You know, I looked... and you'd think it was easier to find, but alas, no.
  14. [quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1339157849' post='2979326'] I hate it when a DoW is implied but it turns out to be a stupid treaty. [/quote] Um, we are angry about the lack of alliteration in other treaty declarations. Luckily, we have now solved that problem -- you're welcome Why, what did you think we were angry about? [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1339167376' post='2979383'] It's too bad, I was really starting to warm up to Apparatus. Now their treaty web is even more horrifying then before. [/quote] We have a treaty web? Give us a few days please... we're trying our best to make it more of a treaty blanket. One we can hold at night during the long deep cold one can only know when Max is in charge of governmental sleeping arrangements. o/ Sparta -- Glad to have our old friends on paper!
  15. See how they glow? Er... grow? o/ NPL
  16. Sorry to see you go NSO, but at least it had nothing to do with the friendship between our two alliances. Sometimes FA paths diverge, and so it goes. Best of luck to you -- we'll always be watching for your evil and nefarious success, cheering you on.
  17. Yet another veiled threat, and yet you want us to treat you fairly? I also love it how you think you're in a position to squish anyone like a bug, other than perhaps yourself. Crazy people are crazy.
  18. Randalla deleted your post, not me. Go check your facts. The only reason I am here is that I'm hostile to anyone that would call my friends "thugs"... that is hostile language. So who are you calling hostile again? My worldview is that people and nations should treat each other with respect. I completely understand you disagree with that view. Good luck with your new alliance.
  19. Oh DoorNail... why is it that I somehow knew if anyone could bring drama to The Apparatus, it would be you? You have no authority to declare anything null and void, any more than I have the authority to tell you your membership in The Apparatus has been revoked. Though, if it was me, I would have done that already. That decision lies in the hands of Randalla and Ernie, who you should have contacted directly with your concerns as soon as our forum thread regarding the proposed merger was posted. Instead, you come out here in public and trash the good name of your new alliance mates... folks we've dealt with for years (since long before you joined The Apparatus), and some of our longest-standing allies. Classless. The Apparatus prides itself on treating each other like intelligent rulers of nations. Nations who come together with a shared purpose, but certainly not always the exact same mindset. We work together and treat each other with respect, even if we do disagree on a policy measure. This is not that. The last government of TSA tried its best to restore an alliance that had seen far better days. They worked on it, and we tried to support them however we could because TSA was one of our strongest treaty partners. In the end, they decided a merger with The Apparatus would provide their nations with the best possible future. OOC- [You're also mixing OOC and IC on an IC forum... EG left the game. He needs to deal with those consequences and so do you.]
  20. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1337810853' post='2971310'] @Everyone who keeps on going on about the forced disbandment stuff: Yes, I did not word the OP well, but for the love of god if you people seriously think we were going to disband the alliance, you are literal idiots. [/quote] As opposed to non-literal idiots? Write what you actually mean, and maybe we won't read it "incorrectly".
  21. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1337809001' post='2971288'] I hope one day a 1k ns Tetris nation goes rogue. It will be such an awesome war to blow Tetris up for it. They couldn't even argue it, they'd have to agree and disband. [/quote] This. Rogue attacks are apparently all that is needed now for CB and ultimatums requiring disbandment. I really wouldn't care if it wasn't for the seeming desire of Tetris not to just fight back against unwarranted aggression, but to actually drive nations from the face of the planet. It's over-the-top and uncalled for.
  22. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1337064587' post='2967630'] The Apparatus is acquiring quite the [i]impressive[/i] list of treaty partners. [/quote] I think you'll mostly find it's a circle... man, here I go trying to keep my jokes PG. With very few exceptions, our allies tend to love each other for similar reasons. We're just too lazy to form a bloc. Or ARE we? Dun. dun. dun.
  23. Thanks to everyone for their support. Love it when many of our favorite peoples are here without us even having to spew propaganda at them. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1335406987' post='2959447'] MDoAP would have been better but the oA clause will come in handy. :feanor: [/quote] As per always, I would ask that any detractors from our optional treaties just look to the last time MHApparatus was activated. Should answer any questions
  24. [quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1335404680' post='2959408'] I'm not entirely sure how to feel about something when Brehon, Xiph, Roq, and Darth are all happy about the same thing. [/quote] Seconded.
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