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Everything posted by WernerHoffmann

  1. Thanks Hombre. It, (the MDP clause), was actually supposed to be in the original pact but I forgot to plug it in there. Whoops. Oh and no Scott, your pay doesn't go up. You just get more miserable work to do. Enjoy! B)
  2. FOUND Official Dispatch Greetings Fellow Citizens! It has been about a month since I announced the formation of FOUND. Now that we are settled into our new home, we have a few important announcements to make. First off, as you can see above, we have our official flag! Special thanks to AVFC1 at MK for designing it. <3 Secondly, we went through a slight restructuring of our ranks and positions. To make this happen, our forums have been modified a bit, and our charter was modified accordingly. That you can find below. Thirdly, I'd like to announce a couple promotions at the top: - Sdanderson has been tapped to be my new Chief of Residents and second in command. - Sukalia joins the Medical Board as an Attending Physician. Congrats to those promoted! Finally, we've made a slight mod to clause IV of our protectorate agreement, announcing our intention to defend MK in return. Thank you for your time. I will resign to my drunken stupor now. o/
  3. Biscuits are always a good thing. Grats Nemesis.
  4. (OOC: Quoting Darth Plagueis.. Excellent! /OOC) Welcome to Bob NSO, and best of luck!
  5. I've heard of this Moldavi fellow somewheres.. Trying to think of where though. My deepest apologies. Hello, I'm the 'Hoff.
  6. This is crazy, over 4 =LOST= in #lost-cn! Check it out quick!
  7. This thread makes me happy. Oh, and nobody ever comes 'round my forums.
  8. I see what people are saying on this as well, but the way I look at it is they declared war on them with the intent that should any Jarheads come into range, they'd be attacked immediately. I dunno, I see no harm or foul in calling in allies to assist with it. Just me though.
  9. Good show Athens! Best of luck to OA in getting back on track.
  10. As much as I love my fellow motivators, a valid CB is valid. Party on NPO! B)
  11. Sad that an alliance with such a cool name would do this, but whatever. Such is expected on Planet Bob.. o/ IRON
  12. Grats guys! Damnit Hoo, once again we're forming new alliances within a month of each other...
  13. Protector: Mushroom Kingdom Alliance Name: FOUND Forums Link: http://found.freeforums.org IRC: #found
  14. Thanks My original name was going to be a terrible one.. Luckily a kick to the groin fixed that one.
  15. Alliance (full name, acronym):FOUND Alliance Color: Aqua Alliance IRC Channel: #found URL to forums: http://found.freeforums.org
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