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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. Good choice with the no ambassador thing. Let me tell you, it's the way to go. Don't have to check to make sure people are active, no need to force spam to show the "love", etc. It's just better without official diplomat responsibilities.
  2. I wanted to keep out of the old man reminiscing, but I agree with everything you and Stumpy have been saying about why CN was more interesting in the past.
  3. Don't try to pass off the blame. We didn't hire you to get us an interview, we hired you to make it happen. Also, just know this Stumpy, for as long as we're in the same alliance, I will hate you. I will also hate you for as long as we're not in the same alliance. Only now and again? I hate to break it to you but the company you keep...>_>
  4. I would outbid Man City on a player. >_>
  5. Already knew and not newsworthy. So Stickmen decided it would be better if they were all on the same color, and are having discussions to choose between, in their mind, the 3 best candidates for their move? That's just wrong. Gook luck Stickmen, and may you choose the best sphere for you.
  6. This was not going to war regardless of any outside circumstances. Nobody else in CnG was supportive of going to war over this issue, at any point in time.
  7. Firstly, as several others have pointed out to you, TOOL suspended the protectorate. And no, it wasn't from some agreement with Athens. As of last night, Athens was still planning on declaring on Menotah. However, TOOL had already started the vote to suspend the protectorate. Secondly, no, because virtually nobody else in CnG was supportive of going to war over this. Tl;Dr: No, you're 100% incorrect.
  8. May admin have mercy upon Menotah, for we will show you none.
  9. No, they wanted to punish Menotah for their transgression. However, it's hard to dole out punishment when you end up getting rolled for it, you know, your message kinda gets lost when that happens. I expect everything to be worked out just fine, agreeable to all involved parties.
  10. There is no lingering issue with Cybermaster or any reroll of his.
  11. Lol, what. There is no zi list. You can halt your visions of an absolute wet dream of a situation to call us hypocrites about zi lists.
  12. Menotah has admitted to recruiting.
  13. These people weren't active and did not switch from Athens to Menotah until the time of ss'ed sent pm.
  14. As far as I'm aware, they're not friends. The members aren't active and weren't just sticking with friends. The members went along with the merger until days later when they switched to Menotah, the same time the recruitment ss is from. Your argument assumes that this was a case of friends joining with friends, and it's not. The original friends formed Menotah, which there is no issue with. The issue comes from when they then decided to recruit from Athens-DE.
  15. The alliance formed from members who left during the Athens-DE merger process. They were explicitly told not to recruit from Athens-DE. That is completely different than just going around willy-nilly and choosing random AA's, warning them not to recruit from you. Also, several members of the new Athens left and joined Menotah after being in Athens for several days. Most of these nations have never checked the boards, and thus, aren't what you would call active members. Being that Menotah has not posted a DoE, the only ways to know about it is to either be active and know about its forming, or be pm'ed or otherwise contacted to join afterwards.
  16. Seems mostly correct. However, I'm under the impression that Menotah mass recruited from Athens-DE, not just one message. Also, they were told ahead of time, that they would be attacked if they recruited from Athens-DE during the process.
  17. An optional defense clause for the Optional Defense Network. Now you don't even need to cancel the treaty. Avoiding conflict is built right in. This is brilliant! Also, Shamed sucks. Also, this is good to see, I approve, etc, etc.
  18. Then it's a good thing ODN canceled now, to avoid recurring issues.
  19. No, the biggest mistake they ever made was canceling on you at the time and in the manner they did.
  20. I don't view PIAT's as overriding MDoAP's; not all treaties are equal. I consider MDoAP's to inherently be superior in nature, such that I asked ODN to come in against those whom I considered our MDoAP to be superior against. You'll notice that Vanguard doesn't have many PIAT's, and I try to avoid them whenever possible. Also, anybody attacking Universalis was inherently at war with Vanguard, so really this nitpicking about we didn't attack Vanguard, only Uni is bs, and specific declarations like those are one of the things I detest about politics here.
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