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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. LOL, I guess my quote has gone beyond CN a bit. In case you haven't figured it out, post the quote on here and I don't care, post it in my query or any channel I am in and the paste will go directly into an IRCops query. Have fun everybody. o/

  2. So instead of declaring war on Polar because they attacked their allies in Valhalla, The Continuum waited to attack them for other reasons whilst Polar was already engaged in a separate war?

    Mushroom Kingdom coming to the defense of its allies in Greenland Republic is not part of the war that Greenland Republic is involved in?

    They didn't wait, the attacks on Polar Wednesday night were in the planning stages before Hyperion was attacked. The only thing that could have stopped them was a full-on rush to peace mode by Polar. Polar was getting rolled regardless of their attacks on Valhalla.

  3. That is one hell of a speech Philo, no one could lay it out better. Pacifica's allies respect and understand the deep ties that NpO and NPO have always had and we understand that NPO was saddened with the moves NpO has been making over the last 6-12 months. Because of that we understood why Polar continued to be protected after OoO was dropped. NpO got more chances than anyone ever has and they consistently blew every one of them, now they pay that price.

    o/ Philo

    o/ Pacifica

  4. Universalis? Nuclear rogues? Oh, please. That makes about as much sense as saying you're a lion tamer because you own a whip and a pet cat. Not that I expected a pathetic troll such as yourself to have actually read the announcment, or anything contained throughout this discussion. For your enlightenment, something I posted earlier in this thread:

    But thank you for that baseless accusation. Your sage comments and one-liners, often entirely nonsensical, have been of great amusement to the community.

    Edit: OOC - Apparently the word !@#$%cat is filtered. Changed it to just 'cat'.

    I think you know exactly who I am refering too and it isn't Universalis. :ph34r:

  5. Please don't troll one of the most respectful alliances in the game. They wouldn't do it to you, after all.

    You know nothing of the reasons behind my post. I'll let Vanguard get back to cheering on nuclear rogues. :awesome:

    P.S. I'm pretty sure they don't like me either.

  6. Well, you gave me my first ever CN gov position in GOLD. <insert LOLGOLD here> I always thought you were a cool guy even thought our politics have diverged greatly in the post-GOLD time.

    That said, this is easily the worst decision of your CN career. You have joined an alliance that contains primarily backstabbers, liars, OOC attackers, spies, random ZI-listers. I am against all terms of surrender for Vox Populi including individual terms and I will do my best to make that happen. Vox is no better than GOONS.

  7. So tonight TTK posts their treaty cancellation with us here at HPS and claims that it was due to us being 'dishonourable' in our upholding of the agreement. Now, I have no qualms with the cancellation. Things have been different since Bud stepped down and left the alliance. Things happen, of course, and we do still love Bud here at HPS.

    The thing that gets me though, is that TTK claims that we were going to turn our backs on the agreement and not support them if they activated their MDP with us. Ask anyone that knows us here at HPS and you'll see that we are nothing short of courteous and cooperative. We might not be shining examples of perfect gentlemen/ladies, but we by no means go around causing mischief and paint ourselves in a bad light. We are individuals brought together by common ideas and beliefs, and honour ranks right at the top.

    Now, I could post all these logs showing that there was no mention of us not backing TTK if they activated the MDP. We could post logs, deal with people saying they were faked and edited and that they are incomplete, and all the other wonderful things that goes on here in the Court of Public Opinion of Digiterra. And had this been 30 minutes ago I probably would have and let you all hoot and holler and have a field day. Instead, I'm going to go against my primitive side that says '$%&@ them' and go with my rational side and say:

    Look. You can take our word or you can take TTK's word. Those that know us and call us friend know that we are nothing short of honourable and do what we can to uphold our agreements and protect our friends. Those that don't can sit here and troll this announcement and claim that TTK are the better ones because they have a longer history and are allied to this alliance and that alliance. But before you decide to pass judgement on us and our character, how about you get to know us first and see for yourself just what sort of people we are. Then you can pass all the judgement you want on us.

    Now I leave this up to you all. Pick your side and throw your stones. We've already had our reputation spit on once. What's another bruise? It builds character, right?

    You did inform them before you attacked Valhalla, an MDoAP treaty partner of TTK, right? Attacking your ally's treaty partner without informing your ally is pretty much an auto cancelation. I don't see how something this ho-hum and obvious needed extra attention.

  8. Imagine playing a game of Age of Empires (Conquorers! :awesome: ) for 2 years.

    Imagine you've built you cities, your armies, so perfectly.

    You've devoted alot of your time and RL money to this game.

    Now imagine all 7 other players in the game attacking you out of the clear blue (and totally, utterly, destroying your city) because you killed a sheep hiding in a corner of the map.

    Lets imagine that you(Polar) threaten to destroy those 7 'Players" for months and months and then they come and curbstomp you. Wouldn't be so suprising now would it?

    umm.. what? Hyperion stated they would expel both members and pay reps. they got attacked anyways. so who fails at politics? right. GGA and Valhalla.

    Polar was getting hit Wednesday or Thursday for the laundry list of past and ongoing transgressions. The fact that you attacked Valhalla didn't change anything and I suspect you knew that when you declared.

  9. No, I don't mean who will be the winner and who will be the loser, but in a more general broad sense of the term, how in the world will this war ever end?

    Since this is not "bloc" vs "bloc" conflict, but chained MDP after MDP, with combatants fighting every which way, no one alliance can speak for one side, so the peace talks for this war are going to take YEARS.

    I for one am excited about this perpetual state of war in CN, most of you guys know my feelings on warfare in CN (there isn't enough, and people are WAAAAAY too attached to their infra) but I also realize the general feelings of the average CN'er. People enjoy war for a week, 2 at max, and then get tired of losing their infra (even if they are winning, the average CN'er laments the loss of infra from merely a CM)... yet the prospects from this war are that it could rage for months and months with alliances potentially being at war with alliances they aren't even aware they are at war with!

    I for one welcome our new age of chaos.

    Sounds fun to me. :D The CM comment is so true...

    To: Bob Sanders From: George W. Keys Date: 8/14/2008 11:30:42 PM

    Subject: Hi

    Message: Hi Bob Sanders,

    Sorry for the cruise missiles. I hope you know its nothing personal. Good luck! Anyways hope you're doing well.

    I'll start crying about those 2 CMs right after I get done crying about the other 10k infra I have lost. :unsure:

    Edit: I predict that SOLID's ridiculous nuke spying policy will make their surrender terms quite a bit harsher.

  10. o/ Freezer

    Anyone that whines when they get nuked should leave the game anyway.

    There are a couple Valhalla nations with 3 Polar nations at double their infra(sup Hizzy) attacking and nuking them. They don't come on here whining about it.

  11. Counting 19 nuke rogues hitting GR already. Guess that the 7 to 1 odds weren't enough.

    Most low-class enemies I've seen in 1.5 years of CN.

    I count zero nuke rogues hitting GR. Valhalla nations are free to use nuclear weapons as they please.

  12. I thought that the prevailing wisdom during the VE-Brigade affair was the the Mobius Accords clause in question didn't apply when the alliance bound to Q was the aggressor?

    Thanks to their attacks on Valhalla STA was in a state of war with the entire Continuum at the time that OPP rolled. Nothing else is relevant.

  13. Wrong.

    STA was attacked by numerous alliances before declaring war.

    *cough*BS*cough* You were attacked by one member of MCXA and MCXA wasn't even targeting you so he was completely off the reservation on that. The fact that you declared on multiple Continuum signatories and then asked NPO for help is laughable. This thread is nothing but grandstanding.


  14. Interesting... I could swear MK holds a treaty with several Q alliances... and... wait, what do you know, NPO attacked us.

    Sorry, this knife cuts both ways if you want to argue that logic.

    Which Q alliance do you hold an MDP or higher with?

  15. I am confident a honorable and tactful alliance like the NPO will honor it's treaties to the letter.

    I am too. I present to you the Mobius Accords. Relevant parts are highlighted.

    III. Defense and War

    A – In the event that any signatory comes under attack, it is compulsory that all other signatories will come to the assistance of the attacked party.

    B – An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on all signatories and will be met in defense by all other signatories with all means of assistance available. This assistance is mandatory and may not be overridden or mitigated by any means, including but not limited to conflicting agreements.

    C – Assistance is defined as military, economic, intelligence, diplomatic, and all other forms of aid the signatories are able to provide.

    D – Signatories shall have the option, but not the obligation, to engage in offensive warfare alongside other signatories or to aid those signatories in ways economic or otherwise.

    E - Notice of offensive military action by any signatory that requires Continuum allied support is urged to be given 48 hours prior to the commencement of hostilities. However, should an emergency situation arise in which the offensive timetable is moved up, notification is expected to be given to signatories as soon as it can be given. Supportive offensive action is encouraged by the other signatories but not required. Should offensive military action by any signatory not require Continuum allied support or is in response to non-signatory allied request, notification to signatories is encouraged as soon as can be given.

    F – Failure of a signatory to notify the other signatories of offensive military action may lead to a vote for the removal of that signatory from this pact.

    G – Signatories shall not engage in offensive military action against any alliance which a fellow signatory is obligated by treaty to defend.

    I think that pretty much covers it, no? OOP attacked after you declared on every alliance attacking Polar which included numerous members of the Continuum.

  16. IRON's policy in warfare has always been to spy away the nukes of our enemies. You are our enemies, your nukes will be spied away.

    Thank you, have a good day.

    This is Valhalla's policy too and it will not change. This is one of the more unwise policies I have seen from the outnumbered side of a war.

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