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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. You will lose more land than you gain too. It is all relative sure the raider will destroy more infra but most likely the one getting raided will destroy just as much if not more monies worth of infra.

    I don't really care about infra either though so my goal when I get raided is to make it as unprofitable to the nation hitting me as possible So I will nuke them to high hell and am glad when they also spend millions on the nukes they are shooting back at me.

    Lets look at the numbers, say you are a nation just over the nuke NS that has 20 nukes and no Manhattan getting raided by 3 people with SDIs. You are likely to sucessfully send no more than 2-3 nukes per nation in assuming that none of the SDIs go on a hot streak. I'm sure that person feels really tough being out of nukes and getting shredded by 3 experienced fighters after only 72 hours of war. Reality is that the unaligned nation above does relatively minor damage while getting completely shredded themselves. Note: I am not talking about you but rather a "typical" nuclear sized unaligned nation.

  2. I think I should collect in two days without destroying my labor camps... Or the bills will null my collection for the last two days...

    But I don't know if the GRL reducing will be worth -5 happiness though. I can't even do the math, because the GRL vary.

    EDIT: Also, a -3.00$ bad event ends tomorrow... Eek... First time I face such a complex decision.

    You don't go into bill lock until the start of the third day without paying bills hence his suggestion to go 2 days.

  3. Bob S - there may be a hard core of 'casualty seekers' who chase nukes for fun, although it seems a strange business to me. But that isn't 'tech raiding' (the nuke destroys more tech than you'll gain). I suspect most raiders would be seriously dissuaded by the idea of being nuked.

    I don't raid people I think will nuke but I am prepared to deal with being nuked if it happens. Also I don't know anyone that raids for tech, land is where its at. I have only been on maybe 5-7 raids in the last 9 months, the 4 or so million casualties I have gotten this year were almost exclusively rogues and alliance wars.

    MFO members may raid if they choose. One guy got nuked... we laughed at him.

    Heh, different culture I guess. We had a contest in the last war to see who could get nuked the most. We would make fun of people that whine though.

  4. When we watch lemmings start to run down that hill we all know it is inevitable, that fact however certainly doesn't speak highly for the lemming though. ;)

    Thread over. If I was Defcon I would destroy Yuri and Opethian, think of it as a 2-for-1 special from your Orkin man. :awesome:

  5. Get the nukes out. A nuclear deterrent only works if you use it when poked, and tech raiding will only stop if it becomes unprofitable because people who are raided get out the big weapons.

    Nuclear detterent only works if the person raiding you cares about infra and tech raiding nuke nations will never stop because those tech raiding nuclear nations are doing so for fun and entertainment, not because they like infra. Basicly your "statement" will hit home rarely and even if you aren't placed on a ZI list(which you likely won't) you will get beaten down for a week by a nation who has 20x more experience fighting. To top it off you will likely lose close to half your infra or more due to the new tech damages, if that appeals to you go right ahead and nuke. Just don't pretend that you are going to cause the raider to stop tech raiding, you won't.

    I have been nuked several times while raiding and every single time I did way more damage to them then they did to me. I never had anyone ZI listed either. Everyone that nuked me got the full 7 days, I don't peace out nations that nuke me.

    As to the spying nukes=nuking policy I thinks its nuts. Spying nukes=ingame DOW in my eyes, nothing more, nothing less. Having a policy like that is only good for you if you are more powerful than the people you are using the policy against. If you are the underdog its just a quicker way to get destroyed. Opethian, SOLID etc are a good example of this, they wrote checks(public chest pounding) that their body(nation) couldn't cash and they paid the price.

    Just because you have the right to use nukes does not mean its in your best interest. I have the right to scream profanities at a 300 lb man in a bar that is staring me down because he thinks I looked at his girl wrong, I just don't because I know he would throw me through the plate glass window onto the sidewalk. I don't volunteer to thrown through the window just so he can pay the price of going to jail because I don't like him.

    Have fun nuking, I bet you will really feel tough for about a day after you launch until reality sets in. :popcorn:

  6. "did you polar really too stupid to read?"

    But I'm actually surprised to hear he is in the Colts. That's pretty sweet.

    I was suprised to hear that too but I decided to have some fun with it.

    Some confirmation from Bob Sanders on this subject would be nice. I'm not gullible, but I'm not going to believe the other side either until I know the situation.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that the RL Bob Sanders doesn't have that large of a fan base, sure he's in the NFL but he's a bakcup kicker, and kickers don't usually get much recogntion, especially backups (No offense to Bob Sanders)

    The RL Bob Sanders is the reigning NFL Defensive MVP and highest paid safety in the NFL. I am a 24 year old college student in Iowa City who saw Bob Sanders play many, many times in college and who's favorite player is Bob Sanders.

  7. woah... :blink:

    One of my best friend's cousin is the punter for the Vikings. He happens to be in the top 10 rankings in WoW :P

    o/ Gamers/NFL athletes!

    I do what I can to support my teammates.

  8. The only way you can get an extra foreign aid slot is by buying the Foreign Ministry improvement, or you can increase aid amounts to certain nations with the Federal Aid Commission wonder.

    You can get an extra slot with the Disaster Relief Agency wonder too. :ph34r:

  9. UACYuri was most certainly in the wrong, that cannot be denied. The issue, and our response, is currently being discussed and decided. Yet, with our recent merge, our government has shifted from a Dictatorship to a Triumvirate. Thus, without the other two Triums on, no definitive decision may be made at this time. We will present our decision as soon as possible, however.

    I would also like to apologize to Opethian for this entire situation. I do not see this as me "backing down" or "not being a man", etc in this situation. That is folly, nonsense. One of our members made a mistake, and that we must own up to.

    It is annoying that we have been given a "notice" with no prior, well, notice, but I guess in such situations emotions sometimes take over.

    Finally: PPF may be small, but I have always respected Opethian and, consequently, PPF, as shown by, yes, my aforementioned support of PPF in their scuffle with WAPA. All this said, though, I am only 1 of 3 Triumvirs and can not guarantee our official response.

    Hehe, this could be funny. Seems I made a mistake in looking past your previous grandstanding. That certainly won't happen again. Did you conduct a Vox focus group to come up with this post too?

  10. Unconfirmed nuke spying has been used as an act of war before. Also, war by large alliances has been brought upon smaller alliances for what, IRC jokes? After seeing things like that, I find it hard to believe there would be a period of months.

    NADC members were spying on Polar nukes. I don't really have any doubt on that. The real question or lack thereof is how Polar found out. :popcorn:

    Funny you bring up examples exclusively from Polar....I don't think thats the model to choose all things considered.

    NPO had numerous issues with CIS in the 6+ months leading up to CIS getting attacked. NPO and IRON had numerous well documented issues with GPA leading up to the GPA war. Most of the Coalition had too many issues with Polar to count in the months leading up to that war. GGA and Valhalla had numerous issues with Hyperion for which reps were still being payed for when the war started. Wars rarely start without history and when they do its for forum spying(Wolfpack), government member illegally logging into a nation that wasn't his to nuke an opposing member of government(BAPS), blatant guide stealing(derka jihad), etc

    Nuke spying =/= forum spying, not even close. For my alliance a member is allowed to spy(in-game) on any nation that they are allowed to declare war on. A policy which claims that having a nuke spied away is equal to being nuked is hilarious IMO. SOLID tried it and were turned in glass parking lots while inflicting minimal damages. Its a fun little threat when your enemies are infra hugging babies but it does not work when your opponent simply doesn't care about nukes or actually enjoys them. Seems that Opethian guessed wrong when evaluating whether Defcon were infra huggers. :popcorn: Edit: Seems I spoke too soon, I guess Defcon doesn't like being trolled by Vox..... Not suprising really, Vox does seem to have a rather large influence on Defcon's recent policy decisions. :popcorn:

    edit in: Also, he went to peace mode.
    Then he should be declaring on Defcon now. He needs to put up or stop yapping. Reminds me of a Chihuahua.
  11. The funny thing about this is.

    Had NPO, IRON or any other sanctioned alliance done the same it'd be full of "o/ o/ o/" "sad but necessary" etc.

    Why can't Opethian do the same?

    Sweep everything under the rug as much as you want, but the wife will notice the bulge sooner or later gentlemen.(in b4 penis joke)

    That is all.

    Had NPO or IRON issued a similar ultimatum it would have been after months and months of issues with the alliance it was directed to. Nobody other than Opethain goes to war over 2 spied nukes with no other history between the two alliances.

    Why make the thread? Just man up and attack the guy instead of whining.

  12. Please show me the treaty between OG and Tempest, the only alliance HoG declared on. Luckily enough Alterego posted this amazing picture that apparently I had no idea existed, right under you. What a pal.

    You attacked a protectorate of a Continuum alliance(Valhalla) and another Continuum alliance(Old Guard) helped us out because we were otherwise engaged at the time. I'm not quite sure why this confuses you.......

  13. Myworld, maybe the threat was an imaginary one. I disagree with you on that, but oh well, people will disagree. Imagined or not, it felt real to those in many in TOP. So while you will argue that there is no reason besides boredom, I disagree and will say that imagined or not TOP felt threatened, and believed NpO ploted and manuvered against it. That is enough to justify a solid CB.

    By the way while I'm a member of TOP, I really am speaking for myself and no one else. I accept TOP's decision to go to war, and agree with it, but I was an applicant waiting while all this war was taking place. So my point to you was simply that I disagreed with the belief that this war had no reason besides boredom and that reps should not be hurtful. I also don't believe that if TOP was in a position of weakness that the NpO would not have manuvered to destroy it.

    It's not a matter of opinion to be debated. I know for a fact that Polar tried to start a war with the Citadel within the last 2 months that Polar was in One Vision. Myworld is flat out lying or was ill-informed. I go with the former considering his other moves.

  14. IC: No good can come of your trolling, and I have confidence that one day you will slip up, get rolled, and whine heavily about the consequences of your actions.

    Too, late. That already happened, hence the bitter trolling in this thread.

    I knew why and when people were leaving TPF before your government even did. People confide in those they trust. I surely would not betray that trust by telling you who they are. But let's just pretend there is no reason that TPF lost so many members over a short period that they lost their sanction. Isn't it nice when we pretend everything is fine?

    Funny how I could name the people that confided in you in less than 5 guesses. You aren't very good at protecting their identity, well they aren't anyway. Stop pretending that you know what's "really going on" and that no one else has a clue.

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