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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. I seriously hope your kidding. My nation is in no way hurting. I dont have wonders because i am purchasing improvments first and at the time was not concerned about Wonders. Look at my nation again friend, as of right now im saving for a wonder. Hints why im 3 days inactive. And since when am i blaming anything on me not having nukes? I never one said i wanted this or that to be changed so i can get a nuke.

    The highlighted text may be the single worst CN economic strategy I have ever seen anyone put to text. There is no excuse for being at 5300 infra without wonders.

  2. I was on IRC that night and SirSqueeboo came onto our private channel warning us all to hit peacemode immediately. IIRC it was about 15 minutes to update. So it wasn't much warning but we were warned

    I was in FAN and we knew at least a couple hours before. Banks and non-nuclear nations were ordered to peace. Nuclears nations that weren't banks stayed to fight.

  3. Yeah, we should've all used the OOC attack in order to get out of the war, right? :rolleyes:

    If I was going down in war I wouldn't wanna do it because I was allied to alliances with impulsive and incompetent leadership.

    Note: I assumed you are talking about Slayer, if you were talking about me you can think what you want. I resigned about a day before \m/ disbanded because GOONs pissed me off and I had always disliked them other than a few members anyway.

  4. This thread is reinforcing alot of my opinions.

    Post modgate UJP leadership other than Slayer was a disgrace to the word leadership. Horrible decision making across the board led to one of the most poorly planned war runups ever. Alot of that was due to inexperience(\m/) and boredom(GOONS). The entire war plan revolved around nukes regardless of the fact that GOONS was the only UJP alliance with warchests. The order in \m/ to go nuclear was among the biggest war strategy blunders I have ever seen. It removed our massive fighting skill advantage over Legion in particular and reduced the war to a simple numbers game. Good thing I had the sense to ignore that and cause my 2 Legion opponents to recieve 27 million in aid during our war while I sat there collecting my taxes and funding myself. :) Tito716 was an awesome battle buddy. o/

    The whole "defensive" argument is a useless waste of time.

  5. Yeah, we know you guys in Valhalla would do it, but of course we know you guys only like getting casualties if you know you'll win.

    Or maybe you like Hoo...

    Either way, I couldn't miss the chance to take a shot at you guys. :P

    Of course, Valhalla has clearly never been on the losing side of a war, neither has any of her members. :rolleyes: /sarcasm

  6. Even though Valhalla, TORN, or MHA wasnt even in the FAN-WUT war...

    While not involved in actual combat Valhalla did send hundreds of millions in aid to NPO during the first war, TORN didn't exist and MHA was spied on by FAN during the current war.

  7. Well, this thread has given me a nice list of people to consider going rogue on when I decide to quit.

    On topic:

    I don't like FAN. Actually...I hate FAN. But enough is enough, let them play the game. It's getting boring around here. :awesome:

    Pick Me!!! Pick Me!!!!

    The NPO is also justified in using spies against other alliances.

    Of course spying is an act of war, and there have been many wars fought over spying or allegations of spying, however when you have nothing to lose, as FAN has nothing to lose, than that drives them to "attacking" back in any way they can. Since coming out of peace mode would have the same result as if you went nuke rogue on the NPO (PZI) they opt to fight in a way that allows them to have nations with more than zero infrastructure.

    That being said, if the NPO wanted to spy on others, they have the same right as FAN does to do it. However public opinion may be against NPO spying, simply because NPO is over 20 million NS in strength. There is not many alliances who would be able to take them on, and given NPO's size they could take on several alliances at the same time. It is therefore debatable if a group poses sufficient threat to the NPO to warrant them using spies. Of course the only people who need to justify that question are the IO's, and I can see how they could logically justify it.

    So, NPO has the right to use spies like FAN, however the NPO has more to lose by using spies, whereas FAN has nothing to lose.

    Really? FAN's tactics preclude peace because there is no way for those at war with them to confirm that they stopped fighting. I'd say something that precludes peace terms does indeed cost them something. Not to mention the fact that their tactics also heavily rely on multis which violate game rules. There is not one viable reason for FAN to get peace right now.

  8. The point is, FAN and alot more people are tired of seeing you bother them.... You went to war with FAN for having the same policy as yours. FAN invaded NoV because they claimed NoV was nazis... A few months later you did too. I think NPO made a big mistake by entering FAN it brought down their rep. Hell, Even some NPO people dont even think they should be in FAN.

    NPO has never been at war with NoV.

  9. My first statement was meant as a joke, not as a part of my 'arguement'. -_- It was just refering to your last sentence thar, the one that said something like "I don't send my soldiers to die, I send them to kill." well even if you send them to kill, you will still rack up casualties. That's all that I meant to say. I think you understood that too, but for some reason wanted to continue on with the sarcasm thing that you've been doing over the course of this thread. It's just become a bit annoying now.

    Tried the peace thing... Hm... I would assume that was when you also cancelled out the "peace thing" because some members of FAN weren't directly following your very vague surrender terms? Or am I thinking of a different time? P:

    For the last time:

    I don't oppose NPO. If I did, I wouldn't be in Valhalla. I disagree with NPO. And not because I think it's the cool thing to do or that it will somehow earn me PR, I do it because I think that on some of their decisions, I believe that they are wrong. Rather than sitting in my corner quietly sulking about it, I come on the forums and voice my opinion. I'm still allowed to do that right? :rolleyes: Why is it that most NPO'ers whenever they don't feel like actually speaking about my statements specifically, just fall back on that one point of "If it disagrees with us, they do it because we're on top and because they want to."


    :unsure: Are you aware that Valhalla is at war with FAN? I am unamused with this !@#$ storm. Reminds me of Blacky.

    By going the route of guerilla warfare, their actual capability cannot be marked and checked and thus they would have to be taken at their word that they would dismantle such. Unfortunately their word isn't trusted at this point due to the previous action and while they continue to talk about using such tactics they will not be trusted at a peace table. That is why I say these unconventional tactics and the alliance with Vox only hinders their chances at peace. I know they are only doing what they can to continue the fight, but the more they use those means the less chance they have to get peace.

    The bolded section speaks for itself.

    P.S. I was in FAN at the time of the first war, I fought and bled for FAN and I think they deserve what they are getting. Words do not describe how incompetent the leadership that FAN continues to elect is.

  10. Judging by the poll results, I think I can safely presume that the majority of the public would like to see FAN get white peace.

    But will they actually ever get it?

    The public opinion is wrong. NPO would have to be stupid to give peace to an alliance with an ongoing spying/infiltration operation that they brag about constantly. Barring a massive change in that tactic peace will never even be considered. Of course for most of the NPO haters this poll is the only way they will ever beat NPO, I sincerely hope this poll result makes them feel better. :)

  11. So anyone who is allied to the most powerful force on Planet Bob is "on the wrong side of the fence" in your book? No wonder you've been on the losing end of so many wars....

    You just now noticed this? :lol:

    OOC: I think that Starfox enjoys being an outspoken figure on the losing side. If thats what he enjoys good for him, he probably has more fun than most CNers do.

  12. Definitely Bob for initiating the conflict. Bill is within all his rights to counterattack.

    We all have the right to declare war on any nation in our range and use any weapons at our disposal. They have the right to fight back in any way the game allows. None of us have the right to do as we please without reaction from other players, that is essence of Planet Bob.

    I have the right to attack Drai and nuke him.

    Valhalla has the right to kick me out.

    Drai has the right to get his alliance to ZI me.

    Bob has the right to declare war.

    Bill has the right to fight back.

    Bob has the right to continue attacking

    Bill has the right to continue to fight back.

    What really matters is that Bob and Bill each need to weigh the pros and cons of fighting or giving a peace offer and act accordingly. Arguing rights is just ridiculous.

  13. Hoo, word on the street is that you're launching a unilateral offensive against GGA, TAB, LOST, and your own protectorate. Can I be viceroy somewhere? Anywhere is fine... except maybe GGA cause I'm pretty sure Ironchef has been telling everyone I have cooties :( IT'S JUST THE CLAP IT'S CURABLE.

    Ironchef isn't a GGA member. She has been pillaging and drinking beer for awhile now. ;)

  14. That was rather epic; if NPO hadnt had razed GOLD Im sure someone else would have simply for their crimes of repeated incompetence.

    Case in point: Gold leadership in a NPO/allies channel telling them that they would not be joining the war with UJP; 30 seconds later some member of GOLD gov accidentally posted in the NPO/allies channel instead of GOLD gov and I paraphrase "hahaha they believe we wont be joining the war, we are ready for war at update" etc.

    That was almost as fun as the GPA peace negotiations..... Almost :awesome:

    I believe that actual statement was something about a vote on entering the war being almost done. I was on the phone with and getting logs from the guy who said it and I know that he did it intentionally. In retrospect it was a rather unwise time to be a smart-$@! but I found it funny at the time.

    Wait, so B&T lied to me?

    I guess it's not the first time ;)

    No, he didn't lie. He just didn't know that the "accidental line of chat" was actually intentional. ;)

    OOC:Fadeev, your sig is a wonderful contrast to this thread's title.

    IC: I'm a new player, and I know that NPO betrayed FAN. It's a stain on their honor, and one they continually make worse by denying all this. Frankly, if I'm not mistaken, almost everyone agrees that FAN should be let go. NPO is the sole exception, and there are still dissenters within their ranks. If I'm wrong, tell me.

    From what I can glean, we all know the history. I won't go into details on that. I don't even know some of the dirtier ones, because both alliances have made a serious attempt to hide them. Forgive and forget. FAN are a bunch of women, they want stuff, but they'll get it through crying and all that !@#$, without ever truly giving up their guns. NPO, I see you as present day America. You're holding onto an ideology that was once great, but no longer is. Now, they just look like the bully, and everyone will push their buttons until they asplode. Which will happen.

    Anyway, o/ on 365 years of being ground under someone's foot. Hope it all works out for you in the end, FAN.

    What is this I don't even...

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