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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. Torn, I expected things like declaring war while negotiations are underway and then not even posting a DoW for 38 minutes from NPO, But I really thought you were better than that.

    :( at the loss of respect tonight.

    Oh please, is that the propaganda being distributed in the war planning channel now? Seeing that c/ped into 20 posts doesn't make it true.

  2. Your paranoia is showing. You know, FAN got kicked out of WUT and rolled for agreeing not to attack someone the bloc was at war with. If everyone knew Sparta was actively planning to attack members of Continuum... Where was the response before they left?

    You can stop the charade now. The DoW on FAN listed like 8 reasons and you picked a random one and claimed it as the sole reason. How am I even supposed to take anything you are saying seriously? The obvious can only be denied for so long.

  3. So is that why all the big bad Vikings are pulling a Dove Roll? As much as I don't like saying it I really can only think of one thing to say to you bob...


    Congrats Sparta.

    Tsk tsk tsk Hizzy, the blood is getting to your head. You got it all wrong again: when Legion does it, it's cowardice. When Valhalla, it's tactics.
    I thought Valhalla would love the idea of getting rolled.

    Don't you guys want more casualties?

    Well at least we know who doesn't have a clue militarily. That means you. Also I must have missed the military component of Legion's peace mode rush, oh thats right it didn't exist. ;)

    Atleast the GOON squad had the nads to go down swingin

    No they didn't lol, they went out with a small whimper doing like 1/4 of the damage they could have.

    As to my posts last night it is quite revealing that everyone seemed to jump on my spelling and no one addressed the content of my posts. The truth doesn't go away if you ignore it. Sparta was in the thick of planning a war against its allies for months and months and continued to lie about it, the lying didn't really matter, everyone knew anyway.

  4. The revisionism is strong with this one...

    Actually he is dead on, I remember facepalming when I saw Solie order those attacks on GOONS. Its really a shame that I lost all my logs from back then.

    I also have asked friends of mine who were in WUT gov positions and every single one of them told me that GOONS was the last holdout and they turned because of those attacks. Considering the expulsion and attack came less than 7 days after the attacks on GOONS that should be obvious to any casual observer anyway.

  5. frankly, i don't really care about FAN all that much. While yes, it would be nice to see them freed, FAN is one of the alliances that will most likely rebuild and 6 months, a year, 2 years would be back at war with NPO and allies. I don't see them as the forgetting or letting go of a grudge type alliance.

    As for the using any tactics in a war, yes it is a good thing to help out the underdogs some but in the end, it reflects upon the nature of your alliance and the people within. Even if FAN or Vox got freed and vowed to have removed or stop using their spies, i would never believe nor trust them in the least. Unfortunately, when you go the route that FAN has, you lose all credibility and trust. Sure i respect them for holding onto their principles for this long war but i don't trust them, nor view them as a credible alliance in the least.

    Nor would i once they were free. They would be the same FAN that spied, stole money from alliances, and pulled any and all dirty-handed tactics regardless of the reasons behind it. Just because they do not have the reasons, does not mean they would change overnight. It would take a long time for them to truly gain any credibility or trust.

    Be careful, that kind of logic is frowned upon here. Blind moral outrage without even slightly considering the situation is the prefered method of discourse on these forums.

  6. He usually comes by these threads to flame anyway though. This is surprising for him.

    O hai there, I was in GOLD. :ph34r:

    P.S. Believe it or not Valhalla is tied to the alliance Dan is leading by MDoAP bloc. He is currently a purple senator.

  7. Some could say the same thing of you, however this is about our current poll leader which you or sponge don't even come close. we all know who the most loathed player is, we didn't need a poll although I do like to see how the other folk judge one's actions.

    And what exactly have I done? Oh that's right, reasons aren't necessary. You just hate everyone that doesn't attack NPO in every post they make. :rolleyes: Go crawl back in your cave, I'll wake you up when NPO gets destroyed so you can come out and celebrate. :awesome:

    @Sponge, I'm never going to stop and I'm not stupid. You can keep trying to bait me though. <_<

  8. Damnit, you made me go look for it, but here it is.


    I also still have some screenshots of the first part of the conversation on the Vox forums somewhere, but they are small and unreadable.

    EDIT: I was also reminded of these, which although aren't as recent, are proof.



    Those say nothing about GGA having a spy implanted in Vox, there are Vox screenshots dropped in queries by anonymous people from time to time. The fact that Degen saw one isn't particularly noteworthy. The fact that ironchef asked misr to confirm what she had heard secondhand about Vox goverment positions shows that she didn't have a spy. If she actually had a spy she wouldn't have had to ask him. As to what she asked from misr, that is certainly not uncommon to ask for information as part of a surrender. Is it an act of war? Sure it is. But its a far cry from actually implanting a spy.

    I know NPO used to use spies also. Heck, most alliance have(in fact, Polar did and they got peace). If spying is grounds for never giving an alliance surrender, then you could argue any major alliance should never be allowed to surrender. Alliances have admitted before to having spies in the Blackstone Collusion and Vox. Most alliances just are much quieter about it.

    Have you even read anything I have posted? Those alliances you named did not have concerted spying operations involving rerolls. When you begin to use rerolls you will get a much stronger reaction from your opponent because rerolls are much easier to disguise and infiltrate with. As far as I'm concerned rerolling with the intent to spy is the most heinous IC act possible in the game because it is a blatant exploit of game mechanics.

    The alliances that have been perma-listed, FAN, GOONS, Vox, Blackstone etc have one universal in common, they have openly bragged about their plans to reroll and infiltrate their enemies. That is not a coincidence. The alliances that stood and fought straight up like Polar, MK, GR, GPA, and a bunch of others have peace now because they chose to not use that exploit of game mechanics or at very least they are not stupid enough to brag about it.

    Note: I have no problem with people who reroll and move on to play a different character, they are not the subject of my rant against rerolls.

  9. I hate to sound like a FAN sympathizer, but I do have two points

    1) FAN are not in eternal war because they are spying. They are spying because they are in eternal war. The current quagmire is by no choice of FAN's.

    2) "Trusted with surrender?" Remember the situation we are talking about, then try to rephrase that to make it less ironic.

    Their current reroll based spying is what precludes surrender now, not that they want peace anyway. Want some more irony, FAN spied on MHA despite MHA never being at war with them. That act is the only reason that MHA is currently at war with FAN.

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