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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. Sponge is a good man, despite his shortcomings. And the mistakes he may or may not have made in the past were all decisions that he felt were good ones at the time. He (like the rest of you) did not intend to personally, OOC, hurt anyone. Nor did he intend to hurt this game.

    More incorrect words have never been spoken. I disagree on every single point and no, I'm not going to tell you why so don't ask. :ph34r:

  2. That wasn't espionage, that was impersonation. Subpar troll attempt, bill n ted. You used to do much better work.

    Hanging curveball? ;)

    Impersonating a member of another alliance for whatever purpose is espionage. The New Polar Order has not, does not, and will not tolerate this sort of behavior from anyone. Some hours ago the Polar government was informed by an allied government someone was impersonating the Polar Minister of Peace, AlmightyGrub, across multiple channels including those of several close allies. Upon further investigation that individual was found to be Starcraftmazter, Marshal of the State for the Federation of Independent Sovereign Territories. In performing this act of blatant espionage the Federation of Independent Sovereign Territories has in effect declared itself in open hostility to the New Polar Order. In response I have no other choice but to declare that a state of war now exists between our two alliances.


  3. Interesting stuff, good luck to the signatories.

    Just to confirm, if an alliance were daft enough to attack, say, IRON, does this mean that the military forces of ML, TORN and Valhalla would mobilise in defense without any DoW being required from the alliances?

    Multiple alliances involved in a war without matching DoW's could play havoc with the treaty web.

    It doesn't even have a binding defense clause. :mellow: What it does say is that 4 alliances will coordinate should we find ourselves in a war. ;)

  4. I'd like to see an official comment from Valhalla about the chaining issue. Polaris certainly seem to believe they signed an explicitly non-chaining treaty, but this is the same wording used in the Valhalla-LoSS MDP which was (ambiguously) acknowledged to be chaining in both attack and defence.

    Edit for Bob Sanders: Sorry my surprise causes you such anguish ;)

    You aren't allied to either alliance and you have a very long history of publicly disagreeing with nearly every action of both alliances. I still can't figure out why you think it is any of your business how the treaty is worded or more importantly why Valhalla or NpO should care.

  5. It's a shame you're a flaming hypocrite and can only apply this philosophy when it means getting your band of faux-war mongers another alliance to drag alongside you through the mud.

    Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.

    Its nice to see this finally go through. :P

  6. Seems rather sudden though, just looking through the the OWF as soon as, well, yesterday.

    If you are referring to the King Penchuk thread I would suggest a closer look at who was actually arguing. This treaty was not a surprise for me although I didn't know about it until after it was posted. I wonder who Polar will sign with next. :popcorn:

  7. stop talking crap.

    Fact is: Polars 'complete destruction' never was on the table. If we (Coalition) would have desired that, no polar nation, gun or dollar could have done *anything* against that. NpO would look like FAN right now, 100 nations in peacemode and the rest burning in ZI or quitting the game. End of discussion. All that morale and comraderie and leadership and orga skill means *nothing* in the face of the firepower lined up against you.

    Kudos and Grats for your impressive regrowth and all that, but to claim there was *anything* achieved on the battlefield is just crap. There never was anything to win for you and you never did.

    If you don't believe that, just say so, I am sure we can get back to the battlefield ASAP and you can show how you prevent yourself being reduced to ashes.

    Maybe you should go declare on Genesis, Vox Populi or the Angry Sponge alliance, those are the alliances that house the people you are arguing with.

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