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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. When GOONS was attacked it was one trigger happy FAN member.

    Way off man. Solie who was Server of the Poisoned Kool-Aid ordered the attacks which resulted in GOONS members getting hit less than a week before the FAN war. I know, I was there and I saw the thread on the FAN forums. Those wars were still ongoing when FAN was hit.

    Everyone in GOLD at the time was given the exact orders you quoted. I remember it exactly because I was a newb at the time and didn't know Thomas20 was our premier whom posted the orders. I remember it that specifically.

    I remember lots of GOLD members straight out attacking violators with no diplomacy or waiting period. Wasn't a member so I don't know what the orders were but they weren't being followed if that is the case. GOLD was ordered to let FAN handle any cases involving WUT members.

  2. 3- noWedge'll pop back up. The Cyberverse will shudder.

    Sadly he would be out of my range. :(

    4-Two alliances will finally get what they deserve. This is a private wish. No, I am not talking about NPO. They are nowhere near as evil as we all want to think they are.
    I have a list of two also although Valhalla isn't on mine. ;)
  3. If you're not wearing a tag on IRC, how am I supposed to know if you're in an alliance or not?

    1. Ingame search.

    2. General knowledge about the game.

    Seriously though, you likely will never find a recruit on IRC unless you have a previous friendship with them. Ridiculous strategy.

  4. The escalation was both of your faults because you both made choices that the other reacted badly to. The messages were just pathetic though, likely because the guy sending them is a big baby. That said, back when I raided it would have turned into a several day war(minus the messages) every single time. No way I would have taken that peace offer after being hit with air and CMs. The only people taking that peace offer are infra-huggers.

  5. To be blatantly honest I think it is rather unintelligent to have to say sorry for accepting a nation just because a large alliance does not like that nation. Am I wrong to think that Genesis and MCXA are not treaty in any sort of way? I could understand if they held a treaty together making this post, but if not then why should KP leave Genesis? I can understand apologizing for KP's actions of trolling if they accusation of trolling holds water.

    Any alliance that is remotely politically active would realize that accepting Penchuk instantly means you are hostile toward MCXA. Anyone that disagrees with that is smoking something rather strong.

    One another note I hope to see MCXA "dancing on Penchuk's grave" shortly. ;) Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. :awesome:

  6. Just remembered I had these in my photobucket. Not really sure why but yeah. Some of the old sanctioned alliance masks from the old forums. >_>


    I wore those 3 in reverse order. The first \m/ tag was never actually used as the official mask iirc.

  7. So, you're saying if I sign up for the "world that should not be named world" and sign into The Pacific forums there and troll the NPO, it would be justified because the NPO doesn't own those forums, but rather, The Pacific does?

    Lest you forget this was a thread created by a member of RoK. Maybe FAN members shouldn't have hijacked a RoK recruiting thread with obscenities toward NPO? :o

  8. I or another FAN member will be more than happy to put you in touch with AR15's administrative staff in order to determine the party involved.

    We are, however, still waiting for any sort of condemnation of such behavior from you. Its delay is speaking volumes. While some of the individuals affiliated with FAN in that thread obviously exhibited rather abrasive behavior as well, because it took place in a non-CN community those individuals are members of, and not a CN community or FAN's own forum, that is a separate issue.

    If our members were to deliberately intrude on non-CN communities NPO players in were members of, explicitly and solely to disrupt and harass them, FAN would deal with its members as necessary.

    We expect you to do the same.

    If you want to hold a conference with FAN Congress to draw up a mutual, consistent OOC-restriction policy that both member bodies agree to abide by, I'm sure that can be easily arranged in order to rectify these issues. The bottom line remains, however, that the membership of FAN encompasses more than just CN, and those people are not - and should not have to be - willing to tolerate this sort of targeted, disruptive harassment in forums and communities that are only vestigially linked or are in fact wholly unrelated to CN - the same as your members should not be forced to endure such.

    You claim the authority and power to curtail this sort of behavior. Now do it.

    This is part of leadership in the real world, Moo. When somebody deliberately crosses the line singing your theme song at the top of their lungs, you have to fix it.

    We're waiting.

    He didn't do anything wrong. On the other hand the actions of FAN members in that thread were reprehensible.

  9. Bros, I must say you have come very far since you started. If you would have asked me back in 06, if I thought you would be around this long, I would have said hell no. Good job, you've improved dramatically.

    Also, not sure if someone else said it, but I remember when the CM's had a sound each time you launched it! Ha! Beat that.

    That was just removed in one of the last couple wars due to bandwidth. :P

  10. All governments in CN are to an extent a Democracy, maybe not in name, their leaders all depend on the loyalty and support of their peoples, it just isn't expressed through elections.

    And more importantly if you are feeling oppressed by a non-democratic government its very easy to just go join another alliance. In real life that is much more complicated. That in a nutshell is why I support Democracy in RL but oppose it in CN. My #1 rule if I were to join another alliance is that there cannot be regular elections for the top level of leadership in that alliance whether it is an Emperor, Regent, Triumvirate, Council or some other variation. The long term relationships cultivated by leaders are vital to the well-being of an alliance and any change in leadership is a risk. There should definitely be a recourse for removing bad leaders but it should require extraordinary circumstances, not just a loss of popularity.

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