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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. thanks, vir.

    for the most part i was on the League side. missed GW1 by a couple months, a certain yellow alliance for GW2, and neutrality in that alliance for GW3.

    Thats what I was about to post. I did have fun getting invited into #sanctum repeated by people who thought we should join Aegis.

  2. The Legion didn't lose that war. Just because some didn't fight well doesn't mean the Legion lost the war. :huh: I fought 3 \m/ nation by myself and beat the crap out of them. And they were all bigger than me.

    Nuclear war I assume?

    This is not an acurate descripition of how that war ended. But I will leave that for Lord Swampy to discuss in his next issue. I will just say I was upset that the Legion-Valahlla war ended while I was still fighting \m/ nations. At the time I really wanted to attack Valahalla nations.

    Well, the white peace when threatened with nukes does cast some doubt. Technically you are right, Legion did win the war.

    I'm a Paradoxian now and I :wub: Valhalla.

    :wub: TOP :wub:

    I can't argue with that. The real problem really began with not having warchests. I had a warchest my \m/ opponents didn't and that's all that really mattered.

    Not having warchests is always a problem. I had 20 million or so and the reason I was able to survive is because my opponents were anarchied and I was collecting every day.

  3. History doesn't seem to be your strong point. The Legion has only had 1 viceroy. Where you got "Thrice Viceroy'd" is beyond me. :rolleyes:Technically the Legion has lost only 1 war that was GWIII. The Dove War (as the Legion refers to it) wasn't much of a war as the Legion, facing overwhelming odds and a crappy CB, went into peace mode on mass. Purplegate was never a war. The Legion accepted terms to prevent a war.

    While I have respect for what NAAC chose to do by the time of Purplegate it wasn't an option for the Legion. The NPO had prevented other alliances from disbanding to avoid war like GOLD. And some alliance had their former members attacked after disbanding.

    I don't really get how you think \m/ was a better alliance. The Legion despite adversary remained together. Where as \m/ disbanded at the first sign of trouble. I guess the \m/ motto should be "when the going gets tough .... just disband."

    And where does UJW fit into that? I surrendered to Legion after a joint curbstomping of my two higher infra opponents with another \m/ember. They were forced to accept 27 million in aid between them with no retaliatory declarations on our nations. I started the war with under 20 million and had over 10 million when I surrendered. banned member beat me, Legion certainly did not. Also Valhalla got white peace because Legion didn't have the ability to finish the job.

    P.S. We ignored Virillus' orders to go nuclear. I feel sorry for all the poor suckers who listened to that nuke order. That may have been the worst strategy decision I have seen in my time on Planet Bob. "No one has warchests, lets go full nuclear and get bill-locked in 3 days." :rolleyes:

  4. Your humility is appreciated, however, if he was really that bad, you should have done something about it.

    Umm I was in GOLD with him for less than a month iirc. He joined Purge after I left. I don't really understand why I would have had a reason to "do something" about him. He's been more of a mild nuisance than anything else.

    So first off. You're not cool at all for saying ZOMG. Had to get that out. Now, secondly, you aren't a tough guy. You aren't funny. You're lame and think you're an internet tough guy.

    Besides, 2nd place in total? Nobody gives a crap. Go get #1 in total and attacking and then parade your 4 inch cyber dick in this thread.

    Nobody cares about you and get out of Derek's thread.

    If you don't want to talk about me in this thread I suggest you tell your alliance mate, MegaAros not to derail the thread into a discussion about me. I didn't bring up all this stupid stuff, he did. I came into this thread to call Nintenderek on his BS about TPF/Purge.

  5. First, my eternal war scenario is negated by the fact that I MAY lose a grand total of 10,000 troops for an entire cycle of war. Look at how small my nation is. Nukes can take out 100,000 in one blow, but I've never actually owned one. Finally, Bob played the game back when the solider count was increased, rather than efficiency, where the game was horribly broken and stupid. Causalities mean nothing really for gauging how effective a nation is at war. Number of wars, the ability to stay out of bill lock, and overall determination and preparation is what's important for wars. In my entire history here, I have no idea how you all have yet to see this. Or did you forget that for a while GPA had almost all the top causality counts?

    I did not use GCs at all until they were changed. As for my effectiveness you can feel free to ask anyone that I have fought, if they are still around. Also GPA was never up in the attacking casualty numbers except for the nation they artificially inflated by having months of war games against each other.

    Secondly, Purge, GOLD, and a few other alliances that Bob failed to save, and will hide his own personal blunders by hiding behind Nintenderek.

    I don't claim to be a saviour, in fact I have openly said on numerous occasions that I am not cut out to lead an alliance. As far as claiming that anything I have done led to my alliances dying that is ridiculous. I left GOLD a good 4-5 months before the UJW, I joined FAN a whole month and a half before they got hit, I was a nobody in \m/ in UJW and I left Purge for personal reasons several months before they imploded. If you would like to make fun of me for my alliance selection I already beat you to that by over a year so have at it. I freely admit I was clueless about CN politics until after I joined Valhalla.

  6. Congrats Nin I am still left from GOLD.

    Bob and Imperator, you hurt my GOLDen feelings. Well, not really, maybe a little. I do think we went downhill after the sanction...ironically enough that was when I was in charge.

    For what it is worth, I made it to a top 2% nation and had over 11K infra. I was ZI'ed and am now almost back in the top ten% and I have probably never gone more than 5 days without collecting, I do not improvment swap, nor do I trade swap.

    That seems like work, and I am happy with my 7 million plus a day in profit.

    Please feel free to judge me a failure as well.

    Perhaps I was a bit harsh, it seemed like the sanction was a common goal that people were driving for and when it was accomplished there was no goal. I think you were by far the best leader GOLD ever had and I didn't leave until after you were out of government.

  7. Considering I've never had 900 infra in my life, keeping my NS low on purpose, I find this hard to believe.

    Ok, maybe 700 or 800. It definitely happened though.

    If that was the case, wouldn't you be the worst leader of them all? You leaving was what allowed for the new leadership leading to all these events. If you hadn't left, the leadership you hate so much wouldn't have gotten into power. The irony is amazing, isn't it?

    That seems like a bit of a stretch to me. :lol:

  8. ZOMG a person made an error a long time ago. I should mock him with an in game error to troll him!

    No seriously, you've already done it 6 months ago, and people still remember it, and even have it sigged still. Don't mock a person if you can't handle being mocked yourself, ESPECIALLY for the failure that you had.

    I was ripping you for changing the subject, not for remembering the quote. In case you haven't noticed this thread is not about me, it is about Nintenderek. You simply chose to ignore what I posted and instead brought up a completely unrelated incident in some lame attempt to discredit me.

    The fact of the matter is that Nintenderek made some inflammatory and grossly inaccurate accusations in the OP and I called him on it. If you would like to challenge me in that area please feel free.

    If you would like to discuss my mad typing skillz please pray that my head swells up enough that I post a 1,000 day anniversary thread in 180 days. Its not gonna happen but you can always hope. :rolleyes:

  9. I think my favorite memory is when I asked you why you only had 1 improvement and 900 infra. Your response (paraphrasing) "I'm focusing on buy infra and tech now so I don't want to spend money on improvements." That pretty much sums up your entire CN career, complete and utter failure in every aspect.

    Blaming Purge's problems on anything other than god-awful leadership and decision-making is ridiculous. TPF's job as a protector among other things is to prevent their protectorates from jumping off a cliff. Unfortunately for Purge the sheer force of stupidity in leadership made the cliff jumping an inevitable result.

    As far as SOAP goes their biggest problem was you not so subtly trying to take over the alliance in a series of inept power grabs.

    Also I was in GOLD, it sucked after the sanction, I left. There are still quite a few ex-GOLD members around including 3 ex-GOLD nations in the top 20 nations of CN and one ex-GOLD member is #2 in total casualties. :P

  10. I don't know why you use the word 'but'. The MDP was broken to avoid breaking other treaties; it was still broken. (Defending treaty partners who come under direct attack is not offensive action anyway.) You in fact illustrate why so many treaties get ignored: the web is so complex that you find yourself obliged to do two contradictory actions.

    Declaration of War

    The Siberian Tiger Alliance hereby enacts its Mutual Aggression and Defence Pact with the New Polar Order.

    As a result, the Siberian Tiger Alliance is now in a state of war with those alliances that have attacked Polaris and her allies.



    Now lets consider the wording of the sentence that I highlighted. STA declared war on Valhalla, GGA, TOP, MCXA, Gremlins and numerous other MDP or higher partners of the NPO. The only dishonorable act was the post by Uhtred demanding that NPO "honor" the treaty that STA urinated on in public less than 2 hours before the demand. I can't think of a better reason to cancel a treaty with immediate effect than if that ally just attacked 5+ of your other allies at the same time.

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