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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. What has the world come to when members of Karma are resorting to 'do something about it'? Sure, every nation has a 'sovereign right' to do whatever it likes, if you want to be that reductionist (though I'd say the sovereign right not to have your territory violated was more important, myself). But you're going straight into Josef Thorne territory if you attempt to use that as justification for attacking innocent nations for no reason.

    You guys are making me agree with the NPO. Yes, they did some really bad things in their past, including attacking GPA over basically nothing. But (and here's the part of the story you're forgetting) that eventually resulted in them being rolled because they made enemies of everyone – because such things are wrong. They're still wrong if you do them.

    Oh c'mon Bob, there were always two distinct sets of Karma members. Those who just wanted to kill NPO/Hegemony because they hated them and those that were convinced to join in because they were sold on the moralistic BS that is the Karma name. Its not very hard to tell which category the main alliances of Karma fell into. In fact I don't think that anyone outside of Citadel and close allies falls into the second category. If you actually thought Athens or CnG for that matter ever bought into your version of Karma the joke is on you.

  2. :ph34r:

    What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

    If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

    Hypocrite, everyone knows that NPO tech raided all the time. Get with the program, cow. :lol1:

  3. I am totally disappointed that Athens is killing the respect and dignity of CnG that we worked so hard to accumulate when I was there. It sickens me to no end that they are putting their allies and allies allies at risk like this. Seriously, I am beside myself.


    That is truly disturbing sir.

  4. [ooc]posting from phone due to lack of Internet access for the next day or so[/ooc]

    SLCB has our full support at this time. We will be protecting them just as we normally do under our treaty. Should SLCB be lumped with SLF in any military response, you can be expecting a fight be brought to your doorstep.

    Rafael Nadal

    poor opsec IMO....

    Then again we all know what your goal is here so it wasn't really secret....

  5. The only definite one is Daemon as he's already told me I'm on his. I did have Bilrow on my list, but it's actually a waste of a slot. What I would do is sit in "None" to be attacked by them dastardly tech raiders then just defend myself. I'd do that for a few months, nuking anyone daft enough to attack and sending aid to Kronos. Then hopefully after 6 months or so, I'd be small enough to declare on Paulpig lol

    Oh and Alden Peterson, to try and no doubt fail again at besting him.

    I don't get mentioned here? ;)

  6. "Don't go spy hunting against Valhalla. You suck at it."

    To be fair, inventing a spy out of thin air is a tough assignment.

    For myself it would probably be never joining \m/ or helping found Purge. \m/ was the reason I met chefjoe and Lysdexia so it wasn't all bad though.

  7. No idea why people are voting Fark, they don't fit the question. You have to be big to start with in order to bounce back. Fark formed with hundreds of tiny nations, was held at small sizes for a few months and then grew.

    Percentage-wise BAPS would have to be at the top although being a smaller alliance certainly influenced that. Polar has had the most impressive large scale rebuild during my time in CN. Edit: FAN is on their way too I'm sure, they have always had good coordination.

  8. One tech paid by TPF to PC is one tech too many. PC was treated 10x better than they ever deserved by mhawk. Mhawk made a clear choice not to roll PC when they were completely diplomaticly isolated and he was holding abundant evidence of PC recruiting numerous TPF members, he instead chose to attempt to reconcile with PC. Their repayment is a disgraceful show of classlessness.

  9. This looks like a DoW by an alliance which is not the same thing as going rogue. Anyways, this is the 2nd attack targeted on Caffine in the last week. Odd that people are targeting him now instead of back when he committed the actions that lead him to be disliked by many.

    In fairness being an annoying idiot is a pretty thin cb for any single incident but it can build resentment over time. [ooc]I just blocked him on skype and the annoyances went away. :D [/ooc]

  10. No, this is where you are wrong.

    See, we all knew NPO would find a reason to war against someone. Finally, because we all didn't want to see that happen again, we formed a plan that we would honor our defense treaties.

    The lead up to this war was far less public than the UJW. You remember the thread in which Bilrow and 404 error were contradicting each other blatantly when both were in the WUT? You remember when 404 error showed evidence that proved that the nation on the brown team with no Alliance Affiliation was not, in fact, a GGA nation? You remember when they had those threads, going back and forth, with the UJP alliances on one side and the ~ alliances on the other? I don't recall too many of those threads leading up to the Karma war.

    Simply put, this war was planned out to be a response to NPO agression. If NPO didn't attack, Karma would not have attacked. The UJW was going to happen, regardless if Genmay DOWed BOTS. GGA would have used their same CB against GOONS, and the rest would have piggy backed into the war anyway.

    So you're wrong once again.

    Again, the Karma war occured simply because NPO declared on an alliance who had allies who decided to honor their treaties. The UJW occured because of a mutual dislike and a gradual rise of tensions, culminating in both sides gaining a CB and it was simply a manner of time before one of them used their CB to start the war.

    Your perspective is clouded and your memory is selective, the hostility may have not been quite as public but you are massively oversimplifying the situation. There were numerous failed attempts by Karma to spark the war before it actually started.

    Another gem for the collection.

    Provide some logs of these all powerful talks you keep bringing up because I tire of reading your theories. Please, enlighten me.

    All of our posts on the Continuum forums made our position very clear. Your leadership knows it, just like all of Q at the time did, yet the problems we raised kept happening...repeatedly. Get over your mistakes and move on. Perhaps another drink will help?

    The gem in my sig is even better. I'm sure it was an accident that you offered the protection of Citadel, Superfriends and CnG to Tempest in exchange for them giving you a ridiculous cb on Valhalla. That "cb" was invented by Pete MaCavoy, a guy who has done nothing but spy and infiltrate alliances including Tempest and ODN and was bitter at Valhalla because we sniffed him out. Oh yea, that happened months before the war. Yep, there was no aggressive plotting by Sparta at all. :rolleyes: Sparta is and will continue to be the village idiot of Karma.

  11. But there was no great public hatred amongst both sides in the Karma war. In the UJW everybody knew there was a war coming, and knew roughly the alliances that would participate in it. There were grudges that were had, and every week tensions rose even higher.

    In the Karma war, everybody knew war was going to happen, however this was an unneeded war. This war would never have occured if NPO and TORN decided go to war. OV was never a huge threat to the NPO. If NPO and OV would have been able to work it out during negotiations, this war never would have happened. But as it stands, the NPO and TORN attacked in the middle of negotiations, and posted their DOW 30 minutes after their nations had engaged OV targets.

    This war was started by NPO and TORN attacking OV. The alliance in Karma did not want to see another NPO beat down war, and were tired of being on the receiving end of threats from NPO and Continuum and One Vision. So they took a line out of the propoganda, and "did something about it".

    My point here is that this war started due to NPO's actions. NPO and TORN decided to attack an alliance whose treaty partners were not going to drop them, but instead honored their treaties. The Unjust War occured because of a mutual dislike of both sides, and ended when certain people on the ~ side took advantage of an OOC situation, ended the war, end effectively forced an alliance to disband.

    You have absolutely no idea what was going on. This leadup to both wars was virtually identical. The only difference is that you were on Sponge's side this time and you are buying the propaganda hook, line and sinker.

    We were having doubts for "several months", but we never actively plotted against them. Please don't make assumptions.

    I am making no assumptions, I am stating facts. Sparta was in war planning talks as early as January and February and I didn't need GtG to tell me that. Claiming some noble defensive goal is ridiculous. You wanted NPO dead and made moves to make that goal a reality. If it wasn't OV it would have been something else, the actual cb was no more relevant than the cb in UJW.

  12. The difference here is the UJW would have started soon, tensions were rising on both sides, and the Genmay DOW was just the excuse. GGA would have DOWed GOONS for the "defense of the none Brown team nation that was tech raided by a protectorate of GOONS" if Genmay hadn't declared war then.

    Or something else would have happened.

    My point is this: This war didn't have to happen. This war started because NPO declared war on certain alliances allies. The UJW occured because CN was divided into 2 rival factions, the Unjust Highway and the ~.

    That is the difference.

    Was your head in the sand? The sides in this war were being drawn for months.

  13. If it was so identical, you'd have a historical precedent, not to mention the fact that Polar would have masterminded that attack back when the OoO was still around.

    NPO would have known if it were a trap. Either that, or they got REALLY sloppy (which could be arguable, since even I could have predicted the moment they attacked was the moment they would lose).

    I already answered this in my edit above.

    I think you are under-estimating how well Karma played this. Several high-profile Karma alliances were heavily hinting that they would be on NPO's side until the very moment that war was declared. It was a trap and a damn good one at that.
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