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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. You realize who you are talking to right? This is the lot that placed two full alliances on Perma-ZI for nuking and then gave terms to an alliance they werent at war with.

    You do realize that chefjoe worked with Slayer to get you off right? Oh and BAPS was released soon after chefjoe became Regent and are now close allies to Valhalla.

  2. You realize that regardless of it being aggressive or defensive, it was a treaty obligation. Other than that, arguing semantics is meaningless unless you make it meaningful, which displays a great deal of pettiness on your part.

    As for people being "hostile" to Valhalla, let me let you in on a bit of insight: very few people actually like you. You're warmongering trolls that throw others weight around as if it was your own and are only tolerated by your allies thanks to the CBs you give them to hit alliances they don't like.

    Thank you for the commentary, I'm glad you understand our ally's governments so well.

    As to the aggressive/defensive part. You do realize that Tyga has argued for days that it was 100% defensive? STA is backpedaling now because even they know how ridiculous that was. Yes, Valhalla will continue to remind Tyga and Uhtred of that fact.

  3. I can only echo Tyga here, as tyga is one of the most level headed guys i know, which is why the membership of STA do not want him to be forced to step down.

    I also want to add

    Please can we stop the whole "herooftime is a muppet" posts. I think he knows he is by now, and this thread is not the herooftime thread, also, when he made the mistake early on the thread i do recall that he admitted in some way that he was wrong. So please, whislt he may annoy you, posting telling him so, only makes him come back into this thread and post to annoy you etc etc etc.

    Also it is interesting to see if these terms are just Valhallas terms or the whole of the coalition, and quite why Valhalla has so much baring on the terms as at last count 17 alliances were at war with us.

    Huh, Tyga started the first great war because he was extremely not level headed and now he's one of the most level headed people you know? What a joke! I have zero doubt that if the shoe was on the other foot Tyga would have given harsher terms or no terms at all. Tyga and his buddy Sponge have wanted Valhalla killed for a long time. Those of you pointing to STA's other terms are crazy, those terms were in useless wars and were given to alliances they had no history with. Why would they be nice to their mortal enemies?

    @Uhtred, you declared war on multiple members of Valhalla government 1 minute after Tyga declared war on "all alliances attacking NpO," a category of which Valhalla was clearly not a part. I'm sorry that confuses you.

    @The treaty talk, Tyga, maybe you should just man up and admit that you asked us for a draft of the treaty because you were going to sign it. Somehow that draft never got back to you. ;) For that I am truly thankful.

  4. Your implication that we declared war on you aggressively is false. We did, however, declare war on you which is the aspect of your comments that is true and what that quote alludes to. We declared war on you because you attacked Hyperion, a protectorate of GR who was a MDoAP partner of the NpO, hence activating our treaty with Polar to assist them in that defence. I do not consider that an aggressive war, I consider it a defensive one via our treaties.

    It's not that hard to follow.

    So after arguing for days that you did not declare an aggressive war but rather activated the defense clause in your NpO treaty you now admit to activating the aggression clause in your NpO treaty? :rolleyes:

  5. I have the logs. I queried Toga to see if he had heard the rumours I had and he said he had, we were both speaking cryptically at the time but we knew what we were talking about. People were cancelling on Polar all over the place and I asked him if he was hearing the war drums I was hearing. Now, taking that into account and the treaties we held at the time it was patently obvious that had said war started Valhall and STA would be on opposite sides (hey, guess what, the war eventually happened after some concessions from Polar bought them a few months and guess which sides we were on?). Nothing remarkable there.

    Now, after that was discussed I queried as to why Valhalla was suddenly so keep to sign a treaty with us as under the political climate of the time it was something I treated with suspicion. Toga replied in a manner I misunderstood. He said something along the lines of 'that (drawing STA away from Polar) may be the reason for Valhalla wanting a treaty but it is not why I want it'. I took the first part as a concession that that was Valhalla's reason in the same context that someone would say "That may well be the case, but" whereas Toga meant it in the context of expressing his lack of knowledge as to why Valhalla wanted the treaty then expressing that the hypothetical reason was not his reason. Once this was clarified, I apologised for the misunderstanding. But that in no way is me apologising for the war discussion I had with Toga, nor the suspicions I felt when asked about the treaty at that time.

    On June 5 when the query took place Polar had not had any treaties canceled and were still in One Vision. There were nothing more than rumors going around at that time.

  6. We must not be reading the same history.


    [18:52] <Dilber|dinner> I expect we'll have to kill them in 1-2 months

    [18:52] <Dilber|dinner> but they'll die easy

    2 months later, August:

    A laundry list of NPO's allies declare war on NpO.


    [20:09] <Doitzel> is it true they wanted to install a new government in Polar, or at least force basically all of them to resign?

    [20:09] <CoalitionInsider> They are, their installing Griswald as Emperor/

    [20:09] <CoalitionInsider> "We think he will be the best for EVERYONE"

    For the sake of anonymity I removed the name of my source and won't reveal which alliance it is from, but rest assured this person is well in the know. NPO's own allies trust me more than they trust them. :)

    What's your point? The part I highlighted just showed how little confidence he had in their ability to not screw up. That pretty much says it all.

    Hint: It started with a "U" and ended in "njust War."

    You know, the whole orchestrating a war to weaken Pacifica thing. Those kind of things tend to come back and bite you in the $@!, y'know?

    You are forgetting the plots to break up the Continuum.

  7. Polaris earned what they got. The fact that Gremlins and TOP were that eager to roll you speaks volumes. NpO was admittedly trying to isolate Pacifica from her allies for a long time. I'm glad it doesn't bother you that your own alliance was spreading rumors and plotting to destroy Gremlins, TOP, Valhalla etc since the Continuum was formed with the primary goal of weakening Pacifica's allies. :rolleyes: You lost, get over it.

  8. To be honest, I figure your crew is next anyway, I'm mean lets get real, how many OBR nations do you know, that when there leaving the game, they choose to hit Chiefjoe because they wanted to go out doing the right thing?

    I look fwd to the day your here on the OWF, spouting off rebuttal after rebuttal disputing the CB, there's a few that will be laughing quite hysterically when the day comes.

    I wasn't aware that OBR is capable of foreshadowing who gets attacked next. They did do the right thing by giving chefjoe more casualties I guess.

  9. Care to make a wager on that, within a year if not less, you'll be hating them too, hows 250 tech sound if I'm wrong?

    Now this wager is contingent on you being in IRON in that year time frame or when MOO comes looking for you and IRON, which is coming, the only question is when.

    FAN said IRON was next 14 months ago, they were right too obviously. :rolleyes:

  10. Ok but doesnt an alliance with that many member seem infeasible as everyone that plays if sincerely playing a nation cannot share the same ideals?

    not slamming them but it seems more like a soldier simulator than a nation simulator

    Nation in CN is really a city or something. The alliances have government structures and are essentially the "nations" of this game.

  11. Tick Tock Tick Tock

    I admire your dedication to your allies, even if I am on the opposing side and think this little 'sideshow' of the 'bigger war' might turn into another conflaguration that will equal that... if cool, smart heads do not prevail

    Tick Tock Tick Tock

    Its quite clear that Universalis and Vanguard have a lack of cooler heads.

  12. LOL I love these posts. What could have ever made anyone believe that Vox would be anything other than an abject failure. It was nothing but a group of outcasts(for good reason) wrapping themselves in the apparently very thin flag of morality and freedom.

  13. I'm going to assume this is an IC reply. Lies and deceit in RL or in game diplomacy are only a short-cut to power, one that always comes unraveled over time.

    Thank you for explaining why Polar is being destroyed by former allies. I couldn't have said it better myself. :awesome:

  14. Congrats Chefjoe.

    I think both of our alliances are well represented. ;)

    1) 5,141,795 Total Soldiers Lost - Chefjoe of Buckwheats - Purple Team

    2) 4,494,400 Total Soldiers Lost - Bob Sanders of HawkeyeLand - Purple Team

    3) 4,112,715 Total Soldiers Lost - Kingdom of Dark of Kingdom of Dark - Red Team

    4) 4,040,715 Total Soldiers Lost - Arcades057 of Delray Beach - Red Team

    I refuse to put the GPA guy on here :ph34r:

  15. This is the only part I wish to comment about. NPO have prevented some gameplay aspects within this game. They have created an environment on Red Team that says you cannot touch any Red Team nation that is unaligned and you cannot establish any alliance on Red Team without fear of repercussion of war. That is limiting gameplay. That is a forcible action. They have said that if you choose to go against what they say, for an entire sphere, that you will be held accountable and punished accordingly. That is limiting everyone's ability to make a choice in this game. That is going against NPO's ideaology which does not coincide with your own. Unlike what you said above, Red Team is like a country ruled by one leader, NPO, and they are using force to enact their own ideaology upon anyone that doesn't coincide with their own.

    Frankly, I don't give a rat's $@!. But I wanted to point this little bit out as you are incorrect in that above statement.

    You are attempting to change the focus of the point brought forth. For one, Admin makes the rules as he is the divine being that created Plant Bob. That point is moot in this discussion as it holds no bearing towards the NPO aspect. Second, it doesn't matter how many other colours there are. You stated that NPO doesn't dictate how this game is played when it is quite evident that they do by the way the Red Team is handled. You can try to validate it however you would like, but it doesn't change the points I made in my above post about how they dictate how aspects of this game are run. I have no problem with how Admin runs this game nor how NPO run this game, else I wouldn't spend my time playing this game. I merely pointed out something that was wrong in your statement and provided points as to why.

    Feel free to continue the validation of your points, but it doesn't change the fact that what you said in regards to NPO and its actions within this game were wrong.

    When admin created the game he expected the gameplay to be focused on gaining control of spheres and wars over the control of the spheres not on some artificial constructs of CB and "morality." I would have to say you are wrong with the "limiting gameplay" comment. What it boils down to is that NPO is "too good at what they do."

    ......I can very easily horde many allies to my side through MDP web after web.

    This is juicey.

    1. You could never do that.

    2. Polar did it and it is one of many reasons that they lost their treaties with longstanding allies like GGA and NPO.

  16. SCawesome.jpg

    Its seems The Shinra Corporation has been deceived by the scoundrels in the Mushroom Kingdom. We were asked to participate in this war and in return we were promised 5 superhot chicks to dance for us and a keg of beer. It seems the Kingdom has failed to provide this for us when it went down. After long talks with the MK government it was decided that as a compromise Shinra would settle for watching Trace, Tamerlane, AirMe, Stormsend, and Archon perform for us oh don’t forget the keg of beer (with them dancing for us We’ll need a lot of beer to imagine the hot chicks). Now that it is all settled Shinra will move on to business. Sorry for the DoW delays.

    Anyway pretty much we acknowledge that we are at war with FEAR, KoC, UPN, and FOK (I dunno we might or we might not). We'd also like to announce that we are declaring on NPO and TPF not that 8 nations can really do anything but hey :jihad:. Now we are doing this via our MADP with Complaints and Grievances block.

    Also Shinra Corporation nuclear weapons policy is like the GGA and Valhalla CB policy which means we'll make it up as we go.

    Now for the random war propoganda


    Signed for Shinra,

    The Corrupt Teacher Chairman of the Board

    Czerwony Director of Public Safety

    Considering your propaganda I think you forgot one alliance in your DoW. :ph34r:

  17. Missed this while at work today. You can get over Anchova going nuke rogue anytime you'd like now.

    I'm over the rogueing itself, I will never be over Vanguard cheering him on and then making a completely unsincere apology for having a self-proclaimed friend of Anchova plugging one of his slots in a supposed "tech raid." For that I will always cheer your destruction. :ph34r:

  18. I still don't get it, wouldn't the whole of Q be at war with polaris anyway since they did honour their treaty with GR and attacked a Q alliance?

    Like i said before, the alliances attacking NpO were faster but a war would have been triggered nonetheless.

    I fail to understand what you are getting at. :huh: I have simply said that war with Polar was happening that night regardless of whether Polar attacked Valhalla the previous night. Naturally the alliances that were preparing to attack anyway just continued with their plans because they had target lists prepared.

  19. Except my Valhallan friend......you aren't fighting that war...you are fighting Hyperion remember? 2 separate wars or so we have been told.

    Don't remind me, I was deeply saddened that I was not able to partake in the attack on Polar. :( My alliance is at war with Polar however.

  20. Really?

    So on one hand you claim that we received a 2nd chance and blew it, based on our reaction to the Hyperion War.

    On the other hand, you claim that this war was in the planning stages all along?

    There's some holes in that story, champ.

    I are Polar can read, after all.

    The Hyperion war was not the chance you blew. The decision had already been made.

  21. You can recognize whatever you want to see.

    A Legion nation attacked Uni. Uni responded in kind with counter attacks. Uni demands terms which Legion does not want to capitulate to.

    Uni aknowledges a state of war since they were attacked - regardless of the 'size' and quantity of the attacker.

    I believe extortion is the correct term here. The terms demanded were not in proportion to the offense. The arrogance of Universalis will repaid upon themselves and their allies Vanguard.

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