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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. I'm not sure whether I should wait for the NPO to fail to honour this before mocking them...

    Honoring it would expressly break the Continuum treaty. Not to mention the fact that STA declared war on nearly every other alliance that NPO is treatied to.

  2. The Siberian Tiger Alliance has long held a treaty with the New Pacific Order, indeed, it was barely a few months after STA's inception that the NPO approached the STA about the possibility of a Mutual Defence Pact. Such was the shared history of our founder and Pacifica it was only natural that STA gladly accepted the offer and has honoured the treaty ever since.

    Tonight the STA came under unwarranted attack by a collection of "alliances" known as the OPP, STA officially requests the military support of NPO per our MDP.


    The Siberian Tiger Alliance.

    How many Continuum alliances did you declare on? No Continuum alliance can declare war on the ally of another Continuum alliance therefore your request is dead in the water.

  3. tl;dr:

    -SOLID will never launch a first strike nuke.

    -Any SOLID nation who launches a first strike nuke is considered an enemy of SOLID.

    -If a nation nukes a SOLID nation, that nation will be nuked back.

    -Any known spy attempts on a SOLID nation's nuclear arsenal is considered a nuclear attack.

    -If a SOLID members gets nukes destroyed by spies, investigations and preventative measures will be invoked in order for justice to be served.

    o/ SOLID

    Valhalla's official policy is that all nations are encouraged to use any form of spy attack they deem necessary as long as the target is at war with Valhalla and our allies.

    tl;dr enjoy your glass parking lot because I will make damn sure you don't have infra left to play with after this ridiculous political announcement. :jihad:

    o/ Natural Selection

  4. That was more the destruction of the English language, rather than a typo.

    OOC: As I mentioned in IRC last night I edited the last part of the sentence and forgot to edit the first part. I have lived long enough that I routinely laugh at my own mistakes IRL so I find this all amusing. Go on with your fun on here, anyone highlighting me with the quote in IRC in a channel I am opped will be k/bed because the highlights are annoying. There is a fine line between laughing at it and harrassment. Star and Schills passed way over that line and will be intsa-banned in every channel I can.

  5. It's Valhalla/TORN/GGA vs. NpO/Greenland Republic/SOLID/Bleu/etc and whoever else wants to join the dance. Your fighting a horribly lopsided battle. Even if IRON and MCXA joins the dance, that will only marginally improve your odds. I forsee a NpO/Bleu and whoever else decides to join in Victory.

    If only we had been employing your skills as a political analyst before the war we would have never declared. :ph34r:

  6. Actually, they had treaties to make it legal, FYI.

    You are correct but they didn't use those reasons. They declared war on TORN, ML, Elysium and co and then attacked Valhalla. This just shows the overall longstanding incompetance of Polar government. Welcome to the war Polaris I'd be lying if I claimed to be sad.

    I think you need the war screens to see Valhalla hitting both GR and SOLID... but maybe it is just my crazy nature to consider 11 attackers from Valhalla sufficient for my purposes, especially considering the depth of our deployment.

    Maybe one of those smart people could take a screenshot, I only have crayons and drawing a picture is not convenient.

    Why didn't you just use the Optional Aggression clause in your treaty or the MADP clause in BLEU? Nobody is claiming you didn't legally attack Valhalla, we are pointing out that you weren't smart enough to use the right reason. Counter declaring on an alliance that declares on you is not an aggressive attack on that alliance. By your definition FAN declared on NPO during the FAN-WUT war? If you can't see how ridiculous that is there isn't much I can do for you.

  7. Lothlórien (Jesper) of the Purple team of the alliance Valhalla was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Rebels of Dadaflex (Aaron O) of the White team of the alliance Hyperion on 8/13/2008 1:05:14 AM.

    You missed one. He's a real gem there, nuking 3 non-nuclear targets.

  8. Nice jab at us there btw. Just for reference on treaty numbers

    NPO - 27

    NpO - 31

    So we have 4 more treaties than you, making us treaty whores I know, we just can't help it

    MDP, MDoAP or MDAP

    NPO - 25

    NpO - 24

    That can't be right, if we are "well known to MDP/MDoAP/MDAP anything with a pulse," and we have 1 less than you, does that mean you treaty dead alliances?

    Wow, um. Owned.

    How many MDPs and MADPs did Polar just have canceled on them a month ago? :lol:

    Edit: I'm also curious as to why Polar goes out of their way to not publish a list of their treaties in any public place including their forums and Wiki.

    .....and here you are become exactly what you said you hated.

    We will never become Polar. :jihad:

  9. This is amusing, Chickenzilla admitted that the people aiding him knew who he was.

    Also do you seriously expect anyone that matters to believe that a former Atlantis member that rerolled and was aided only by former Atlantis members without them knowing who he was? That a ridiculous assertion to make.

    Edit: As far as MK goes we investigated them because CZ was in MK and because Epiphanus claimed to have logs on them as he tried to save himself. Naturally we asked for those logs and they didn't provide any relevant information so that issue was dropped.

  10. Disgusting.

    Blackmailing someone into providing a CB for you to attack someone else, but then killing them when they weren't able to? Such class.

    Maybe its just me but it seems logical to investigate the alliance(MK) that Chickenzilla was in at the time of those logs. :unsure: What makes you think Hyperion would have gotten off anyway?

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