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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. out of curiosity.. what is RoW supposed to stand for?

    Recognition of War

    I suspect there is a distinct taste of foot for many people right now.

    Why on earth would Valhalla be unhappy that Sponge was removed? I echo what my leader said, we have experienced a similar situation and it certainly is not easy. Best of luck to Grub and the rest of Polaris during these trying times.

  2. This is a joke. We all know when the Emperor would return, so he is not "missing".

    We all know the regent can't just replace the Emperor by someone else.

    This is a coup, and I will not accept the fake Emperor.

    Hail Electron SPonge, the real and only Emperor!

    Now this is an interesting development, will Sponge be attempting to retake the throne? :popcorn:

  3. I could never agree with you more on the quote from me. the alliance does pay. ES and Moo made mistakes. frankly, that is fact. and if you read the OP (which i am sure you did) i noted that both ES and Moo as well as our respective governments should have notified the membership of the Orders. that, at least to me, is why we are where we are now. do not get me wrong though, i will stand with my Emperor no matter the outcome. i hope for peace between the Orders as i do not want to ever fight my brothers and sisters in Pacifica. i do not think i even could. i would fight any alliance siding with Pacifica but am truly unsure if i could find it within me to strike a Pacifican. i think i would rather allow Pacifica to batter my nation while i fight others than fight back against any Pacifican.

    Yes, and Moo's only mistake was not destroying Sponge months ago.

  4. I am continually amazed at the lackluster of your retorts. :jihad:

    You aren't worth my energy, the last week has worn me out. Besides this forum BS is getting boring, ingame is what really matters.

    *Bob Sanders goes to rest up for the real fun :jihad:

  5. Just a few minor things.

    One being when ES posted a huge soap opera of a thread designed to sow dissent in Pacifican ranks, in collusion with two traitors to the Order, and called for the overthrow of Moo and the entire Pacifican leadership.

    Its amazing how that works huh?

  6. That was made to counter a sig degrading ES, our emperor btw.

    Sponge might have made mistakes, or a lot, but he is the emperor either way, and I will not be a betrayer just cause you guys think its cool to troll and flame him and Polar... (I am talking to people that flame and troll Polaris, other than that, your not who I am talking to)

    Your counter is 10x funnier than the original sig. Polaris simply fails at counter propaganda.

  7. I tend to regard everyone's word as fact, til given a reason not to. Having been presented two differing accounts, I cannot comfortably side with one or the other at the current time. Given that I have no treaty obligations or "best interests," I have the luxury of not needing to declare a side, hence my stance.

    You won't be defending STA if they get attacked as part of the larger conflict?

    I guarantee you that certain people not party to this debacle are watching this with glee as Pacifica effectively slashes her numbers by well over 1,000 nations and by over 10,000,000 NS.

    I have no doubt that Pacifica can win in such a war if it comes to pass, but it will be expensive and Pacifica will be far weaker at the end of it.

    Wrong, if a war happens it will barely dent Pacifica.

    Also, why are you so against allowing the leaders to work this out on their own? Why do alliances like Valhalla and TOP still need to troll and degrade NpO? THis is a matter between us. I didn't see a decree from another alliance asking us to do something. We are dealing with ourselves. Please let this occur, and let it go.

    It does get quite annoying for you when you figure out how many alliances have very good reasons to hate Polaris.

    I'll stop posting on this if I can get BnT to do the same, how is that for fair?

    No, You couldn't hold BnT's jock.

    Ignorance, and a subtle threat all combined in one laughable post.

    Please, you should know by now everytime one said makes propaganda the other other side uses it more than they do.

    Whats really funny is having Polars wearing that sig in its modified form fits the original intent of the sig perfectly. Its way better than having people that dislike Polaris wearing the original. :awesome:

    Funny. I don't recall you guys at Valhalla being any better, and from what I heard (from you, BnT, no less), is constant trolling and stupidity, and that was before you cancelled the PIAF. And now you are arguing about how another alliances has abused its ally, even when its a point of contention with two sides of the story when one could perfectly easily argue against it? You are sickening, like a rat, a vulture, flying around and trolling. Shoo troll! Begone! You are worse than any FAN, ex-\m/ or any other troll I have ever seen.

    Nobody that matters likes Sponge or the rest of Polaris government. Deal with it, BnT is far more qualified to comment that you are.

    How is TOP decision not to say something to ES and then come out and say it when it is safe taking the high ground? The high ground was to act in a straight forward, open and honest way.

    Its called having respect for their allies in NPO. Something that you as a Polaris member would know nothing about.

    Yet you're not looking for any investigation into what Dilber did

    Oh double standards FTW

    No, he did nothing wrong. He simply was preparing membership for what seemed to be the inevitable wayward path of his sister alliance. Dilber didn't force anyone into canceling with NpO, most were already waiting cancel out of respect to NPO.

  8. You are missing the point. You are looking at this from a narrow minded idealistic side, genuine or not I am not sure. People on Polar's side may appeal for Order unity, but they never take responsibility for their Emperor's comments about dismantling Pacifica's allies, granting a protectorate for an alliance to reform that had created a spy ring against Pacifica, or their Emperor's continued call for the removal of the legitimate Emperor of the NPO. ALL of these were said before Dilber, Moo, or any of our members raised anything against Polaris. Yet now, when you have squandered your diplomatic good will with alliances that would have died for you, now when you by Emperor's Revenge mercy and good-will alone have some glimer of hope of not going the way of FAN, GOONs, NADC, or GPA you come here and call for the Body Republic of Pacifica to rebel against their sovereign?!

    You just !@#$ in the face of the greatest champion of Polaris, Pacifica has ever had.

    I'm pretty sure you just won the thread, Zoskia is simply afraid of being curbstomped. If it came to war NPO would barely be damaged.

  9. Emperor Revenge, you are one of the most patient, level headed individuals in CN. I commend your handling of the current situation. May Pacifica always hold strong.

    The mercy that has been shown to Polaris over the last year by Emperor Revenge is unparalleled in the history of Planet Bob.

    o/ Emperor Revenge

    o/ NPO

  10. Regardless of your opinions of me or lackthereof, I ask all to read and keep their responses civil and on topic.

    I know I'm probably wasting my breath here but any faint hope I can make a difference and avert what appears to be inevitable is worth a shot. The Cyberverse has nothing to lose from me doing this so here I go.

    As an ally of both the New Pacific Order and New Polar Order the Siberian Tiger Alliance is in a problematic position at the moment. While it's no secret we are politically and diplomatically closer to Polaris than Pacifica the current situation pains me as an ex-Pacifican and an ex-Polar. I think from that perspective my position is unique and hope that because of this my words may carry some weight for both sides.

    Over the past months the relationship between the Orders has deteriorated. Speaking from my alliance's perspective, we felt it too. While our communications with Polar remained open and honest the communications with Pacifica began to close down. This takes two sides to happen and I as leader of the STA take some responsibility for that. My relationship with the current leadership of Pacifica is not great. Not sure when that fell apart but I have been told various reasons which, to me, could have easily been sorted with a civil chat. The chats didn't happen and here we are.

    I think the same is the case between the Orders, albeit on a larger scale and with other alliances as allies involved on the perimeter. It is clear this has now come to a head and yesterdays disclosures have shown that people on both sides have reached breaking point.

    So, I'll get to the point. The thought of war between the Orders sickens me. This is not how things are supposed to be and I think both sides share some blame for that happening. But blame is not going to solve this. I believe that war is in no one's best interests. Polar, Pacific or allies of either.

    It is clear that both Orders think regime change in the other is necessary and therein lies the problem. Neither will change their leadership to appease the other. Polar has gone on a different route to Pacific, that is clear. So, to me, the solution is to allow that to happen. Polar does not fit into the blocs that Pacific formed and there is no problem with that.

    Both Orders need to take a deep breath and realise their grudges are affecting a hell of a lot of people and not just within the Orders. I believe both Orders need to accept each other for who they are, stop trying to score points of each other and get on with running their own alliances. Lose the grudges, lose the egos (yes, I know pot-kettle) and get down to the real business of fixing this problem once and for all. And I mean in a diplomatic manner.

    I have spoken to the other alliance in the same bind as us, Invicta. Dawny has offered, in conjunction with myself, to mediate a truce between the Orders from which some resolution may be reached.

    I would hope that all the Orders have built over the past 2+ years will be worth something and enough for both parties to step back for a moment and try to resolve this properly.

    Thank you for your time.

    OOC: Nice to see that your long lost copy of Excel has brought you to some semblance of reality.

  11. But you have to admit that he hasn't really done anything to fix this issue and has hurt the situation as much as the people who have come out publicly about it?

    Personally I want to see you guys patch it up. I may not have been on the same side of you guys but that doesn't mean I don't respect the hell out of Polar and Pacifica.

    OT: We have some old time heavy hitters posting in this stage of the thread.

    So saving their asses for months until they finally break the last straw is nothing now?

  12. I find it disappointing that people are offering so much support to the NPO from outside threats, when it is quite clear that the alliance that is under the most threat is NpO, I see no one threatening NPO, and therefore find these declarations of support unnecessary. I believe a true ally of the NPO would now be offering them help in solving thses issues within their government, as well as with the NpO.

    This isn't meant to troll, I am just observing a sad fact about all the nations who have offered support for the NPO, and offered no support to NpO for the threats against it

    So you think people should change their opinions because its isn't fair for Polar? AWWWWWWWWW thats so speshul. NpO could never in a million years do what NPO is accused of doing because NPO's allies are treated with respect by NPO government. NpO has continually treated their supposed allies like garbage and now they want to play the victim when they recieve their just dues.

    Quite frankly the Dilber logs just show that everything is thought through before action is taken. NPO has been saving NpO's tail for months now. The mercy and friendship shown by Pacifica over the last several months to Polaris goes far beyond any I have ever seen before in this game. Every other alliance in the game that did the same things Polar has done would have been a flaming ball of wreckage long ago.

  13. OOC: Then take your proof, if it differs from that posted in the linked thread, to the moderation staff instead of allowing it to be exploited for in-game political purposes. While such lofty principles as innocent until proven guilty are irrelevant in the IC world where might makes right, in the more OOC world of the rules of the game, which decides who gets to play and who doesn't, it should be assumed he's innocent until the mods pass a guilty judgement on him.

    OOC: I'm sorry when did it become the mod's problem if he is using multis on the VE forums? He was declared innocent of using the same IP to log into the nations themselves. The mod's post said nothing about the VE forums because that is not their problem, its VE's and VE's allies and friends. VE's allies and friends clearly don't agree with you or Sponge even slightly. :rolleyes:

  14. And a few recent minor incidences

    Do you even believe the crap you are posting? This is one of the more laughable things I have seen. They are only minor in your own minds because you are trying a pathetic last ditch effort to save yourselves. :rolleyes:

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