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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. The FAN you know died a long time ago. However, this FAN isn't so bad.

    This explains why FAN is running massive spy ops and why one of their current Servers of the Poisoned Kool-Aid, Solie is the guy that ordered the attacks on a fellow WUT signatory less than a week before FAN was kicked from WUT and attacked. They are not different....or better.....

  2. ZIPP is an open-treaty that anybody can adopt as their alliance's policy. I strongly considered rejecting FAN, but doing so would have completely undermined the treaty, if you ask me, and betrayed my concept of it. This isn't my treaty anymore, it belongs to everybody and nobody--I'm just the sucker with the OP.

    So you are saying its the people's treaty now?


    Can yaaaa smeeeeeelllllllll what the Hammer is cooking?? :awesome:

  3. are you kidding me?

    Are you serious?

    a thread in which a number of alliances agree not to ruin the game is getting trolled? despicable

    That assumes that perma-ZI is ruining the game. I would strongly disagree with that.

  4. As of tonight Valhalla owns the #1 and #2 slots in total casualties!!

    Total Soldier Casualties

    1) 4,529,463 Total Soldiers Lost - Chefjoe of Buckwheats - Purple Team

    2) 3,920,843 Total Soldiers Lost - Bob Sanders of HawkeyeLand - Purple Team

  5. Dude, it was a juicy raid, and fun it is, i hope you have fun with us on the way out, and i hope RL treats you well

    Take Care

    The Pansy prays to be nuked again :awesome:

    LOL, I got all 3 nukes. :P For the record it was a simple tech raid on a nation we knew was leaving. Moridin is not on a Valhalla target list.

  6. And who's to say those that aren't signing it do take it seriously? Bob Sanders has a very valid point, you can't dismiss it so simply.

    They can and will dismiss what I say because being loudly against all perma-ZIs is the latest trendy thing on the OWF.

  7. Perhaps all of us non "serious" alliances that signed this treaty don't see the need to take this game so seriously. :rolleyes:

    I stand by what I said, the larger alliances that signed this will end up regretting it, the smaller alliances likely won't be hated enough to ever have a deserving perma-ZI target but if they do they will regret it too.

  8. Bob, while I do understand where you are coming from, I need to go ahead and say that even you must admit that Perma-ZI is going too far. I mean, just a few months ago we can still recall what noWedge did to BAPS and TDSM8. I mean, placing 160 some nations on Perma-ZI? Seriously? Im not saying you have to like this, but it would be a good step to admit that the act of perma-ZIng needs a kick in the butt to some degree away from where it is now.

    Also, seriously Ephie? I guess TDSM8 is now the first alliance to sign this treaty, thanks for lacking a spine.

    That worked out well for him....noWedge is on perma-ZI himself now and BAPS are close allies of Valhalla. People love to whine about Perma-ZI but when it comes down to it every serious alliance will find it necessary in certain instances(see above). The alliances that signed this compromised their ability to adequately defend their alliance.

  9. I would never join an alliance that signed this. If they are that willing to forgo their duties to protect their alliance now then why should I beleive that they have the will to protect me?

    o/ warm and fuzzy sounding theories that have major flaws when put into practice

  10. If the only thing of your Purge that was left was the name, then so be it. Everyone that was in Purge enjoyed being in it, and that is all that matters to me. Also, yes, you most certainly did. And Schatt, if you reroll, let me know. I'm not exactly sure what your comment about me helping kill Purge was getting at. The members of the late Purge enjoyed it much more than anyone did when you led it (hence the exodus).I don't hold a grudge against anyone for what happened to Purge. I understand Slayers reasoning for what he did (somewhat, at least), even though I don't agree with it one bit. It can be argued that he was trying to save us from the fate that NADC suffered. Also something about Starfox not finding Jewish women attractive wast in there somewhere? Whatever, RIP Purge, stick around in IRC every so often Schatt.

    I know Purge was not the same at the end as when I was there, unlike the ending leadership we actually tried to not to commit political suicide and get attacked at the start. If you are suggesting that people made an exodus to avoid me I think you are mistaken, I was the first founding member of Purge to leave. The exodus happened after that and not because I was trying to get people to leave. Sadly the \m/ culture destroyed most of my friendships with Purge members well before Purge was even recreated. Looking back my days were numbered from the start. I only talk to one former Purge member with any regularity anymore.

  11. GOONS and \M/ were in a state of war when they disbanded, and their members at war with ~.

    One Vision had made the decision to go to war and I'm sure they had made target lists already when CIS disbanded. I think that expecting them to stop is asking alot.

    I corrected my response in my last post to include an example that I KNOW is true, being LUE. That should sufficiently provide a very broad example of nations living in many alliances on Bob. Maybe even your own.

    And I surrendered just like the CIS nations being attacked will have to do. Admittedly the fact that I didn't throw green-glowy things at my targets made my path of surrender much easier.

    To be honest I think CN has changed alot since GW3 so comparing the eras isn't very useful.

  12. @Bob Sanders: Sorry for ignoring your not so subtle jabs but I will continue to target my responses at Bakunin because he can word an argument coherent enough to respond to rather then just repeating what has already been brought up in a more volatile fashion. Thank you.

    I kept bringing up the individual surrender parallels with GOONS and \m/ because you keep refusing to address them in any fashion. Now instead of finally responding to them you chose to launch personal insults at me. I guess there is no point in actually responding too me when you have no logical response. Lets not forget, you were the one inaccurately claiming that GOONS and \m/ got off with no terms at all.

  13. I think what we have to see is the real reason why this war is happening. Is it because of grievances like attacking red nations? Harboring past nuke rogues? That happens with everyone. I don't know of one alliance I've been in that hasn't had N00bs attacking red nations. Noobs are noobs. Heck, punishing for the revenge doctrine is stupid. To actually know about it, you'd had to have been there or known someone who was. I bet most have harbored the rerolls of past nuke rogues. People change.

    Join better alliances then....also the CIS nation in question was a large nation, not a noob.

  14. I fought along side them, I know who rolled them. The point is still valid as I wasnt claiming NPO could hunt them down more as by this precedent those at war with the alliances could go after their nations claiming they hadnt surrendered despite their body no longer existing.

    All GOONS and \m/ nations that got out abided by individual terms, is that too hard for you to understand?

  15. They considered it the only way to save what little they had left. Anyone whos seen the outcomes of recent wars can understand that. This is beside the point though, the point is they payed the ultimate price, a price that is the worst term an alliance can accept. That is to stop existing and give up all ability to make decisions as a body. You guys are just destroying a dead, or non-existent, body at this point and I find that to be wrong on many levels. As I said, this is along the lines of hunting down any GOONS, \m/, NAAC, LUE, etc. member because they never accepted peace. Technically, they are still at war with you guys cause they cant dictate their terms.

    Are you claiming that GOONS, \m/, NAAC, LUE, etc. did not have to abide by individual terms when they disbanded? I know for a fact that GOONS and \m/ members did.

  16. Obviously they didn't consider it worse than a war since the entire objective of their disbandment was to attempt to avoid war.

    Apparently this obvious point isn't so obvious to Stumpy. They obviously saw a benefit to disbanding that Stumpy does not.

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