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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. Two? I only remember one. SPAI! :D

    Well there was the time he was a member of IAA and was opped in your channel when we were chasing him to various channels. The second time was probably the one you remember when he tried to give us screenshots to start a war between us the day wedge was removed. Fun times, fun times. :awesome:

    Let's show some class people. Especially you other Valhallans. There is no need for any disrespect.

    I'm being serious, the only time I ever talked to Chimaera in query was regarding banned member and he worked right along with us to sniff out banned member's nation.

  2. Next, to Valhalla: It was an absolute blast being sworn enemies, wasn't it? From nuclear rogues to extortion to a particularly short but bloody awesome war, I have to say you guys earned my respect (except for whoever you guys had attacking me a couple weeks ago, he should just quit the game, God he's pathetic), both on the battlefield and off.

    Don't forget the 2 seperate times we helped you remove ComradeVader from IAA. ;)

    Good Luck with RL :D

  3. It seems Bob did not get that you were making fun of "the Orders are right by definition" quote in Bak's sig.

    It seems you didn't get that I was doing a parody of the "NPO attacks people without evidence and is universally evil" crowd. ;) I am well aware of RV's political opinions and I was just having a little fun.

  4. Fine, I'll humor you.

    <Reroll> lol im ghosting you

    <Rebel_Virginia> I am Rebel Virginia. Nobody crosses Rebel Virginia and gets away with it.

    <Rebel_Virginia> lol noob

    And then my chorus comes in to sing the Ballad of Rebel Virginia. Is that proof enough for you?

    Thank you for providing me with those fake logs, they seem to prove your case clearly. Let me know if you have any ghosts that are over 37k NS in the future, there is a good chance I would be available to help remove them.

  5. Rebel Virginia is infallible. His word is is truth my definition. If Rebel Virginia says he is a ghost then he is a ghost. End of discussion.

    So you have no evidence, not even a doctored log or screenshot to show us? Public opinion is very important and your refusal to provide evidence is telling of your true character. :ph34r:

  6. Excuse me, someone can still have done great things in their past and then made terrible mistakes afterwards.

    It doesn't unmake all the good things they once did. Who in hell are you to try and erase history?

    As an emperor, he did make some bad errors of judgement towards the end. But he also led us for a hell of a long time in greatness.

    Take it elsewhere, this is a thread about BDC being stupid and getting rolled. Also Sponge didn't change at the end, people just stopped putting up with his crap. Get used to people dancing on Sponge's grave because it isn't going to stop.

    o/ Pacifica

  7. As for giving away tech, I'd be more than happy to once I can't redeclare on Moo anymore. I just want to see how far I can take it first.

    You won't be declaring on anyone anymore. Can't declare in anarchy and you likely won't leave anarchy until no one nuclear can declare on you.

  8. You guys have to understand, this story broke and caught the propaganda machine unaware. It took them a few hours to get a straight story and to put some people in front of the cameras to start parroting denials to the unwashed masses.

    Joseph is trying with all his might to act all cool and unconcerned when in reality he is staring at a countdown timer with less than 6 hours remaining on it until his very nation is going to start eating nukes.


    Of course, he will then come in here and try to act all tough. He'll be like "I meant to do that" :awesome:

    BigBad is just desperately trying to retain some semblance of cool despite their MADP partner being destroyed from within.

    I'm sure is shaking in his boots. :rolleyes:

    @OP Good luck with getting them all rooted out.

  9. Sooner sent me these terms, I was told I had until July 10th 11:59 US Central time to decide

    I will offer leniency if he personally and voluntarily submits himself to punishment.


    1) He posts a public apology to the Viridian Entente for violating our trust and working to further damage already sensitive international relations; to the New Polar Order for taking actions that ultimately put them in more danger than they had been in since the Great Patriotic War. (This apology will be specifically with regard to his posting of access to his account; the spying accusation will be flat dropped.)

    2) He delivers 2500 tech to the Viridian Entente by whatever methods he deems necessary--personal shipments, paying tech-dealers, or a mixture of the two.

    3) He resigns from the New Polar Order and remains unaligned until he completes payment of his indemnification, during which time he will remain under the protection of the Viridian Entente. Once he has finished term 2, he will be freed to join any alliance still willing to take him other than the NpO.

    Well, I guess Viridia would not give me the full 72 hours to accept or deny their terms, so...enjoy my nukes.

    Getting terms at all is far more than you deserved. No other multi-time spy has been as lucky as you have been. Never forget Atlantis, right? :awesome:

    Good luck IRL.

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