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Everything posted by WorldConqueror

  1. No. TE is a completely different place than SE. In some ways, this is a good thing. In others, not so much.
  2. I'm going with OoO and the Initiative. The Initiative conquered and claimed the world, Q inherited it, and the Initiative set the stage for everything that has happened since.
  3. Newp. You know as well as I do what happened. But spin it how you want, that's the name of the game, after all.
  4. For the love of God, won't somebody think of the pubes? D:
  5. Congratulations TOP, good looking government line-up you got there.
  6. Congratulations Legion! Good to see our purple friends prospering
  7. I lol'd. Who screwed who, again? Evil is subjective. The revival, however, is well underway.
  8. Exactly, I was going to point this out myself, but :effort: Also, if you're really skilled, you get neckbeard cancer like a friend of mine.
  9. Now this is a regent I can get behind...please? Anyway, congrats Bel Air, shame about Marx stepping down but you couldn't have picked a better successor than Nick. o/
  10. I don't think FARK made any propaganda about us, could be wrong though. I think the sig you are referring to was directed at IRON and was a dog knocking over a child. Personally, I preferred the one with the guy popping out of the bin.
  11. I dunno, I don't think you were ever really hated, I think you were regarded as more of a nuisance than anything else. When reading these rambling posts of yours that reek of desperately trying to be badass, you remind me of a chihuahua that just won't shut up. As for hated players, Starfox, Aimee Mann, George the Great, Penkala, Revanche are all pretty high up there. It's a long list though.
  12. I read the whole thread, and I'll think you'll find I quoted the same post of yours that you did, and responded to it in my reply.
  13. You were in a winning war and lost a third of your score against an alliance fighting 15 of you opportunistic parasites, and you're proud of that? And I don't know if your memory is going or what, but a lot of Pacifican nations were in the 5-10K NS bracket due to their tech, and so weren't losing much from continued war. How do I know? Because my squadmates and I were in exactly that position, I myself ended the war at 8K NS. I also happened to fight old Bill Wallace in the closing stages, was unaware he is a noob. And what he means by the drone argument is that anyone arguing with a Pacifican throws out the drone line without regard to the Pacificans posts, and then walk away feeling mighty pleased with themselves for doing so.
  14. I think it's a bit odd to demonize us for things we 'would' have done. Spout what you will about our history, but don't delve into hypotheticals. And that we look upon the Karma alliances with something less than love should come as no surprise. Extrapolating anything from that though is pure speculation. And people were forced by their own propaganda and moralistic cries into this weird solution which they try to pass off as lenient by saying 'it's only reps', when those reps were designed to cripple for at least six months.
  15. Are you mentally deficient? Think about what you're saying. Please.
  16. At least you started out being comprehensible. Thank Franco for small mercies. Yes, mistakes were made. We know that. We acknowledged that. We learned from that. So, congratulations? The difference is, we know where we went wrong and are working to fix it. You and the rest of the RoK cheerleaders keep maintaining that you did just great in the war. I mean yes, you were involved in the war, but being proud of your pitiful performance in it is like being proud of a "I participated" certificate you were awarded for coming last in a fun run. Not quite sure what you were trying to say or where you were going with this. Perhaps releasing some of that impotent rage, eh? I do like your little threat though, I hope you find the backbone and the military ability to back it up. So you got nuked into the ground by a mangled corpse? And for someone accusing others of having blue balls, you are awfully keen to launch into sexual tangents. Twice in one post. No wonder you're having trouble typing.
  17. I did consider it, but I didn't want to be too hard on the poor little guy. And they were so proud of it too.
  18. Hmmm, must have missed the part where I was flattering and ingratiating. If by the community at large you mean your cronies in RoK and Nemesis, then I apologize for the mental strain imposed on them by posting in a thread. Slapping me around? If you characterize them stammering and struggling to address the point because they can't recognise that their alliance is about as interesting and worthwhile as a skidmark, as slapping me around, then sure. RoK's military prowess was shown in Armageddon when they got beaten out of sanction by the losing side. And surely the merge master is not forgetting all those alliances that you accidentally the whole thing?
  19. Come on RV, give him a break. He is in Ragnarok, after all. The war system is unimportant, all you need is to merge merge merge!
  20. I don't know about member count, but you may want to check out your 30 day NS graph. 21K NS in a month! :2thumbsup:
  21. Ah, respect from the community. I've tried it on before, they just don't seem to make my size. And if this constitutes drama, there's something really wrong with the world.
  22. It was a last-ditch attempt to get somebody to speak up about what Nemesis has to offer. That somebody that is no longer a member had to do it is kind of weird. So it's not a Hoo cult. What is it? That is a reason to exist, yes, but it's a reason to exist for every conceivable alliance under the sun. I wanted something that was specific to Nemesis, that couldn't be stretched to apply to any alliance, like GDI, /b/, NMBLA, DRDavidBanner's alliance. All of those were or could be tight-knit and having fun, doesn't really make a compelling case that they should, however. And yes, I'm going to extremes to make my point, but it seems I have to to get any kind of meaningful response. It took how long for somebody to finally give this half-hearted attempt at showing what makes Nemesis a good alliance?
  23. Heh, nice edit there. Few seconds earlier and I woulda had it. But in answer to your question, I wouldn't know, be sure to inform me of the verdict when next seasons CN fashions are released.
  24. This is all well and good. However, you seem to be missing the point that I made my comment, and was then drawn into a debate that was elaborated on and expanded by Nemesis members. However, I do recognise that: being patronizing never goes out of style.
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