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Everything posted by WorldConqueror

  1. TBF, Teddyyo is just as bad as Batallion (ok except for the last incident). At least when they were in the same alliance it was relatively contained. Now a spore has been jettisoned, where will it land and infect next?
  2. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1311948191' post='2766940'] You might start by giving him the funds to buy his own CIA so people won't feel the need to feed him these reports.... [/quote] That's a really misplaced attempt at baiting. That said, this is overkill at this point.
  3. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1311921915' post='2766791'] Technically there are no chains since this is non-chaining. [/quote] Welp! I always forget to check that.
  4. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1311921438' post='2766783'] Interesting treaty. It was always obvious the Orders would go for SF though. OOC: I even hope they succeed. [/quote] lol whaaaaat. There is no 'Orders'. And there's less chains to PB than SF from this.
  5. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1311919977' post='2766768'] treaty web be damned! [size="1"]*throws a wrench at it* *throws a banana peel in front of GOD* [/size] [/quote] He has 99 problems, but NPO ain't one. :>
  6. but the web rabble rabble D: E: Also good to finally see this.
  7. Congrats on 4 years shrooms. I still miss TDSM8 though.
  8. fff, wrong terrible ex-black/pink alliance.
  9. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1310879853' post='2757628'] What a cheap way to get IP addresses so you can track people across rerolls. Well done! [/quote] [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1310892485' post='2757679'] They have a long history(years) of tracking IP addresses for the reason he mentioned. NPO dont do community they never have and never will. They see all other alliances as something to be used or something to destroy. Even being a neutral alliance wasnt enogh to keep someone off their use/kill radar. Go and learn your own history kid. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Continuum-GPA_War [/quote] Steve Buscemi: Literally the Alterego of PB.
  10. When somebody decides to use a CB?
  11. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1310838261' post='2757280'] Sparta does fairly well in war. NSO's skill lies in being target practice. [/quote] Oh ok, so GOONS is completely wrong about a war [i]they [/i]fought?
  12. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1310803175' post='2757157'] Ability? Really? Surely you can't be referring to NSO. [/quote] We may not be the most skilled alliance, but even we far surpass Sparta.
  13. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1310743859' post='2756639'] NSO not existing is enough for me to wish Ivan took the throne back. [/quote] I guess it must be quite embarrassing to be consistently shown up in the 'ability' and 'balls' categories by an alliance much smaller than your own.
  14. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1310699743' post='2756422'] When I see someone say something along the lines of "haters gonna hate" it tells me that those haters probably have reason. For your use of that phrase alone, I hope that your alliance disbands. [/quote] This pretty much sums it up.
  15. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1310613780' post='2755836'] Off to a great start, I suppose. [/quote] But they have 2 WRCs, Zeke as Leader and ~aWeSoMe CaEk~. What could possibly go wrong?
  16. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1310613299' post='2755822'] Your art is literally cringe-worthy. [/quote] The rest of the announcement is around that same standard.
  17. [quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1310340310' post='2754084'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3fsek.jpg[/img] This is literally you. e: fixed ~offensive language~ [/quote] I laughed.
  18. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1310137341' post='2752501'] Sometimes. But what I was mostly talking about is the way they handled it. [/quote] What? Jumping in with your own cancelation announcement before the other guy can post his is a good way to handle things?
  19. [quote name='Alexander Kerensky' timestamp='1310136951' post='2752494'] you shouldn't have to wait to long as it seems NSO Guerilla camps jumped from 5 on the 7th to 89 on the 8th so far [/quote] They're the ones that reduce bills right? D:
  20. [quote name='LegionOfiicial' timestamp='1310129001' post='2752346'] p.s. I hope you agree with us that it is about time[/left] [/quote] Indeed, those insolent Sith have gone too far this time!
  21. Congratulations Pacifica. Probably should have been done when that incident with Nemesis happened, but hey.
  22. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310107058' post='2752215'] Get over myself? the fact I have literally gotten you all to post paragraphs in reply to my post about wanting to be Viceroy proves my point. You're correct people can find the threads themselves, but I remove people having to bother reading the forums, which during wars where there's 20 new threads posted a day for a week or longer, can be incredibly useful, I don't claim MoG[News] as my greatest achievement, but tell me, how many others have made such a permanent mark on the game to my level of name recognition? I would bet their number is few. [/quote] The fact that a few of us older members remember your earlier stint as chief irritant does not prove that you are known and beloved by all. In fact, it proves our point that those who remember it, do not look upon you fondly. People celebrated when you disappeared. And I'm not sure that encouraging general ignorance in the community by pointing them to one thread and disregarding all others, is really something you should be proud of. The fact is that you count MoG[News] as [i]an[/i] acheivement, when it's really not. In fact, the way you tout it shows a level of desperation for gaining attention and recognition here that is quite sad and/or funny, depending on your perspective.
  23. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310105537' post='2752187'] My firsts and propaganda got my intelligence sources that allowed me to ensure information got public far quicker than those whose governments were concerned about it wanted it to be, I may never be seen as a tactical genius like Liquidmercury for example, but there's very few people who dont recognize my name and services to the world. [/quote] Christ, get over yourself Mogar. When people think of 'services to the world', they don't think of spamming links and being an obnoxious little !@#$. It is hardly a great acheivement to put links on IRC that anyone who is slightly active will find right there in Alliance Announcements all by themselves. The role you fill here is akin to the screaming baby on the plane; everyone, probably including those supposed to be nurturing and protecting you, wants to murder you.
  24. So when do we get the GGA reformation announcement to complete the trifecta?
  25. The strong survive...shootouts. In all seriousness, commiserations O'Samurai, you guys played a good game. Pity it had to go to penalties, and even moreso that Pro Evo hates you. Quite happy with HoM though, the tortoise indeed. Cheers for running this kamichi.
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