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Everything posted by _GunneR_

  1. [quote name='wickedj' date='30 May 2010 - 06:38 PM' timestamp='1275205074' post='2316458'] Clearly Athens [/quote] Clearly you missed the meeting. We've decided on GOD.
  2. I do say! Blimey! Can it really have been a year. Oh how time flies when one is having ever so much fun.
  3. A new move to an open and peaceful position in the future? Good luck.
  4. [quote name='Haflinger' date='02 May 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1272804264' post='2283715'] It leaves the decision of what is an approved reparations target out of the terms. Interestingly this could allow Karma to force NPO to violate the terms by just not approving any reparation targets. [/quote] You're right, it does. And aren't we all the more benevolent for not doing that? Hail the innocent. Well done for accomplishing your tasks given.
  5. [quote name='Haflinger' date='26 April 2010 - 04:13 AM' timestamp='1272215601' post='2274452'] Well, unless C&G and Superfriends immediately dogpiled them for their audacity. [/quote] Would we care enough though? Hint: probably not.
  6. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='26 April 2010 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1272252381' post='2275447'] 25 dollar donation to Gremlins if ChairmanHal updates this tomorrow. [/quote] Bob did I mention that I joined Gremlins?
  7. Shamed? Really? That guy is pretty much old news.
  8. [quote name='steodonn' date='09 April 2010 - 05:48 AM' timestamp='1270752476' post='2253252'] After MK pass UPN [/quote] And FoK
  9. [quote name='Anthony' date='09 April 2010 - 01:19 PM' timestamp='1270779540' post='2253748'] Agreed. What took so long guys? [/quote] Perhaps the knife needed repositioning? Congratulations FARK and NpO. Prosperous times ahead for you both.
  10. [quote name='memoryproblems' date='08 April 2010 - 04:36 PM' timestamp='1270708587' post='2252868'] Either way, it is irrelevant, there are several alliances not sanctioned which are rather large and strong entities which will eventually return to sanctioned status. Its nothing against MK, but unless you drastically change the way you operate, there are other alliances that will pass you because they operate a bit differently and in a manner more conducive towards getting a sanction. These differences don't necessarily make an alliance better or worse, but realistically once things stabilize during peace, a few formerly sanctioned alliances (TOP/IRON come to mind) will move back up the ladder, and MK will likely be awfully close to the outer edge of sanction status. Regardless, congratulations, enjoy it, the way things change around here, you never know how long it will last. [/quote] You don't suspect that having to send out thousands of tech (some of which to MK) might alter that analysis?
  11. [quote name='The Big Bad' date='03 March 2010 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1267579536' post='2212023'] CnG should do whatever they want. Keep fighting and end up even more ruined or stop now and try and rebuild before things strategically move completely out of reach. Of course that would be real hard on your pride so I don't see it. TOP has nothing to loose by keeping up, they either give it all away in reps or in war and at least with war they wreck the other guys as well. It all comes down to doing what is best for CnG in the future or claiming a win in this war for prides sake. Not a fun choice. It will an interesting year. [/quote] You say this like CnG doing as badly as TOP and IRON. Of course we're going to lose strength it is war after all. But our potential to rebuild changes little whether the war stops today or next week or next month. Nor do I see anyone capable or even with the ambition or desire to want to attack CnG immediately at the conclusion of this war so there is no vulnerable position to be led into. TOP has plenty to lose, no one is asking them to "give it all up". Reparations are being asked of them, not a surrender of all their tech. More and more these topics are starting to sound like a temper tantrum. You can't have what you want when you're losing after doing something wrong.
  12. So what should CnG do? Give them white peace after they attacked us, or should we keep the war going to secure reparations for damage done? These questions aren't best answered by mass polling, everyone wants something, not everyone can have it. In my opinion, at some point TOP and IRON have to accept the mistake they made and take responsibility for it. The 'holier than thou' card doesn't work so well when you want mercy for an aggressive action.
  13. [quote name='Epiphanus' date='27 February 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1267249053' post='2205940'] What was your word? [/quote] I'm going to guess that it was something along the lines of "Should NSO ever surrender, he (Ivan) would step down".
  14. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='23 February 2010 - 12:18 AM' timestamp='1266848324' post='2197221'] James I, if you ask any TOPper at least (not sure about IRON or TORN, though TORN posters have said it), they'll tell you that the pre-emptive attack was a major error and they won't be doing that again. (Doch, TOP did not pre-emptively attack in the BLEU war, they just attacked Polar straight up. IRON and some others did pre-emptively attack BLEU members though.) [/quote] So if I read this correctly, then TOP recognises its mistake, I wonder though are you willing to take responsibility for those actions and make amends? Will TOP acknowledge their misgivings?
  15. Go WAPA. But be careful, your smug is showing.
  16. Tigers are vicious. And damn good friends.
  17. Fight fight and fight some more. It's all explosions from here on out.
  18. [img]http://vulcanstev.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/ron_weasley1.jpg[/img] And this is before FAN gets to RON.
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