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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. You shoulda did it by number of offensve war slots available. ie nations x 3. I think that would be a better indicator
  2. Well I've had about $100 in donations applied to my nations by myself and a few deals. I expect that will be erased eventually. So how much donation money have you got on your nation? How much donation money is doomed to this war?
  3. Indeed. That looks very aggressive on TPF's part. Shame on TPF!
  4. Oooo They're staggaring in,,, I think they're up to 5 now.
  5. Say Sparta comes into the war for someone. Would you come in under the aggression pact?
  6. Say one of th oap partners xomes in due to treay obligations. will you activate the aggression part of the treaty and come in?
  7. I'd like one more clarification though. If any of those alliances decide to jump in do you go aggressive as well?
  8. So we know who not to attack to not bring in MHA? Brilliant. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. Karma Response: NPO would say anything to get some allies back right now.....they may be right....I may be crazy...but it just might be a lunatic you're looking forrrr.
  10. Meh by the number of responses it was only so-so trolling I guess. Better luck to me next time.
  11. Then he should have went through with it instead of using a lame $@! excuse to stop discussions.
  12. MK talking about Honor? That's like a stupid person talking about intelligence.
  13. Why offer them anything softer? They were ready to accept almost anything. They had accepted every single term up until that point. "We can do it because NPO used to do it." Yeah I'm sure you all do know what it is about. It's just not about what you told everyone else.
  14. Offered? Is that what you call it? Karma started on the wrong foot if you ask me. The way they handled those peacetalks could have showed they really were for change. I mean really for change. Seems to me it was all a plot to be able to gang up on Pacifica. All talk. A means to an end. They aren't any different. They proved that last night.
  15. GATO eh? Never heard of these people. Find some real GATOans.
  16. NPO: We accept all the terms you've laid down so far. Karma: You're preparing for peace!!!!!! We can't have that! These peace discussions are over! Can't you see how silly you sound? If peace was reashable and it looked like it easily was then NPO nations being in Peace Mode after wouldn't have mattered one bit. Does anyone make that copnnection? You are all fools. Pathetic. No honor at all. Also the famous "NPO did it so we can" speech from those who wanted to bring change. tsk tsk.
  17. Well I opened to reply...got in read the post again...started to click back when I realized I really didn't know what to say. Decided to post this to ask you: What? Who?
  18. All the NPO is evil crap, the ZI stuff they loved talking about, ending evil policies, Free GATO, Free FAN, C'mon man tell me your serious and I'll ignore you as not knowing what has been going on for 3-4 months. They just don't wanna respond to someone who knows what they are talking about and can argue a point. OOC:If my style is aggressive I'm trying to RP the part of an enraged leader here I'm a mostly good dude outside magicninja/ooc
  19. Explain yourself or leave please. Tell me what words I pulled out of my $@!. Actually give me something to respond to if you want to debate.
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