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Status Updates posted by cookavich

  1. how do you like my tech

  2. It still wouldn't get me in range.

  3. Okay, apparently your nation is too small!

  4. I'm seriously considering going rogue on you over your yellow font.

  5. you must really like metalica

  6. fffff, i can't even remove these things

  7. i wish i could edit my comments

  8. hahaha, the game


  9. Don't tell Darth Revan, but you're my favorite mod :o

  10. No, but I'd like to.

  11. Yeah, those were great times.

  12. i have to agree with quiz that you are boss

  13. You used to be MegaAros

  14. I, too, find myself pissed off at your avatar.

  15. i see you looking at my profile draz D:

  16. I see you looking at my profile.

  17. I'll put something here eventually

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