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Everything posted by Hunterman1043

  1. Umm... Pretty sure that Zzz asked Sara (OOC: Apparently I can't say her full nick so from now on she'll be known as "She Who Will Remain Nameless.") to allow CaptCrappy into the senate.. (which was allowed).. then when he was elected, it gave us room to get Tim (from another alliance) into the senate which forced "She Who Will Remain Nameless" out, in which she was sanctioned. After sanctioned, they ZI'd "She Who Will Remain Nameless" IIRC. Plus how can you make such comments if you weren't even in gov back then. lol. And the flag is hardly a challenge to make so not much praise is needed past when it was first released.... which wasn't much from me in the first place. lol hey max.
  2. Shouldn't it be Defense? Lolwow. Otherwise, glad most of them have peace.
  3. What about Itova?? And oh how I hated the GSA back in the day... until we in ACDC decimated them out of the senate.
  4. Oh just give him peace. Sure he attacked y'all but he did it in defense of a friend against all odds. You gotta say that it takes a certain type of courage to do that. Now that RV's alliance no longer exists, what's the harm in letting him go... He's just one man, and like astronaut jones said... If it happens again, you can ZI him to your heart's content. However, do not spin this into making it sound like you are justified in "making an example" of him to prevent others from doing the same. If people took influence that easily, we'd all be at war.
  5. Don't know why we never were added to this, but ok.. Alliance (full name, acronym): Itova Alliance Color: Black Alliance IRC Channel: #itova URL to forums: http://itova.co.cc/forum/
  6. I know right! lol.... We've been trying to do this for years and finally it's a reality! Just wish that after I helped form this, that I could have been apart of it. :/ Oh well. ALSO HAI Zzzptm!
  7. Man I wish I had nukes. lol. I would help if I did.
  8. Hey guys! Glad y'all are doin good and all. I miss being apart of NOIR, as you all know, but I will always be loyal to the black team no matter what. I'm glad that I'm slowly adding to the collective strength of the team by slowly rebuilding and I can't wait until I rebuild back up to the 36k-ish I was at! I know we have seen some "brilliant political moves" from me in the past, but there are always good feelings for y'all in my heart and I hope there is a mutual feeling for me. If y'all ever want to say hi, I'm usually in #itova. Keep it classy Josh, as I know you always do! LoSS P.S. - I c u thar FP!
  9. Attention grabbing much? Also answer this question.... Why make war and not love?
  10. Very poor show guys.... I'm very disappointed in this. This was obviously a move of desperation and a horrible one at that. You can spin it however you like, and have people blindly o/'ing you...... but I will never support people clawing for sanction status and demanding tech from a forgiven transgression. Also, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62206 Good job to put a ban evader like Yuri into your gov. I have lots of interesting query logs with Yuri where he admits to cheating and how he cheats. o/ Menotah for being the true evolutionists. P.S. - Having an alliance of mostly inactive players really helped your cause Max since most of them would have said no if they actually knew the truth.
  11. Maybe you let me make one next time???? (Cause we totally know what happened last time..... ) Anyways, hail! o/
  12. Wow... Well enjoy Invicta, they are cool peoples. FIRST!
  13. People like 2burnt2eat make me laugh... If you don't have the time/skills to make something from scratch, then don't find it on Google, claim it's completely yours, and accuse people of stealing your design. You sir, are no grafic arteest. lol. (Note the obvious misspell).
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