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Everything posted by Carrick

  1. The last line of the quote in my signature applies to the newer folk who believe that the Third Great War or the Unjust War were the most influential events. In my opinion, the failure of the CoaLUEtion to properly punish NPO after the First Great War was the most important. The NPO was able to quickly re-establish itself and learned from its mistakes by surrounding itself with new allies in the Intiative. And from there the past two years have taken shape
  2. I feel that recent events necessitate another option added to this poll to get the full spectrum of CN opinion
  3. I cannot vote against someone who is proud of the fact his alliance does not have basic wonders and claims his allies will do the fighting for them
  4. Somebody refresh my memory. Who was the OFS guy who was the former head of GATO (or MoD of GATO)? I remember communicating with him just before the Unjust War and remember his all abiding hatred of GATO
  5. Wasn't CDS ODN's backup? I recall ODN getting mauled more than CDS did before their surrender. Either that or they sucked worse than CDS
  6. Fought for GOONS in GW2 and GW3. Fought Fark, LUE, GATO, ODN and CDS nations. Wasn't around for GW1
  7. First post in a long time. Anyway I fell in love with Does it Offend You Yeah's song We are Rockstars It's the song in the new Fast and the Furious trailer Here's the link It sounds like robots having sex, but it's awesome.
  8. Wizard Cat gives this post 5 wands Nice work Schatt! And lol at the NPO forum brigade
  9. This is absolutely hilarious coming from me, but just drop it Madmonkey and accept whats happened
  10. Not many left. The ones who started GOONS are all gone now, I think SC is the only one left. I joined GOONS only prior to GWII so I would not be any help in telling its beginnings.
  11. There once was a man named drugsup He had a cone on his head The end.
  12. The Tale of Ejayrazz Let me tell you the tale of Ejayrazz. He had no father nor mother, he was literally born of extreme hate, hate for all those who were not white. He violently opposed freedom for minorities and actively campaigned for black people to be rounded up and put back into slavery. Bull Connor worshiped at his feet and Strom Thrumond thanked him personally during his speeches. In a move of delicious irony he joined the black team, in order to besmirch its name by committing evil deeds under its aegis. But he forgot one thing...he forgot about GOONS. Ejayrazz attempted to keep his prejudices hidden until the time was right, but he made one fatal mistake. He insulted Snoop Dogg. At the time, many GOONS members had Snoop avatars and sigs in order to properly honor the man during his feast day. When Ejayrazz insulted the man, his true nature was laid bare. GOONS saw him for what he was and attacked. We harangued him day and night, shouting from the rooftops about the facade that he had put up. Even CN turned its back on him. But then the most amazing thing happened...GOONS forgave him. We showed him the error of his ways and showered him with sympathy after the loss of his reputation. Ejayrazz became a functioning member of society, and tears flowed when he finally put on a Snoop avatar. Then he joined ONOS and his reputation was lost again I bet babyjesus and Louisa are like the only ones to remember Ejayrazz and what a hard time GOONS gave him
  13. Or you can brag about your own alliance defending you. Bragging about others rushing to your defence is pretty silly
  14. eh, just did some skiing. Nothing really special, although next year will be great.

  15. Apparently we share the same birthday. Happy b day fellow Jan 13er!

  16. Black team forums were awesome. I'll always remember when GOONS called Ejayrazz a racist for criticizing Snoop Dogg and how seriously he took it.
  17. Cricket's "dead friend's nation" shenanigans in GWIII
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