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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Happy anniversary GOD Paths may have changed, but I haven't forgotten the better times in our history. See you here same time next year
  2. [quote name='Lord of the Dance' timestamp='1298561037' post='2643859'] Yeah. We at legion want you to stop fighting this silly war so we can get on with watching our infra inexorably rise. Loud bangs scare us and we are afraid of all the hostility. Hence our current tactic of sticking our heads in the sand until all the nasty boys go away again. [/quote] The problem with burying your head in the sand, is that you leave your ass exposed to the air. You may not like the surprise you get.
  3. [quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1298560516' post='2643850'] I can't imagine why MK is QQing yet GOONS is just fine with fighting...Especially considering MK is much more powerful than GOONS and all and has less to fear etc. [/quote] You'd be pissy too if your mad money was being wasted on someone elses good time
  4. [quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1298551328' post='2643782'] It is curious that our "side" is expected to follow the established conventions of war (which it does), while your coalition openly flouts those very same conventions. [/quote] lolconventions They came moaning about a POW that we hit that was one of our members who deserted during war. "It's not standard procedure to hit POWs" ... It's also not standard procedure to allow a POW to walk off camp (he was more than a day alone under the defunct ONOS AA). Nothing in this war has been 'standard procedure' since they decided to make it as such - but of course, they hold steady and consistent in their double standards. What's good for the goose - will eventually kill the gander.
  5. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1298222174' post='2639534'] RAAAYVON! Where are you?! [/quote] I didn't do it
  6. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1298096815' post='2638163'] Who have we gotten rolled again? [/quote] I think he's trying to say the same thing as Wally - the martyr bit ... Cause us 'cowards' are willing to take a lump or two to protect our friends.
  7. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1298060217' post='2637705'] Hydra officially voted to cancel it Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:26 pm EST to be more specific. [/quote] Aye. I think TR may have misinterpreted my meaning. I have been partially inactive due to some restructuring and renovations in Kindred Nation [i](OOC: I moved, and am still working out a steady schedule)[/i] and heard of the memo of cancellation, but thought I had missed the public posting at a previous date.
  8. I thought this was getting posted sooner Good luck in your path Hydra, we all hope it takes you where you hope to go. o/ Hydra
  9. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1297039095' post='2622921'] I know I'm not the only one tickled at the fact that a member named darth vader surrendered from NSO: [img]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/1718/piece24.png[/img] [/quote] lol - I just heard about that this morning ... If I hadn't already seen his 'Banned' mask, I would have requested it myself .. Someone didn't get the memo /facepalm
  10. [quote name='mikk206' timestamp='1296835327' post='2619298'] [img]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5879/1goonsnote.png[/img] [/quote] heh - this made me think of a response one of our nations received to a surrender offer [quote]Subject: RE: Terms of your surrender. Message: I've only been playing for 5 days. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I just hit random keys while jerking off to porn.[/quote]
  11. [quote name='Vesalius' timestamp='1296809095' post='2619100'] So, basically, Umbrella is the pimp hand of the neo-hegemony monster? [/quote] Keep that pimp hand strong Even worse, VE is the core of it's brain. It'll be walking into walls as soon as you turn your back lol
  12. [quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1296815383' post='2619128'] Trust me, we have Goons working on it, but there are only so many wars we can declare and they won't declare on us. Also, your numbers look good NSO but I think you can do better. If you really work at it you can get up to a full ratio of 3! I believe you can. E: Cleaned up. [/quote] Perhaps so, but for a war expected to drag out so long when you've got allies as rich as yours - that wouldn't be very smart lol The Sith may arrive late (by appearance), but we certainly arrive in style.
  13. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296782492' post='2618477'] lol DK Mine: [img]http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/478/propk.jpg[/img] (As a disclaimer: If I had to choose I'd say I like NSO more than the others in the Hopeless Coalition, and ASU is pretty ok I guess, but I just had to.) [/quote] You cleaned your toilet just for us
  14. ARGH! The final blow to my heart .. I'm done. I give. UNCLE! UNCLE! "nso is completely stupid on all fronts" That's just .. just ... It's been tossed in every direction so far .... If your gonna try and be smug, at least be half-witted first.
  15. Clearly -- one would think a SirWilliam wouldn't have one .. What with all the skele's and all
  16. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/WhenTheSithComeAround.png[/img]
  17. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/WhenTheSithComeAround.png[/img] (I meant to post that in the propaganda thread - too many windows open hahaha - oh well. It shall stay here.)
  18. [quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1296624921' post='2615694'] Didn't you guys hear? Doomhouse is the new darkside. At least according to parts of your coalition. Maybe it is you who has lost your way. [/quote] Did you read the DoW? You're only just realizing our ways finally, it is our long-since-overgrown path your finally treading. GOONs I just got countered by two more GOONs while posting here hahaha
  19. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/New_Sith_Order I'll give ya a hand ... 6 victories out of 9 wars. 1 white peace.
  20. [quote name='Libera' timestamp='1296600839' post='2615147'] I hate to point this out, but every-time you guys make a war declaration you insist on bashing and acting like you're god's gift to CN.[/quote] Sig tells you all you need to know.
  21. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296576287' post='2614715'] Not only is what you're saying not true, it's not even internally consistent. MK charged reps to TOP, significant reps. As to our reps, we charged reps to ninjas and FnKa during the roguefest conflict. [/quote] So really, all your saying is the hypocrisy continues
  22. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1296574426' post='2614681'] Also the GOONs doesn't bother anyone, we tried to get the name officially changed to GOONs. By we I mean me and someone else. OH NO NOT THE [i]little s[/i] again! (no one cares, you can't beat us on the battlefield and you sure as hell won't beat us on the forums) [/quote] You might want to tell that to the couple GOONies who have corrected people not once, but multiple times through multiple threads out of exasperation.
  23. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1296504104' post='2613285'] Actually damage was done [/quote] - 18 tanks - 3.88 tech - 20.14 infra RAWR - feel the pain that is the Sith.
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