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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Your leader wishes to bring up events from another world quite frequently; in this other world he loves to speak of, it's not uncommon for sanctions to be applied by those with the ability to do so to further increase their position. :)
  2. It means keep crying. *shrugs* Your nations in my range have no tech, I can't control the mechanics - I'm being declared on by nations with a lower NS and 1k infra. I still manage to find my way out anarchy everytime though :mellow:
  3. Bitburg, for all the praise you want to throw around to NPO [i](I don't know if you think sucking up to them is going to have influence over my or your position in this war or what - but meh ...)[/i], maybe you should read again something he's told you guys already while you continue this verbal diarrhea. Viet Cong ..... lol
  4. hahaha ok Hiro ... And indeed it was pointed out a hundred times after that, the quoted bit in the propaganda was from the beginning of all that.
  5. Aye - my ink comment was because I read it as your 'past history' comment saying we've called allies in in the past [eg. the ever popular accusations from our detractors that we called in allies in Legion-Tetris war when our only ally there was Tetris and we were in defense of them]. This is the first war we've ever had to do so, for the very reasons you were intending in your statement.
  6. I find your lack of Antonio disturbing. Man made you guys look good. And of course, Valid - my first censure. And Dilber - fuck your Dilrow :P o/ Neutral Menace
  7. Did you really just zulu? You must know the Indos?
  8. Not to be confused with or step on our beloved Gratan Stewie's personage; but that's because GOONS are the Stewie to our Bertram (really should be the other way around lol - but you guys did technically come first) :P
  9. [url=http://www.paper-leaf.com/blog/2012/05/how-to-kern-properly-essential-tips-resources/]Kerning 101[/url] :D Thrawn's sig is a good example of the pains of kerning ....
  10. What Hereno is saying is they've already brought it - albeit no one's hit Masta yet cause they probably don't have anyone that small yet (I haven't looked). That's like getting punched in the head and then saying "C'mon - hit me once, I dare ya" is Hereno's point.
  11. 'The option opposed to surrender'
  12. You missed the aid on the 22nd Your gov can come talk to me.
  13. It's a matter of change of attitude from other parties [in this case, NEW], not necessarily on NPO or Brehon. NEW is in the current coalition with NPO, and aware that Kaskus is trying to pull them in while they're telling Kaskus no. Individual members of Kaskus polled the NEW nation who was relatively uninformed and urged him for aid. It's a far cry different than the situation where NEW was acting aggressively with intent, I went talking with Vibi which was the deciding factor in this recent case. It's just plain common sense that being on the same coalition is going to make them review situations differently. You'd have to be a complete daft fool to think that either party would want to purposely tear apart and weaken their own coalition over this. I don't know what's funnier, the fact you've repeated this multiple times or the fact you think there might actually be some credibility to it.
  14. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358979640' post='3084268'] I expect to see NPO declare on NEW in a few days. Bluff called. [/quote] Kaskus would love that, wouldn't they?
  15. [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358906998' post='3084167'] in the end we will be together just like the movie. [/quote] Not a snowballs prayer in hell on that.
  16. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358886537' post='3083905'] Who's said they are quitting this realm because of you and your ilk? A Kaskus member? The way you're wording this is that the entirety of Kaskus will just vanish from this world after they are done, which is wrong and you know it is. Don;t be dishonest. [/quote] He didn't say [i]because of [b]us[/b][/i] - but because of the war. The option opposed to surrender. Don't be so dense. [img]http://i.imgur.com/quGLyKL.png[/img]
  17. [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358845892' post='3083516'] im sorry that we dont debate and lack this diplomacy you so request but im sorry i personally dont feel a need to want peace when NSO has to come as low as to pull a GOONS. granted i respect what NPO tried to do and respect their entry byt Shangs whzt just sad. in other words i pity you and your alliance but youve shown me new found respect for NPO even if it seems us not surrendering to you insults them its not. its having fun with cybernations. try it sometime. [/quote] You 'new found respect' for NPO - don't forget the reason NPO is here. Because you guys are !@#$@#$ idiots. Brehon got pissed off at you for exactly this continued behaviour. Ask Tan to share with you my last response to you guys - and then ask why more is being dumped on you rather than a step towards resolution? "to pull a GOONS" - what, to pile more !@#$ on you because you guys refuse to talk yet? Because you refuse to move off your little 'rawr we can still bite your ankles' !@#$%^&*? No, it doesn't work that way Keno. Not in this world. You don't play by the worlds rules - the rules play you. As the group with the upper hand - it's well within our rights to maintain and secure that upper hand and continue to do what we need to do so. Your allies, certainly, still have the option to help you if they wish to post a declaration and enter this war against us, NPO and SL [without the declaration, any actions against our nations or supporting yours would in kind be an act of war towards us]. If you hadn't made so many mistakes along the way, I'm sure [i]someone[/i] would have. I know GOD loves fighting over harboured rogues. If we have the resources, we'll make use of them to finally put you down to the point where even your dim wittedness realizes you're done. Easy as that. Simply, I'm not beyond sharing the fun of stomping cockroaches, especially with allies who were upset about not getting an invite in the first place.
  18. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/OccupyKaskus001_zps40f39e5d.png[/img]
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