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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. In Slavorussia this development is being called a "second bloodless victory" in the Great Patriotic War.
  2. Does this new government recognize Slavorussia's move to annex the Greater German Reich's territory in Russia?
  3. ooc: Crude map of Eastern Europe showing current Slavorussia/German border. EDIT: this map is from Sargun's "World Map 5.0" I believe it was the most recent map of the independant Nordic countries.
  4. ooc: No you didn't give it all back to me and you didn't give it to the Slavic Empire, and the Hansa only has Belarus, so you do have Russian land. Any part of the GNR that is in RL Russia is owned by Germany.
  5. With Germany secceeding from Nordland and turning against their former countrymen Slavorussia feels now is the best time to begin “Operation Do Svidaniya Germania” 10 T-90 tank divisions numbering 1,000 tanks, accompanied by the 4 mechanized infantry divisions a total of 40,000 soldiers travel to the border of Free Slavorussia and Moscow Reich ( or whatever it‘s called). The Imperial Air Force bombers and fighter planes are fueled and ready to go. The mission is to decimate Germany’s border defenses and clear a path for Slavorussian ground forces to occupy the region, but before military action can be taken Premier Medvedev informs the world. “Good day to the people of the world, citizens of Europe and Germany. Several months ago Slavorussia was invaded and our country divided among several nations. One of those nations, Germany, has shown us that they are unfit to rule over the Slavorussian people, so as a result of their most recent actions I declare Slavorussia‘s intent to annex the remainder of the Moscow Reich. We intend to do this peacefully, but the Slavorussian Armed Forces are prepared to fight off any German resistance. All residents of the region are advised to stay in your homes and out of harm‘s way. Help is coming.” ooc: If the land refered to above was transfered to another Nordic nation prior or during the merger then this post is void, but to my knowledge it wasn't.
  6. ooc: If you're saying it wasn't posted then it's not ic. IRC and pm do not equal ic.
  7. ooc: What no love for Moscow? St. Petersburg even? ic: As requested Slavorussian soldiers are beginning to reinforce Mariehamm's shore defense, while the two transport ships sail as close as they can to the shores of Mariehamm stopping at several ports and unloading supplies, their load of soldiers and picking both Slavorussian and foreign nationals hoping to leave the country. Sadly Slavorussia has suffered the first casualties of the war. A Transport helicopter crashed several km north of St. Petersburg, military rescue teams confirm that there were no survivors.
  8. Premier Medvedev attends but hasn't spoken yet. He just smiles or nods to the other delegates, and waits to see how the meeting will go.
  9. "Thank you, and good day to you gentlemen." The Coast Guard captain puts down the loudspeaker receiver and sighs a sigh of relief. "Tell those ships to stay a little closer to the shore, we don’t need anymore of these kinds of drawbacks." Instead of taking a straight path from the ports in St. Petersburg the ships turn northward closer to the shore, while the other ships still anchored in St. Petersburg are unloaded Troops will now be transported on the ground and through the air. ***Classified to Mariehamm*** Premier Medvedev is sending troops to keep the peace in Mariehamm, General Belyakov would like to know where his men can be most useful.
  10. ooc: Just doing my part in making sure the godmodding stays out of the rp this time. Gentlemen, unless you want this to become a huge international debacle for your country you’ll let these ships pass. Anti-ship missiles on the coast are prepared to retaliate against your ships if you attack us, and although this vessel can’t take down your ships we can shoot down some of your aircraft before we’re sent to the bottom of the sea. We’re rerouting the rest of our soldiers to use land based travel, but we’re literally going to have to march at least 5,000 of them from their bases to Marieham.
  11. ooc: I'm brought up the missiles to let BR, or anyone else who wants to challenge my maritime border, know that just because I don’t have a navy doesn’t mean I won’t be able to retaliate.
  12. ooc: Whether I have an IG navy or not, I'm pretty sure anti-ship missiles can strike your ships anywhere in the box you labeled for us. ooc: Mudd thank you for your opinion, but I think you might be wrong. They can't just claim somebody else's territorial waters, just like they can't claim somebody else's land.
  13. ooc: Yea, no sorry. You can claim the Baltic Sea, since you completely surround it, but Pretty much that whole green box is surrounded by Slavorussia, and is part of Slavorussia's EEZ, so its Slavorussia's maritime territory. Sorry I don't read everything you post, but no you not going to do that.
  14. ooc: Which means you declared war on Slavorussia a month ago. Links to your claims, and any illegal police action and rp in Slavorussia's waters so I can use this against you when I call the world to support me on this, and possibly take ooc action.
  15. I agree with BR about the math. To be honest I stopped reading after the numbers started popping up. X_x
  16. "You're mistaken, this region of the gulf is Slavorussian, you must have gotten your wires crossed. I've contacted the Coast Guard, and there's a patrol boat 10 minutes from our current location traveling full speed here now, ETA 10 minutes. You do not have permission to board this vessel, repeat you do not have permission to board this vessel." 10 minutes later a small, but armed patrol boat arrives. Now the Coast Guard Captain takes over the situation from Captian Aberg. "Gentlemen this is Captain Ludin of the ISS Vigilant of the Imperial Slavorussian Coast Guard and Sea Patrol Initiative. I understand you want to board a Slavorussian ship in Slavorussian waters. So what's the problem here?
  17. “This is Captain Thomas Aberg of the ISS Peterhof. Our maps indicate that you‘ve entered Slavorussian waters. This violation of Slavorussia‘s territorial waters warrants that I contact the coast guard and have them dispatch a boat and representative. In the meantime you do not have permission to board our vessel. Doing so in our waters without permission will spark an international incident.” Captain Aberg puts down the receiver and grabs a nearby communications person. He instructs him to contact Moscow and any nearby patrol vessels and give them their current position.
  18. ooc: here's my stuff from the last thread with a little added detail. ic: Slavorussia is mobilizing a small force of 50,000 soldiers and a division of tanks with full deployment expected to reach at least 100,000 soldiers 4 small tank divisions. 10,000 soldiers are being loaded onto a dozen cruise ships to cross the Gulf of Finland. Because of several issues with cruise liner companies only 2 ships containing roughly 3,000 soldiers have left port. An additional force of 20,000 soldiers are crossing the land bridge between the Gulf and Lake Ladoga, with the remaining 30,000 preparing to fallow in the next few days. In the skies the Slavorussian Imperial Air Force fighters are patrolling the skies of Slavorussia day and night. Radar systems are working at 80% capacity with repair crews working around the clock to make sure they’re back at full capacity as soon as possible, and Slavorussian satellites take dozens of pictures of the border during each pass by. Slavorussian commanders are confident they won’t miss a thing.
  19. "Wait!" shouts Konstantin, "I would like to address the Nordic representatives." He gets out of his seat and walks toward the middle of the room. "Gentlemen, I have my reasons for disliking Nordland, as do many Slavorussians. A few months ago I was living the good life. I had a wife, two children a good job a nice car, and a house outside Kaunas. That came crashing down when the invasion began. My son was enlisted in the army, his division was slaughtered in the attack..." Konstantin's voice starts to break up while he recounts the events of the war. "We couldn’t even have an open casket at his funeral, he was burned so badly. My wife cried herself to sleep for weeks after. Later when our house was destroyed, my wife was horribly disfigured. Last month she gave up and slit her wrists. Now I have to raise my teenage daughter alone." He takes several steps towards the Nordic representatives while holding back the tears, "My country folk and I are God fearing, freedom loving people. Sure the government was perfect, but they gave us many freedoms. Can you honestly tell me that millions of Slavorussians are happy with Nordic rule after seeing the atrocities you've committed? Do you really think the democratic people of Slavorussia wanted to be put under the yoke of Nordic totalitarianism? After all the rebellions of the early 20th century were to free ourselves from totalitarian rulers. Why would we go through that, then depose the equally totalitarian Soviet government just to be part of a totalitarian fascist government? We wouldn't. But you still justify your occupation of Slavorussian territories or you gifting of our territories to other nations, in the name of the people. I hope you all feel ashamed of yourselves, I really do."
  20. ooc: Since when does leaving a room stop reporters from chasing politicians to ask more questions?
  21. Someone made a new one right before the CN war started. I think it sunk a few pages though. I'll try to find it. Edit: I found it, I thought it would be harder to find. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=54732&hl=
  22. ooc: I agree, totally uncalled for. The ooc was needed to clear up some things. Please tell him to please calm himself for me.
  23. ooc: I think I did the necessary work countered their claim with my own, and used that as a base for my claim that they lie. The problem is there's nothing on the forums documenting either side's claims. You said you want links, all I can link you to is the declaration of war against Slavorussia and maybe the meeting in Prussia.
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