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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. The “Duce” of Italica originally stated his regime wouldn’t recognize the republican system of Junio Borghese, although we weren’t aware Junio Borghese was running a republican system. However a few hours later Italica recognized the Republic of Italy. How interesting. We also find it interesting that you believe the Ethiopians and Somalis are your “labor force.” What do the rest of your citizens do? Our definition of a labor force is anyone between 16 and 65 who is working or seeking work, so by our definition the only people who deserve to make money are the Ethiopians and Somalis. Another interesting thing we noted was your silly belief that the Italian people are superior to another ethnic group in any sense, and that forced migration of any group of people is morally acceptable. Overall we would like you to know that we generally disprove of the ideals your government tries to spread and the leaders who facilitate the diffusion of those ideals.
  2. General Peter Yudin Arrested! Peter Yudin, a former general in the Slavorussian army has been formally charged with several dozen counts of misuse of military supplies, murder and ill-treatment of POW’s, attempted subversion as well as high treason and general misconduct of a soldier in uniform. The majority of the charges against Yudin are related to his actions after the collapse of the CSSR, and the campaign to remove the communist military from their occupation zone. General Yudin says he’s not guilty of any of the charges.
  3. The casualties suffered by the Slavorussian ground forces are small in comparison to the massive numbers of foot soldiers and tanks spilling over the border. The majority of the ground forces are safe from enemy gun fire inside their APC’s and IFV’s, but the armored vehicle’s treads and tires are vulnerable to the grenades the Wehrmach throws at them. Regardless of the obstacles in their way the ground forces push on, troops abandon their wrecked vehicles and attack on foot, while surviving vehicles take the lead. Meanwhile the sky over Yacrania begins to get dark, as dozens of Slavorussian transport craft, filled to capacity with paratroopers fly over head. Thousands of troops are only minutes away from touching down in the central regions of the Yamal peninsula, and from there they’ll spread out, and destroy the Yacrainian army from within.
  4. It might be in the best interests of the Kingdom of Carthage to keep your claims confined to Africa.
  5. Slavorussia was only briefly allied to the Uberstein Empire, while it was a member of REPO. It got expelled over the St. Petersburg issue, and was invited back after but refused to join, because of poor relations with Nordland and the UE, and Nova Roma I think. It was the only time I aligned with Europe's status quo.
  6. As the enemy tries to retreat the army chases after them. three divisions of the Slavorussian army fallow from behind, while at the same time two other divisions travel at full speed to get in front of the fleeing army if at all possible. Infantry equipped with anti-tank grenades and Kornet missiles destroy the stationary tanks while IFV’s mow down enemy flamethrowers. Although accused of being overly aggressive Slavorussia’s military commanders are hell bent on sending a clear message to the Yacranian government and any other governments who may have plans to invade the Empire’s territory. The ground forces continue to chase, capture or kill retreating enemy forces, and have clearance to fallow them into Yacrania if necessary. While ground forces pursue the invaders the air force launches a full scale attack on the Yacranian’s homeland. Mulitrole MiG-35’s strike the Voronin Wall with unrelenting force. They can launch their payload of guided missiles from well outside the Flak 88’s operational range, and destroy the enemy’s air defense abilities so that Slavorussia’s supersonic Tu-160’s can strike strategic targets deeper inside the country. Their list of targets include communication’s towers, power plants, military airfields and radar towers, government buildings as well as oil and natural gas pipelines. Water supplies, civilian airports, and enemy transportation systems receive secondary status, since reconnaissance data hadn’t been completely clear on what civilian infrastructure would be used to support the enemy’s military. ooc: we gotta finish this. :\
  7. ooc: I’d drop a bomb or two on Sargun just for lulz, but no planned wars for me. ic: Slavorussians are tired of seeing their youths being sent off to fight and die for nations of people who we have no connection to. They’re tired of fearing the reprisals of the allies of tyrants. There’s very little we can do to end the war, but we will keep our borders open for refugees seeking a free and democratic home.
  8. ***Classified response*** We sympathize, everyone has a right to defend what's legally theirs. Since all major threats have ceased, the coastguard and navy wont interfere with your transports. Also if you're still interested in improving relations we'll make arrangements for your ambassador. However You should know that even though we're would love nothing more than to have all Russian territories back within the Tsar's realm, we have no intention of taking anything by force. Our intention isn’t to force ourselves on others the way they most of the world does these days.
  9. ic: Foreign Affairs have been working to preserve relations with our allies after our recognition of the current government of Nordheim. Damage control in a manner of speaking. ooc: when?
  10. Wow a lot of people voted for Slavorussia as a runner-up, but all except 2 forgot to post.
  11. The Kingdom of Carthage has gone from a quick diplomatic solution with Norway to all out war with its neighbors. This war is very unnecessary, coexisting with your neighbors can be very rewarding.
  12. The Kingdoms of Norway and Carthage were able to come to a friendly agreement, and that says a lot about both their character. Certain countries could learn from this example. We recognize the Kingdom of Carthage's borders where they don't interfere with any other established states.
  13. ooc: That’s where I got the idea for the title, since Justinian’s mental state has been very fragile, but the doctors aren‘t going to be a huge part of the rp. Anyway the first part is finished now.
  14. Justinian awoke after another night of tossing and turning. The past few weeks were really hard on him. His hair was wooly and unkempt, his beard is beginning to look scraggly as well and he’d been gaining weight constantly. He looked more like a poor beggar and not a Russian monarch. After he was rescued from Kotlas everything seemed like it would return to normal, but even though he seemed normal at first, his mood and mental state quickly changed from fairly normal to horrible. When he returned to his home, friends and family memories from his past flooded back into his head. That combined with the traumatic ordeal he had gone through drove him to the brink of insanity. They took him to Peterhof palace hoping the open more rural setting would calm him, but it did quite the opposite. Justinian’s favorite summer home has become his prison. Today though he was a little better, actually he’d been steadily improving for a few days now. His doctors have his depression and hallucinations under control with the use of medication, and the vulgar tendencies he picked up from General Zorin and his cohorts were being worked on. The doctors encouraged him to start socializing again, start with a few familiar faces, other than just his immediate family. However socializing couldn’t be any less important to him right now, he was hungry, and like primal beast he let his instincts carry him to the nearest source of food. Justinian climbs out of bed and languidly walks to the dining room for breakfast. Usually at this time the dining room is full of the Tsar’s nieces and nephews, but today it was surprisingly empty, and quiet. He notices his mother sitting at one end of the long dining table with her nose buried in a book. She doesn’t react as though she’d seen him yet, and even when he sits in the chair across from her she doesn’t lift her head. “Where is everyone?” he asks. Without taking her eyes off the book, she responds, “Your father took them all in to St. Petersburg for the weekend, something about a fair.” she finally lifts her head up and takes a moment to look over the sorry state her son is in, “You could have at least combed your hair, and put on some decent clothes. I hope you’re not going to mope around the palace when your guests arrive.” “Moping? I don’t mope--wait, who‘s coming today?” he asks. “Your cousin, Paul among others. He asked about you a few days ago and I told him to come and see for himself.” “Well that was nice of you mama, maybe you could have told me a little sooner.” “Hmm, indeed. Go get dressed before anyone sees you looking like that” she says apathetically while looking back down at her book. When Justinian returns his cousin, Paul has already arrived, and already he can tell he doesn’t like his own cousin. He looks too confident, loudmouthed and very snobby, which is saying a lot because the royal family is renown for their snobbish behavior. However Paul seems to take things to a whole new level. He really believes that his last name makes him somehow better than everyone else. He abuses his title and rank in the court and in the public he tends to draw more attention than most people are comfortable with. Upon seeing Justinian enter the room Paul corners him and they hug awkwardly. “Would you like some breakfast Paul?” “No, thank you. I came to see how you were. I heard you weren’t feeling well, and I thought I’d come by. Also, uh, I have something important I need to talk to you about--in private.” They both go into the adjacent sitting room. Like most of the rooms of Peterhof Palace it was filled with extravagant furniture and art. The antique furniture and architecture of the room was contrasted by the large television hanging over the fire place showing news images of the riots in Austria. “Did you hear about that business in the west, the riots?” Paul asks. Justinian just shakes his head, he just woke up an hour ago, how could he know? “Terrible business democracy. First you let the commoners have free speech, then they go all out of control. Rioting and rebellion, I can‘t understand why anyone would allow the people to even have a part in making their own decisions.” Justinian frowns, at the ignorant comment. “I haven’t got the time to focus on politics. During the few hours a day I’m lucid, I‘d rather be out in the gardens or swimming in the lake. The other day I though a breakfast sausage was a serpent trying to corrupt my soul. ” Paul chuckles, but then all the sudden gets very serious. He walks over to a window, looks out it and says “You were put through quite an ordeal. I never suspected General Zorin was a Dark Hand agent, but then again I suppose the most dangerous people are the ones you least expect.” Justinian is confused when Paul mentions the general. The fact that General Zorin is still alive, and the investigation around his involvement with the Dark Hand is a closely guarded secret. The only people who know are Prime Minister, the cabinet and Justinian’s parents. “How did you know about the general?” he asks. Paul nervously replies, “I read it in the papers, I think. He hold you hostage in the bunker and whatnot?” “No, that information hasn’t been released to the public. Especially the part about him holding me hostage. What do you know, and how do you know it?” Justinian starts to realize that a member of his own family may have somehow betrayed him. It becomes obvious now that his normally loud, and confident cousin, starts acting meek and nervous. Justinian confronts him directly, but Paul can only whimper two words “I’m sorry.” Justinian’s rage instantly takes control of him. He jumps up onto his feet and lunges at Paul, knocking him to the ground. They both scuffle for a moment, but Justinian always keeps control of the fight by grasping Paul’s throat and squeezing as hard as he can. As he tries to choke his own cousin to death Justinian shouts and curses at him for his betrayal. Some guards not too far away hear the noise and rush in and separate them. Paul stumbles around gasping for air, while three guards literally pin Justinian against the wall, where he continues shouting, cursing and fighting to get at Paul. With three guards holding Justinian back Paul assumes it’s safe to raise his middle finger to Justinian, just as he’s starting to calm down. Seeing that only revives his rage, and Justinian grabs the closest thing near him and throws it at Paul. A 100 year old vase shatters against the wall, and Justinian shouts “Arrest that man, he’s a traitor!”
  15. Litler has been part of CNRP before, I think he got rolled by a bunch of crazy euopeans. Anyway I think he probably remembers the land claim rules, he's not an innocent newbie who sargun randomly targeted with his "lolrage"
  16. To be honest I've noticed many parallels between Nordland and Nazi Germany, but I think that's because I try to find trends in cnrp that can relate to real life. That's not really important though, I think It's the mod's decision to ban people who've broken the forum rules, not the GM's.
  17. All this "blah blah blah SOI, blah blah colony" isn’t something I have a problem with. I'm not a slave to the SOI rule, never have been never will be. I don’t mind colonies. I’ve had several colonies from the UAE and Qatar to North India (could have been whole India, thx Mercy ), and East Timor. My problem is that Antarctica put on the map because we were running out of places for new players, and it was supposed make up for that. Have you ever heard of sarcasm? It's a form of humor that I use. "Sarcasm" learn it, live it, love it...
  18. As I've said a bunch of times to dozens of other players. Antarctica was not supposed to be for colonization. Having said that, I want everything in or around the FGR's penis.
  19. Star Wars?! No not quite. The Ministry of Defense reported that they were testing a new missile defense system in the Gulf of Finland. The new anti-ballistic missile system reported to have shot down 6 out of 10 ballistic missiles that were traveling at various speeds and at various locations. The Navy reported that 10 test SLBM’s were launched from Slavorussian submarines in the gulf, toward unpopulated parts of eastern Slavorussia and Yacrania. The Defense Ministry says they’re happy with the first round of tests and plan to begin deploying the new anti-ballistic missile systems throughout the country in the near future. ooc: Bought an SDI on the 26th
  20. Most of the residents of the city of Vorkuta have been evacuated, or moved to a safe location for the anticipated battle. The city and it’s nearby suburbs are now home to roughly 100,000 soldiers. Despite news that the enemy is only a few kilometers away from the city most of the soldiers aren‘t even remotely concerned. Inside the local coffee shop a unit of soldiers enjoy a cup of coffee while they go through the channels to see if they‘ve made the news. One excited shouts to get his comrades to be quiet, “Shhh! Primer Medvedev is on the news, I think he‘s talking about us.” Another soldier sarcastically replies, “Aww who cares about that, all they ever do is talk about a bunch of political nonsense. I don’t even think these politicians know what they‘re saying half the time.” The soldiers all shush their lone comrade as the Primer closes his speech, “…and even though the Yacranians know they’re going to loose they war they continue to fight in a feeble attempt to wipe the Russian nation from the face of the planet. Their army is only hours from being expelled from our borders and after that the full might of great Russian army will be on their doorstep. It’s important that we all support the brave men and women serving in the military, who defend our country from those who wish to do us harm. God bless you and God bless the Empire.” Just as the camera switches from the Primer’s office back to the news room, the soldiers notice the faint sound of enemy tanks firing their guns. The quiet city springs to life when the Slavorussian army rises to fight the invaders head on. Artillery lets loose a seemingly unending barrage of shells at the approaching invaders. This time using their greater numbers the Slavorussians divide up their numbers sending several divisions of soldiers to make their way behind the enemy, encircle them and crush them. They learned several lessons from the last engagement. The first is to use snipers if possible to kill the flamethrowers, the second take cover in the IFV’s, and use them to shield themselves from enemy attack, but most importantly be prepared to defend against the Stuka dive bombers. At least 20% of the casualties had been caused because the army underestimated the enemy’s air force. With full confidence and no fear the Slavorussians prepared for the fight. They know that if, rather when they win this engagement the war will be as good as won.
  21. What's the point in having a protectorate if you don't carve it up and feed it to the wolves?
  22. To: Catherine Reznov From: MoFA Sergey Lavrov Subject: Visit We would be honored to become a host country during your tour through Europe. Diplomatic visitors visas for you and your staff will be mailed to you as soon as they get approved.
  23. Looking down at the map Vladimir shakes negatively. He crosses his arms and lets out a silent sigh and replies, “The Yacranians know that they‘ve lost the war already. Their quick defeat in the Kara, and their eventual defeat at Vorkuta will leave them open for the counter invasion. Until we’ve secured the whole country and arrested their leaders we can’t make any definite plans.”
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