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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. In thirty minutes Russia would change forever. Shamil Amarov and Idris Radushev, two ethnic Chechens, knew they would not live to see the changes they would affect, but it would be outstanding. A great change would be ushered in by a fireball, bright and glorious like the sun. The scientists who assembled their bombs assured them of that much. Shamil’s greasy black hair peaked out from under his dirty ushanka made from muskrat fur. His face was long and thin with eyes set deep in his head. Sharp cheekbones jutted out from his face and his prominent Adam’s apple protruded from his thin, fleshy neck. Idris of similar build but shorter and bald. They worked for a local transport company that contracted with the Russian Ministry of Defense, yet they worked for a few roubles per week, barely enough to feed their families. Perhaps that’s why, when they were approached by their mysterious benefactor with an opportunity to be the heralds of change, they both jumped at the chance. They’d been promised their families were to be well taken care of when they were dead and the mushroom cloud rose over Russian soil. If nothing else that was enough. With that in mind Shamil drove the unmarked grey van past the checkpoint. It was easy enough; their special cargo was disguised and as harmless freight and the brief inspection did not raise any alarms. The van stopped near one of the unsuspecting ships moored in the harbor. Idris reached into the back of the van and snatched a dirty green blanket to uncover a musky old crate placed directly behind the driver’s seat. Inside it was a large cylindrical drum with straps like a backpack. But beneath its harmless exterior the device had the explosive power of 4 kilotons of TNT. Idris uncapped a bottle of vodka and poured a small amount directly into his mouth, spilling it on himself and his clothes before offering the bottle of Shamil. Shamil and Idris checked their watches. One minute. Shamil and Idris sat in complete silence as the final seconds ticked down. The only things that kept them for aborting their mission were thoughts of their families and how their lives would be better as a result of what they were about to do. They both trusted that the man who approached them would keep his word and see that their families were looked after financially. Shamil’s sick children would be able to receive the medical attention they desperately needed. Likewise Idris’s pregnant wife would be able to raise their child in free of financial worries. Now just 10 seconds to zero hour Shamil extended his hand to Idris. 10…9…8…7… “It was a pleasure working with you, my friend.” Shamil said. “Likewise.” At one second they both took deep breaths and held, then there was nothing. A bright flash accompanied by hellish heat and deafening boom resonated from the port. In the first 15 seconds after the explosion thousands be instantly vaporized several thousand more would die in the next few minutes from the force of the explosion. As soon as word reached Moscow the government put its National Response Scenario Number One. The Strategic Missile Forces confirmed two explosions in the Marscurian Autonomous Oblast and assumed there were more bombs throughout Russia. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk and other major cities were shut down by Special Forces. Hundreds of thousands of emergency service workers from across the country were mobilized in order to respond to a nuclear attack in their regions. In addition military forces would have to be pulled from the front and sent to the MAR to deal with the destruction. Important government officials would be evacuated from Moscow. The entire Duma was transported to the city of Tobolsk which was established as the secondary capital if Moscow fell to the invaders. The executive branch of the government was sent to a secure bunker under Mount Yamantau in the Ural Mountains. Both Tsars would be forced to leave St. Petersburg. Mikhail III left for his hunting lodge in Finland and Tsar Nicholas sent over 1000 mi east to Vaule. Prime Minister Kropotkin, not wanting to abandon his post in a time of war, divided his time between the deep underground base under the Kremlin and his private dacha outside of Moscow.
  2. Classified By order of the Prime Minister of the Russian Empire and in the name of His Imperial Majesty all Russian military forces are to mobilize for war. This is not a drill. God save Russia and God Save the Tsar!
  3. Russian Aerospace Defense Forces constantly monitored Russian aerospace detected abnormal activity along the border, but lost contact with satellite communications before it could confirm its suspicions. Yet, the reports of multiple attacks on radar facilities across the southern region confirmed fears that Russia was under attack by a foreign force. Despite the onslaught, the bulk of Russian OTH radar would survive, albeit while sustaining heavy damage. Orders to mobilize were sent out by the Western Military Command. Military assets from as far north as Murmansk were loaded on to transports and shipped to the Volgograd Oblast. In due time a half million troops would stand with the city of Volgograd at their backs. However, in the meantime Russia relied on border guards and local security forces to curtail the enemy’s advance. Air The first line of defense were the S-400 anti-aircraft missiles hidden throughout the countryside and used to defend air force bases. Although few aircraft were able to successfully reach the skies, those that did struck fast and hard before withdrawing from the fight to regroup. However, dozens of fighter squadrons were left unable to reach the skies . Airbases in the north had to compensate for the loss until army engineers could repair the damage to the runways. Three primary long range bases now served the Russian war effort, Engels AFB, Voronezh Malshevo AFB and Tsentralny Airport which serviced the city of Orenburg, Russia. Sea Sevastopol harbor suddenly lit up as the fleet came under attack. Costal defenses proved ineffective at protecting the fleet, but the fact that the missiles had to fly over much of the city before reaching the harbor allowed the fleet commander to order all hands to their positions. Across the sea the Atlantic Fleet at Edisto Beach South Carolina and the Northern Fleet in Murmansk set course for the Mediterranean Sea. Much needed aircraft carriers would be used to supplement the loss of southern air force bases. Land Russia’s first response was in the form of border patrolmen and fewer than 15,000 soldiers scattered across the region. 40,000 troops and 2 armored divisions from eastern Ukraine had to be moved in order to provide sufficient support and balance out the number of Russian servicemen. Knowing it was suicide to engage the enemy directly Russian commanders chose to keep their forces scattered, small and mobile while ordering their men to retreat to Volgograd. The enemy spearhead would encounter light resistance as Russian tanks held the front as best as they could in order to facilitate the retreat. Small guerilla infantry units using hit-and-run tactics with the aim of whittling down the enemy and sucking their momentum harassed the enemy at every opportunity. These were not ragtag Iraqi or Afghan insurgents; they were highly trained special forces with access of high explosive and armor piercing weaponry. Meanwhile the Russian government ordered a general mobilization of all Russian military forces. Cyber The largest Russian businesses were able to quickly identify and respond to the DDoS attack. Most had methods in place to mitigate the effects of the attack, but nevertheless the attack did its job, resulting in several hours of downtime and billions of rubles in lost revenue.
  4. The Koreans were separated and put into several interrogation rooms by agents of the SRV. Cold steel tables and chairs were placed strategically in front of a two-way mirror, with just the light from one hanging lamp to illuminate the small concrete room. The agents didn't wear uniforms that identified them as intelligence agents. Instead they wore standard Russian army combat dress with black ski masks and the distinct smell of smoke permeated their clothing. The investigation was halted before it could gain any traction by an order from the Minister of Defense. The captives were to be deported to Tianxia and left unharmed. Likewise the confiscated equipment would be loaded back on trains where they would remain quarantined until a new crew could arrive.
  5. Requesting 2 spy rolls against Eva to determine the origins of her "Tianxian merchants" and the origin of the weapons she tried to illegally transport through Russia. Rp already underway. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/119351-in-the-shadow-of-the-rising-sun/?p=3218533 Edit: Don't question my authoritah, Eva.
  6. Under the circumstances access to Russia’s main transportation networks were highly regulated. Now that Russia was at war with the Pure Lands Russian transport authorities were warned not to allow the trans-Siberian railway to become clogged by needless traffic. In the process of this task they happened to come upon a shipment of weapons from the Far East. All at once red flags flew up. Tianxia had not reported that a shipment of weapons would be moving through Russia, nor had there been any offer of war aid to Russia. Authorities quickly scrambled to investigate the incident. The merchants were arrested and transported to an SRV detainment facility under Lubyanka Square where they would be interrogated. Meanwhile a sample portion of the weapons would be transported to a research facility in Omsk where they would be disassembled and put under close scrutiny.
  7. I'm pretty sure I just said "no." As long as your country profits, Russia will not accommodate. DTK, KTD ASDFJKL: whatever your country is called.
  8. Eva has expressed her desire to not interact with, or sign a treaty with Russia therefore DTK weapons cannot be move through Russia. Doing so is considered an act of aggression, regardless of her intensions. However, ownership of the weapons can be transferred to Tianxia, for a price they negotiate, then transferred through Russia. Claiming that the people transporting the weapons are subjects of the Tianxian Emperor does not satisfy this condition.
  9. We are pointing out, as you seem to misunderstood, that because of the war, Poland does not have access to any body of water now. Therefore, Poland is not a threat to the canal and it does not make sense to punish the rest of the Baltic Sea powers who do not intend to harm Prussia.
  10. Perhaps you're forgetting that Poland is landlocked and does not have access to the sea nor does it have access to the Kiel Canal. Prussia’s comments sound like an tactic to force us to pick a side, but we will not be bullied into joining your war.
  11. Closing the Kiel Canal is a mistake. Russian imports and exports will suffer even though Poland doesn't have access to the canal. Therefore Prussia will be billed for the loss of revenue incurred while the canal is closed.
  12. I like how dotCom is the only person to vote against it. dotCom stands in the way of progress! All power to the dotOrgs!
  13. Kishinev, Moldova Russian ground forces have occupied the several key points in the Moldovan capital including the parliament building and the Kishinev International Airport according to a source within the military. Russian troops say they are responding to requests from key members of the interim Supreme Soviet who petitioned the Russian government for military assistance. Opponents of Prime Minister Kropotkin criticized the government of trying to turn Moldova into a client-state in order to create a buffer between Russia and its Balkan neighbor. A spokesperson for the Russian government denied these charges calling them baseless and ridiculous.
  14. To long, don't want to do that. Change the tech scale because I'm lazy.
  15. "We're honored to have you here, Your Majesty. Hopefully once we conclude this summit things will be going very well indeed." The Prime Minister said. He gestured to the Emperor to sit with him on a pair of old armchairs with red and white floral patter accented by gold weaving in the center of the room. "It is my understanding that you would like to conclude today with a treaty?"
  16. I feel like we're slowly drifting back toward what we already have.
  17. This is a map thread. Map thread authors request that their threads not be used for discussion so they do not lose track of map requests. Because they are for map claims only they are not discussion threads. This post was made by a GM and has the official GM stamp of approval therefore it should be respected.
  18. This isn't a discussion thread. There is an OOC threat in the "Open National RP" subsection of the forums where you are free to discuss things relevant to Roleplaying. Thank you. Edit: Link
  19. Apparently it isn't if you're suggesting an x% decrease in a country's ability to make war. Tianxia could withstand an embargo for a long time before it felt the effects. Russia's energy output could fuel its military during a war for years and Athens, the American commonwealth and Tianxia would be difficult to blockade. The best way to make embargos would be to use the honor system and we all know how well that works in cnrp.
  20. How did you know? Am I that predictable?
  21. The embargo plan sounds kind of meh. You cant effectively embargo larger nations that have a lot of native resources. Even for smaller nations everyone has to participate in an embargo to make it work well.
  22. Dont think this is the best way to tell Cent and Triyun they hurt your feelings. Ignoring the problem doesnt make it go away. Triyun and I werent always on the best terms, but we both learned to work with each other productively. For those of you who have already decided to take a different course of action, good. For the hold-outs, take a page from the others book and consider a different route, because this one doesnt lead to a long-term solution. Edit: Also Vektor is evil, and I hereby start my own campaign to ignore him... as soon as we conclude our diplomatic meeting.
  23. Prince Gallitzin stood to address the council. His gaze swept from one side of the room to the other as he studied the demeanor of the other delegates. The Russian Empire appreciates the Polish nations position. Their economic wellbeing rests on access to the Baltic Sea and without it they are subject to the whims of their neighbors. Further, we feel Prussia and Denmarks decision of holding live fire exercises 5km from the Polish frontier is a clear provocation. It would not be the first time a country has used exercises to incite conflict in one way or another. The prince leaned forward putting his weight on the table. On the other hand Prussia, being the sovereign owner of the territory in question was within its rights to deny the Polish request. Still, that does not mean we agree with their decision to demonstrate their military prowess to the Poles. We must consider the best course of action. The lives we rush to save today might end up costing us many more lives down the road, he said. A short-term solution would be completely unacceptable. He said making a gesture with his hand by closing his fist leaning his thumb against his index finger while thrusting his whole fist forward with every word.
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