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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. "The representative from Madagascar should note that we lack the confidence to allow Legion to hold the primary role in Sierra Leone. From our view your proposal gave them unrivaled authority in this matter therefore we could not proceed with the proposal you submitted. Secondly, Russia is sovereign and free. We need not seek the approval of the regional representatives before we use our veto power.
  2. "Given that Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council with the ability to propose and veto resolutions I think you probably should care. You had the chance to defend your proposal and the chance to have us change our position. Instead you chose to insult one of the founding members of this organization. Moreover you proved to us that you are not worthy of the position you've been charged with. Therefore Russia invokes its right to veto and uses it on the African proposal to keep peacekeeping forces limited to Legion and Madagascar and in place of it propose our own multi-national peacekeeping force with Madagascar taking a leadership position, if it so chooses."
  3. "As I already stated, Russia is not in favor of a peacekeeping force created only from two countries. I am surprised that in the halls of the United Nations we still see this continental attitude arise. If the UNSC is going to make this conflict a priority then we should all contribute and should allow ourselves to be dictated to. It should be a multi-national, multi-continental peacekeeping force in which Legion and Madagascar would take leadership roles." The Russian ambassador sat down momentarily then immediately stood again, "And why are all these random people allowed to speak at the Security Council without first being recognized?"
  4. Voted no, because too much. 250k soldiers? And who has 12,500 tanks? So basically you get 2.5 Nimitzs--actually that doesn't seem like a whole lot. But 1500 planes, how about 125 total? Multipliers are way too high.
  5. If the United Nations is going to create a peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone then it should be composed of forces from all willing member nations, not just African nations. While it makes sense for regional powers to take on leading roles, limiting peacekeeping operations to a limited number of members defeats the purpose of this organization.
  6. Russia is one and indivisible. It cannot be taken apart or disassembled! URA! URA! URA!
  7. I don't understand the fascination with dragons altogether, but to each his own.
  8. Ground In the first few minutes of the invasion eight anti-aircraft batteries were lost to missile attacks and nearly 100 aircraft were grounded or destroyed before they could take off. Remaining fourteen that remained owed their continued operation to dozens of 9k55 Strela and 9k22 Tunguska self propelled anti aircraft guns deployed to protect them from missiles and low flying aircraft. Russian forces continued their retreat while heavily armored divisions held the front. Even if they wanted to abandon their positions the fact that they were being pinned down by the enemy meant they had no choice in the matter. Small platoons operating independently from regional commanders and armed with Kornet anti-tank missiles attacked the enemy tanks from their rear in short, sporadic assaults before disappearing into the landscape in order to regroup and attack again. Thousands were killed or injured in the attacks on Volgograd entire neighborhoods burned trapping civilians and rendering emergency workers useless. Samara fared only a little better. Anti-ballistic missile sites swept up the majority of the missiles, but more than a third hit their mark. Air the majority of Russian S-400s and their command vehicles were protected from attack from SPAAGs, but they had to overcome the obstacle presented by J-20s and rafaels jamming equipment by rapidly switching frequency channels. S-400s continued launching giant salvos of anti-aircraft missiles as enemy planes strafed overhead. Spotters on the ground aimed their efforts at identifying and targeting stealth fighters, since there were relatively few Russian aircraft in the skies. Sea What remained of the Black Sea Fleet quickly sailed out to sea and began launching its own salvo of BrahMos-II sea-skimming missiles at the nearest enemy ships. Able to reach speeds of up to Mach-7 and boasting a wide range of warheads the BrahMos-II was one of Russias most deadly conventional missiles. Crimea In Crimea BM-30 Smerch and TOS-1's bombarded the landing ground with missiles ranging from anti-personnel to anti-tank cluster munitions where they were needed. The militsya focused on evacuating civilians where the could and disseminating information where rescue and escape was deemed too dangerous. Indeed this was the case in all cities under attack. Ground troops and mechanized infantry took to the streets securing checkpoints and engaging the invaders wherever they could with support from Mi-24 and Ka-50 attack helicopters. Moscow Due to concerns of the areas stability Red Square had been closed to normal traffic since the Stalinist era. The explosion managed to injure 17 tourists and four honor guards and caused minor damage to the outer walls of the Kremlin.
  9. I'll have you know that I tend to become very active during crises of my own making. Wars are a different story. Rping a crisis requires little to no research or technical ability.
  10. Russia could create a crisis over Romania. Its no secret that I've been bellyaching about it for months.
  11. With the election successfully completed the fourth Imperial Grand Duma of the Great Russian Empire voted unanimously to dissolve itself.
  12. When elections in the Russian Empire are completed and a new government has taken office we will appoint a new representative to the Grand Council and handle all outstanding matters. We thank you for your continued patience
  13. Prince Galitzin's round, balding head caught a ray of light and shone as he stood to address the UNSC. "With all due respect, Prussia seems out of touch with the peace process. They want to deflect their problem onto Russia and Yugoslavia, rather than take any real action." He said as his hand gripped the lapel of his jacket. "The fact of the matter is that to use Russian ports the Polish would have to transport massive amounts of goods by train through heavily trafficked and frankly underdeveloped areas. Lets not ignore the fact that Russia uses a different gauge system than the rest of the world. Whereas, if Prussia would make some concessions then Poland could float all its cargo up the Vistula to Danzig cheaply and efficiently." "We are open to the prospect of trading and cooperating with Poland, they cannot afford for Russia to be the only point of entry."
  14. Lol, "Secretary of State McNutt." MGL you silly!
  15. Have either of you ever nuked two of your own population centers? Get on my level :smug:
  16. “I’m glad to hear that Your Majesty. After the German government collapsed we were afraid we’d compromised our position in Central Europe. Even your own people blamed Russia and ‘Pan-Slavism’ for the turmoil that boiled over in the vaccum of Germany’s absence,” Kropotkin said as he adjusted the ruby red tie that was wrapped around his neck. “I want to open the cede the floor to you to voice any concerns before we get into the details.”
  17. St. Petersburg, Russia - The Personal Secretary to Tsar Mikhail III admitted a mistake was made on the official release of the Imperial Ukaz issued from St. Petersburg yesterday. The original document which was signed by Tsar Mikhail III named Industrialist and entrepreneur Roman Abramovich as the Viceroy of the Marscurian Occupied Territory, not Prince Galitzine. Palace officials have apologized for this mistake
  18. "Also, Russia supports the Resolution with the amendment."
  19. Ambassador Galitzine stood to address the assembled nations. “I’d like to sincerely thank the Irish for their heartfelt offer to help, but the Russian government believes it can handle the situation. We are currently investigating what caused the two explosions and numerous government and domestic agencies are already on the ground. We simply do not have the room or equipment to accommodate more humanitarian agencies. Additionally, in light of recent events the region has become destabilized and at the moment we cannot guarantee the safety of foreign workers.”
  20. The newly appointed Viceroy of the Marscurian Occupied Territory has issued an arrest warrant for the Former President of the defunct Marscurian Autonomous Republic. Imperial Troops from Moscow are enroute to carry out the arrest and to seize control of the Marscurian Duma. Minister of Defense V. V. Putin advises locals not to resist the Imperial Viceroy.
  21. Imperial Ukaz We, Mikhail III by the Grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesos, Tsar of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland, Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and other territories; Lord and Grand Duke of Nizhni Novgorod, Sovereign of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislavl, and all northern territories; Sovereign of Iveria, Kartalinia, and the Kabardinian lands and Armenian territories - hereditary Lord and Ruler of the Circassians and Mountain Princes and others; Lord of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth do hereby issue this official and binding Imperial Ukaz 1. In light of the devastation to the Marscurian Autonomous Republic (MAR) All citizens of the MAR are to report to medical camps in Vaule for treatment of radiation poising and burns. 2. Martial law will be initiated in the MAR to ensure law and order is upheld. 3. Due to the failure of MAR officials to properly administer the territory the MAR will no longer be autonomous. 4, Mar will be known as the Marscurian Occupied Territory and will be administered by an appointed official. 5. Prince Yuri Galitzin will become the Impeiral Viceroy in the Mascurian Occupied Territory God save the tsar! God save Russia!
  22. I'd like to point out that neither the MAR or the Russian Pacific Fleet are the future of Russia. I am the future of Russia. I am the state! Ura!
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