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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Beijing Corp has grown quite arrogant lately. For a country that supposedly doesn’t have the weaponry capable of attacking the Northern Empire we’re surprised you can build ICBM’s with nuclear warheads.
  2. Europe can be a dangerous place, I'm sure as we speak some European nation has already begun plotting the downfall of the IndoChinese Autonomous Region. My advice would be to start making friends and allies as soon as possible.
  3. Well in Father Abbanov's case, if he were to be convicted then executed, his beliefs tell him that he would serve an eternity of torture and torment in the fires of Hell.
  4. The world should show more faith in the Azeri court system. If Father Abbanov is guilty he will be found guilty, if he is innocent he will be acquitted and released from custody by the authorities.
  5. ooc: if it would make him feel any better I'm planning a serious government change in the near future.
  6. ooc: Lol, perfect instance of the pot calling the kettle black.
  7. Primer Kolesnikov slaps her husband’s hand when he tries to take another shot of vodka. She glares at him with an disapproving look on her face. Only after he puts the shot of vodka down does she take her eyes off him and look over to Sarah. “I just want to say, I’m very honored to have been invited to your home tonight. I love the interior, I’ll have to ask you for some decorating tips later.” The Primer chuckles and has a sip of wine before continuing. “Asia really is a prime example of goodwill and prosperity in the world. Our experience is that Asian nations always act honestly and deal fairly. Slavorussia is always open to trade in new markets, and there is no better place than Asia to begin.”
  8. Three days later Prince Radziwill waits at the train station for the tsar’s train to arrive. With him is his oldest son, Alex, who is also a member of the Imperial State Duma. Standing on the platform with them are members of the Imperial Guard, they’re making the final security preparations for the tsar’s arrival, which should be any minute now. Prince Radziwill is surprised there’s only 4 guards around, when the tsar was in Vilnius there were at least 20. Moments later the tsar’s train arrives. The tiny 8 car train is decorated with the large golden Imperial State Emblem on each car. The prince has his driver bring the car around. When the tsar steps off the train and onto the platform the prince bows, and greets the tsar. “Your Majesty welcome to Biržai. I‘m truly honored you accepted my invitation. Tell me how was your train ride?.” “It was really very relaxing, there’s nothing more relaxing than the beautiful Lithuanian countryside. There were so many things to see on the way here, I‘d have to take the trip again to get the full picture.” remarked the tsar as he gives one of his bags to one of the train workers. After everything is packed and ready to go the prince’s car drives several km out of the city to the prince’s castle. When the tsar sees the castle comes into view he is take aback. It’s been over 10 years since he’d seen the castle, but it doesn’t seem to have changed much. It was just a white building with a red/orange roof, there’s a garden, some hills, a pond, nothing threatening at all. The tsar wonders to himself why the castle makes him so nervous. He can’t figure it out, but he knows that he may soon find out. In front of the castle the prince’s wife waits with their children and grandchildren to meet the tsar. When the tsar gets out of the car a loud voice rings in his head. The voice makes the tsar’s heart skip a beat. The voice belongs to none other than the prince’s daughter Christine. You could say that in childhood the two were “friends,” in reality Christine was a tormentor. She always played tricks on him, called him names, hit him, got him in trouble anything she could think of to make him miserable. While the greeting goes on the Justinian and Christine glare at each other, not saying a word, just glaring. Prince Radziwill leads everyone inside to relax before dinner. As Justinian walks past Christine she sticks her tongue out at him and pinches his arm. It doesn’t take long before Justinian realizes that this is probably going to be the worst three days of his entire life.
  9. ooc: The Caucasian region is also historically part of Slavorussia too, but broke off after the failed October Revolution in 1917. The UK just has a more recent association with the region. ic: Most Sochi representatives in the Imperial Duma and the Imperial Council have signed off on the sale of the district to the UK. A parliament vote today approved the sale for 500 million rubles. Premier Kolesnikov and the Tsar are expected to approve the sale later today before they leave for Australia.
  10. Two planes from the Slavorussian Empire land on the runway in the Hanseatic Commonwealth. From the first plane Premier Viktoryia Kolesnikov and her husband Lord Mikhail Kolesnikov. On the second, and slightly larger plane with the imperial emblem displayed proudly on the tail, is the tsar. With him is the Misha Brasov, daughter of a wealthy Slavorussian businessman and some members of the Slavorussian Imperial Court. The tsar is relieved when he and the delegation leave the planes and step onto the tarmac. He’s been traveling almost nonstop since he left the prince’s home in Lithuania, and he was ready to have a good time.
  11. Ok im gonna come right out and ask. Are you a multi?
  12. Lol, have the same thing. It's a good joke :lol:
  13. The Slavorussian Parliament is currently discussing the proposal to sell Sochi to the UK. It's been met with about 60% approval so far.
  14. "I think the first president should come from Vaule. Vaule has done so much to keep RUSSIAN together. They have been gracious to host the majority of the RUSSIAN summits, which mostly end with positive progressive change among all our nations."
  15. "Y... you missed the point." ooc edit: also lol "worsening the situation will only make the situation worse." duh...
  16. Statement from Premier Kolesnikov: I think there’s been a tremendous misunderstanding in Europe this week. Often times in Europe when there is a build up of troops on any border it is usually regarded as a prelude to war. Thankfully this time that wasn’t the case. Mistakes were made on both sides of the Slavo-CSSR border, but now we should put the past behind us and look forward. Let’s not worsen the situation by expelling foreign nationals and embargoing each other because that will only make the situation worse.
  17. After reading the newspaper the Slavorussian Premier turns to one of her aids and sarcastically says "And they call us opportunistic."
  18. "I was thinking we could just strike the first sentence of Vaule's proposal for article 7, that would be satisfactory to me. Of course it can be expanded on if needed."
  19. "Since the support of a no first strike policy has shifted there's hardly any point to having article 7. I do think however, that we should strike any mention of how and when RUSSIAN countries can use WMD's, but keep the rest. This way we at least have some kind of procedure in the wake of an attack on one of our countries."
  20. Congratulations to the newly elected government of the Northern Empire. With so many changes taking place in Russia and Siberia perhaps we should all schedual some time to come together in a non-formal setting and just get to know each other a little more.
  21. I don't remember the rule being that way sumer. The way I recall it is, your ingame numbers, no multipliers or modifiers.
  22. Again your propaganda has no basis in actual fact, therefore it is entirely ineffective. We haven't expressed any anti-Nordic or German sentiment. Making blind accusations towards a country who supported you in the past, up until you mercilessly nuked the Hansa, will get you nowhere.
  23. "Yes that is very true. This incident has given us the chance to evaluate the response time of our military to the threat of invasion."
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