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Everything posted by Haflinger

  1. Did they? http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=803320
  2. This is obviously because Pulisher attacked the Pirates of the Parrot Order, isn't it?
  3. That name-change lasted from April 9, 2010 to sometime early in 2012. I suspect not many people who weren't in Invicta at the time even still remember it.
  4. Reloading in peace mode is perfectly reasonable.
  5. Iso was a member of Doom Kingdom before they disbanded. He hasn't joined us though.
  6. NPO instructs its members to vote for Jorost. (In fact, they lobby the entire team to vote for Jorost.) They are unlikely to have quite the same impact on Purple
  7. NPO had by far the largest number of nations in range of your nations.
  8. We didn't merge with anyone. I don't know where you get this stuff. Since the start of the war, we've had 15 new nations join our AA. (We also have 46 nations who were here before.) Most of the new nations are former Doom Kingdom members, not all. None of them have joined our government. Like other alliances in tough wars in the past, we welcome people who - for whatever reason - want to help us fight. When you're fighting against the odds, getting support helps. If we'd merged with someone, our government would have changed. It didn't. Your speculations about our relationships with our allies are cute as well.
  9. The Rebel isn't allied to NPO, why would he hit you guys?
  10. I've seen several claims made that Non Grata really hit Kashmir because of Sigrun. (Not by Non Grata of course.)
  11. You know, he's fighting right now. He's dished out damage so far equal to slightly more than four times the size of your nation. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=558059&Extended=1
  12. The reasons were important to Non Grata and Polar. (Whether they are now is another question, because the situation changed a lot.) Also, why on earth would you think I would have anything to do with OsR? (Here's a hint: I've been around here an awfully long time. If you want to figure out who my connections are, do a little research.)
  13. Us and PPO, one war each so far. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_wars.asp?ID=10002
  14. You were attacked by one nation, a regular member, so you then countered an entire alliance. This is just plain crazy; SW wasn't looking for a war with you, and if you have a normal intelligence level you can see that. Non Grata and Polar hit for geopolitical reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your tiny alliance and have an awful lot to do with things that are actually important. Now I know you don't have access to the information needed to understand this, because nobody relevant trusts you, but even a basic understanding of how politics work should be enough to let you know that Non Grata and Polar, two rather large alliances, don't launch wars to protect 4-man alliances they have no connection to or reason to help. So that fact should let you know that they have some reason to help you, one that is not based on their connection to you, because they don't have one.
  15. Are you really reading your stuff, or are you simply unaware you're channelling the whole "permazi for insulting us" meme right here?
  16. Isn't it a bit early? Player of the Year 2015 would be reasonable now though.
  17. Levi was formerly a member of Valhalla.
  18. Valhalla had one senate seat (now held by a VE member). Cheeky, your math is still a bit weak.
  19. That really wasn't why you were hated. But what do I know, I was only talking to Londo back then. He wouldn't know anything now would he? TPF did plenty of terrible things on its own for its own reasons. Your unwillingness to admit this fact is a problem. mhawk should have left you guys behind when you stabbed him in the back during CoC. But that's another story. I guess you did cave in the end.
  20. You guys were one of the main targets of Karma. NPO got peace before you did because you guys were utterly hated. mhawk knew this back then. I still don't know why he showed such loyalty to the rest of you.
  21. Yeah that's not how Karma went. I was there. You guys hauled yourselves up on the cross, I know, and cashed in that reputation for years to come afterwards. But it quite simply was always a lie.
  22. C'mon, get your history right. It was aqua
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