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Everything posted by Devialance

  1. if you believe that, i guess Meth really does have you brain washed lol
  2. Well at least I do not lie, you lied about fighting Goons now you lie about not following this topic for pages, yet here you are today still following this topic, you are laughable.
  3. You have already but telling everyone in Doom that there so called swing alliances wont back doom, you said it already "swing alliances" wont back doom, the only people who would tell you that would be allies dumb enough to trust you of all people
  4. The problem with you Mogar you like to talk big but you are no one important, you act as if you are this epic nation but you are laughable, You talk about alliances you have no idea about. but i guess you are one of these know all people, you get told the sky is blue and within a week you come up with some crazy plan with how that's code words for NpO getting rolled, where in truth the sky was simply blue. I would like to know why would anyone tell you anything ?, You are just guessing the truth is you may know one or two small alliances who are dumb enough to trust you, who has told you they will not back Doom, however when the nukes fly, a lot of people hide.
  5. Why do you worry so much about casualty count, it does not prove anything, you can have 50m and still lose in a battle.
  6. Why don't you do something about it?, Whats up RIA not able to handle this?,
  7. First link is not GOONs, second link the war ended 4th Jan, 3rd link the war ended, 8th of Jan. So you know we are now 10th of Feb a whole month and then some after the two links you posted vs goons ended. So again STOP posting this BS about you fighting GOONs its just laughable.
  8. Stop with this fighting goonz BS, its already been proven the last attack on you from goons was a month ago, the wars you are in now with goons they done zero damage to you
  9. You call 10k ns and below the lower tier ? uuummmm sure
  10. I want us to go back to those days, the only difference is we never stayed under 10k ns to wage wars. I want DK to go back to the time where you cross us once we just nuke you, the world has gotten to boring without it
  11. What happened to not giving SNX peace until a new leadership was in place?, i guess meth is not great on upholding his words
  12. To me, it seems M inc and Meth are looking for a way out, however claiming a win and offering the winning side a way out, it reminds me of when a person gets knocked out then shouts are we done now?, like wtf you just got knocked out, you are done, laughing so much right now.
  13. Ofc you love war you all stay under 10k ns but one and sell tech so you have huge wc at that level to beat on new nations, every bully loves to pick on people smaller than them
  14. Sure maybe you should check your history then get back to me :)
  15. I know right, even i was like WTF is going on here lol
  16. This is even more funny, coming from NSO lol
  17. show me a post where he brags about it like you do?
  18. yeah as nuking nations who are unable to buy nukes due to playing the game for such a short time, is the only way you are able to win any war.
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