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Everything posted by Devialance

  1. Not really, Bone's and others are linked to many powerful alliance that would pretty much rip any alliance top teir apart, thats the only reason NPO and Co. ran like scared sheep, however if bone's washed his hands of this little group how long do you think it would be before NPO rolls them. One thing I do know is NPO never forgets, I swear they write everything down and wait and soon Minc will find out thats fact, right now i am not sure who i hate more NPO or Minc due to Hitchcock
  2. IF you really wanted to do planet Bob a favor step down or disband, The only reason you act like you are something is due to your link to Bone's, with out Bone's you are nothing and would be rolled by so many, but Bone's wont hold your hand for ever, he like the rest of Bob will get sick of you and then give the green light for you to be put down.
  3. Guess people in your alliance are trying to find a new home already, well damn I best get home have to give people a warm welcome.
  4. Who would want to be in an alliance with you, really I would pick NPO over any alliance you are in.
  5. Do people really still listen to you ?, if so why?
  6. Maybe we should put a hit out on Masterchief777, if he ever come out of peace mode we just hit him until nothing left.
  7. Maybe thats due to the fact no one has the stones to take them on :D
  8. This was fun to read, The question you have to ask yourself is who are you trying to convince, yourself/NPO or the rest of us? As it stands right now, Bones damned you do something and you did it and the funny thing is, it had taken you less than 24 hours from claiming that Minc did not want peace to giving them peace with no terms whatsoever, Even had members of Oculus claiming due to Bones actions Minc would never get peace. So I have one question for your little number game you are playing, DO YOU really think it would have just been SPATR, think carefully about that, NPO as in pre karma was abusing their power at the top the main reason you got curb stomped, Now NPO is abusing its power at the top yet again, you have become power drunk, seems NPO's true evil enemy is yourselves. Smell the air NPO, history has a strange way of repeating itself karma always find its target.
  9. So next time NPO goes to war or gets hit will you ask Bone's if its ok to fight?
  10. Karma 2.0 on its way, lets face it shall we, this is not the first time NPO has claimed the worlds superpower, picked on loads of small alliances in a weak state just to find a year or so later those small weak alliances are leading the charge in beating the shit out of you. Maybe I am just old, but you clearly forget how you got ripped apart last time, however this time it will be a lot worst for you.
  11. We all know no one in Oculus wanted to fight Minc, as doing so would bring in SPaTR and others, The thing Oculus likes to do is what NPO has being doing from day one, attacking alliances with very little to no support, IF you really wanted war why not hit some of the bigger, or well connected alliances ?. You also claim if you wanted to beat up Minc you would and Bones wouldn't stop that, well i do not know of any alliance that is happy getting nuked then having to give white peace due to the fact Bones demanded. Maybe I am crazy but thats how it seems to me.
  12. history has a habit of repeating itself, thats all I can think of right now lol. NPO top dog, abused the power then got beaten down, NPO top dog, Abusing power (just need to wait for the next beat down) end of cn war's
  13. I just find it funny how quick alliance such as NpO and others cancel treaties in order not to get rolled always make me laugh that does, just go to show no treaties is over pixals lol
  14. Hello MI6 I have a question, Why not put as much effort in to this war/nation building as you do in trolling the forms, making some pretty cool sig's? I would think that if MI6 put as much effort in to building your nations, as you do posting here, making Sig's and such you would be one hell of a fight, but as it stands now you're nothing more than a punching bag for the rest of us?
  15. So let me get this straight if you will, ONE nation from DK attacked and you pack up your toys and go home?, by that nation attacking you clearly have a DoW on DK do you not ?. Maybe its just me, im new at this
  16. IF Chim knew the truth, he would let me jump ahead of that line, if anyone should be in first place it would be me :D
  17. Why is it i find myself wanting to nuke you :D
  18. I foresee some issues with this blanket effect of removing tech, What is stopping an nation from selling tech however sending it from a Multi nation, that nation then get deleted however the buyer who had no idea the person sending them tech was a multi now lose out on the tech they paid for? this will stop new nations from being able to sell tech as the the buyer will now run the risk of not only losing the tech they bought but the cash they paid for it.
  19. This coming from NpO is quite laughable, how long before another war happens and you forget what treaties you have ?
  20. You have never been as powerful as NPO thats why, people like to pick on the big dog, not the little puppy who acts big :D
  21. NPO will always rise to power, NPO will always be the alliance everyone hates but everyone wish they could be, its quite a funny love hate relationship you all have with NPO.
  22. Well nice to see when crap alliances fall apart, gives me this warm feeling inside :), I recall goons of old (the real goons not this watered down version) now they have been missed, but this GOONs 2.0 never had the power (or should i say the backing of the real power within the game) to do anything as epic as goons 1.0 did, its a shame really Goons 2.0 just pissed all over the epic name goons 1.0 made, so got me this is great news and we get rid of a bad tasting egg that should have been thrown away a long time ago. Its very sad to see and good clean honourable alliance such as umbrella be stained for life with the !@#$ stain thats goons :(. Edit: Until you have done what NPO has done all you won is the trophy for being a joke alliance most laugh at
  23. Clown car would be your alliance I'm sure, A clown car is a prop in a circus clown routine. A common example of such a routine involves an implausibly large number of clowns emerging from a very small car, to humorous effect. However I am not sure how that reflects your alliance, you do not have the numbers to even be funny.
  24. Well I think a nation that is six years old with like 35 wonders and all improvements it seems, would do very well fighting in the range of nations that are anything from 1 to 15 days old. The thing is you are bragging about how powerful you are but to me you are nothing more than a 35 year old man thats has been held back in school for so long that you are now picking on 9 year olds acting as if you are hard.
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