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Everything posted by Devialance

  1. It was not my bedtime, however unlike you and meth i can not stay on these forums 24/7
  2. You are GMT, I am shamed to be in the same time zone as someone as worthless as you
  3. Then it can happen in a few days? I understand how anarchy works, but come on the last few days you and meth have been screaming how epic you are and how you have all SNX on the run, so clearly you are not in anarchy, clearly your nation is simply to powerful for SNX, so you could declare on me no ?, even if the worst of the worst has happened and those poor worthless SNX nations have put the great almighty Rebel in anarchy, I can be out of anarchy within a few days then we can get it on. However we both know what you will do, you are all mouth no action, the fact I had been nuked on 02/22/016 @ 7:26:19 pm and you posted your offer at 02/22/016 @ 9:21 pm a whole two hours after I was nuked, it seems you are the chicken to put up offers after I had been nuked. Now we all know you will come up with some funny shit but the facts remain you are a chickenshit :D
  4. So let me understand this. You post at 9:21 pm with an offer to build up and fight me, at 9:49 you claim I was to chicken to take you up on your offer. When I see your offer I jump on it, only what 18 hours after you offered it, the second you see me agreeing you come up with some chicken ass bullshit about how I was on radio silence how you came up with that I will never know, then you claim I went and got myself in to anarchy so I can not declare. So we understand everyone who reads this topic will see you for what you are Rebel, all mouth and no action. But its ok little boy I will soon be in your range and then I will beat you down so much that even when you beg for peace I will not stop, so enjoy your'e freedom as soon you will have none.
  5. Sorry I was not online to reply in the 28 mins you gave me to reply to your offer but as you can see above im down for it so lets do it :D
  6. I guess you are the token bob retard as everyone in every alliance laughs at you behind your back and well to your face. Ofc you meant Berbers, but thats ok, I do not mind you thinking im a retard that everyone laughs at, it will just make it easier for me to laugh at you when you beg for peace.
  7. HELL YEAH do it Let me know when you are going to do it i will sell down on that day, please do it now save me waiting, Come on ive just been nuked as well lets do it tomorrow lets not waste time son, come on be a big man do that shit come on please. Look I will get WC to order all nations at war with you to peace out, please lets do this dude. OMG please come on lets get this damn thing going? Anyone who read this come on help me get Rebel to build up enough NS so I can sell down and DoW, come on guys i beg of you all give him hugs, tell him its going to be ok, even tell him he has a chance to win so he does it please i need your help guys. Rebel when do you want to do this tomorrow after update yeah ?
  8. You can always tell when someone is lying, they try to claim a rogue attack did them a favor, if this was true you would start a war and not wait for rogue attacks. You want to wake your members up, then give them a reason to be active.
  9. Damn you can not even last six months with SNX ?, you will die that quickly wtf #
  10. Tech is spoken for so when there slots open up tech will be sent, some has already, and i am in a war again outdated like always, do not worry little boy i am coming and when i get there you will understand who i really am, until then keep playing the game you are pretending you are not scared, you look at my nation and the backing I have from DK and you know you are fucked :D
  11. They could get white peace, any peace they want but this war wont be over for me until they had to fight me for a few months :D
  12. My statement remains true, did you out right attack stone and the others you are now fighting ? no you claim to attacked some random dude LOL
  13. I love how you act as if you know everything the fact is you know nothing, keep running your mouth the truth is out there, people who are my friends know who I used to be, and your little 15m count is nothing, but its ok judge me on the nation you see, but the lesson will be yours to learn
  14. You never went out of your way to attack stonewall and some others, they hit you, before that you was happy picking of young nations so yeah whatever dude, i am pretty much done with you and meth, soon i will be all action and no talk
  15. Damn begging for cash and tech, yet you keep bragging you are winning?, why do you need to beg if you are winning ?
  16. How did i know this would be your reply lol, it is funny to the rest of us who know what the out come will be, we all know you wont ask as even you are unsure of the outcome. Have no fair tho, I am doing my best to lose all my tech, then i will be in your NS range and trust me you will need aid
  17. Then test it?, or are you scared to find out that SPATR dont care that much about you ?
  18. Would SPATR put that PIAT with you over their relationship with Doom? Even though no one in DK has hit M-inc yet, we are still at war and DK has already requested people not to aid people we are at war with, So I know you like to try and get people to back off with your PIAT with SPATR, but everyone has seen how your relationship with SPATR has taken a huge hit. but we shall see wont we, after all SPATR does not need M-inc at all, SNX could easy for fill all SPATR tech needs, however like a leach M-inc needs SPATR, you need to latch on to someone and suck on their blood to stay alive.
  19. Please shut up, you just saying random words now, you are not only losing this war but everyone know you have already tried to gain white peace, everyone knows you have already tried to make deals again to get out of this war, I am 100% sure you will now claim I am lying and blah blah blah, but I simply do not care what you claim anymore, you are a worthless alliance with worthless friends who act hard hitting small young nations with very little to no wonders, you clearly sit in the lower tier knowing you have a high chance to win wars but you will never win the battle, two rounds of aid to the lower part of SNX and they will all be to high in NS for you to attack, thats how simple and how easy it will be to rebuild SNX. However for you, we all know you do not wish to rebuild, everyone know you are like a small fly that just fly's around not really doing anything but just a bug thats to small to kill and just wont go away, well lucky for Bob and everyone else who is sick of you, there will be someone in your range soon, maybe not this month or next but soon enough I will be in your range and not only do I have the wonders, cash and support to wipe you out, but all your little followers too, I am going to do my best to make sure that SNX stay's at war with you until myself and others get to your NS, then we will take over, I am going to push DK to keep people from sending you Aid and doing deals with you. My plan is to make you suffer as much as you have made all bob suffer and for as long as you have made bob suffer, your nation is 3,090 days old, this is how long I feel I need to beat you down just so the world can finally have a day without having to listen to your bullshit, a day where small (new nations) can grow and enjoy life. My last act within this world would be to make you surrender, the first part of those terms would be you not posting within the forum for 6 months, this act alone will mean i get support from every play of every major alliance within Bob
  20. you will wait, and when i get there you will wish i gave you more time
  21. So i will be in your range, can not wit this will be fun, watching how you cry when i nuke you
  22. I am in no rush, you will wait on me I will not rush for you, its going to happen I have already started sending my tech out, do not worry your little head, soon you will understand the pain and the issues I will cause you and your little band of shitters, the funny thing is I wont be a lone, seems there are quite a few people planning on coming down just to end your rain of terror on smaller nations.
  23. I see you want people to nuke me to take my funds away from me so when I am at your level you think you will have an easier time of it lol, just laughable.
  24. Well not really, As i will simply be coming down to sort you and Meth out, unlike you I wouldn't be targeting nations that have no wonders or that have been in this world for a short time, I will simply be taking people like you out, get ready to spend loads of cash, as I have no problem DoW buying tons of infra, having loads of tech sent, then when the war ends selling the infra and tech just to DoW again, this is going to be mighty fun for me
  25. How long do you think it will be that Meth and Co understand they have started something they can not end :P
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