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Everything posted by Euphaia

  1. In which case damage would not be that bad. And regardless if someone thinks we didn't give enough advance notice, the fact is that we DID provide four days advance continual general public broadcast warning, specifically to minimize civilian casualties.
  2. Well according to Markus, 99 percent of SCUD, cruise missiles, and artillery shells were shot down, and only minimal damage has even been done. You want to argue about unrealistic, his assertion would be it. All I was getting at is that fair warning had been given four days prior, by a continual general public broadcast, and by Markus' own rp, Vienna knew full well in advance anyways that it would be targeted, and apparently we did little damage (though I disagree and dispute that anyone could shoot down nearly everything me and Director have launched in the air together, such as Markus claims to have done) anyways. We gave public warning, they knew and prepared in advance for our coming, most civilians (except for military and insurgents) should have had time to head the warning being broadcast and evacuate. Plus, we have already agreed to peacefully pull out very nearly completely, if Markus will just stop the insurgency.
  3. "Hungary-Slovakia is extremely wary of any faction that wishes to bring a return of a Napoleonic government, and fails to see how any leader or faction who espouses such an ambition could be thought of as level headed. How could we even be sure such a regime would not attempt to export it's philosophy to it's neighbors, or to try to expand into Switzerland, Austria, or Germany? We are also quite unsure just how friendly, or hostile, a Nationalist France would be towards a democratic nation such as Hungary-Slovakia, as our ideologies would be quite opposite. It is Hungary-Slovakia's wish to as soon as is possible foster friendlier relations, trade, and a Non-Aggression Pact with France, but we are not sure how possible that would be with a Nationalist-led France."
  4. Private to Yugoslavia "All innocents had 4 days notice to evacuate from Vienna before shelling started. To our knowledge, all that remains in Vienna are insurgents. However, Hungary and Belarus will back off from shelling on the condition that Hungary-Slovakia and Belarus be able to participate in the ongoing investigations, since Austria is a jointly-administered protectorate between Yugoslavia and Hungary-Slovakia If Yugoslavia would also be able to broker an end to this conflict, or at least a ceasefire or armistice, with these insurgents , Hungary-Slovakia, and I am sure Belarus, would be most grateful, and more than happy to pull out of Austria. We would just keep the original 10 to 15 thousand in Austria to help with administering the protectorate and with keeping order and peace."
  5. Classified In anticipation for the campaign in Austria ramping up and growing wider soon, 3/4's of Hungary-Slovakia's military (~525,000 soldiers) would be put on alert and would be ordered to be prepared for mobilization in the next few days.
  6. I was at one point trying to move 20,000 to Vienna, before you decided to start an insurrection and posted contesting me at or very near your border (I am pretty sure). So those soldiers of mine haven't had much chance to make it past that resistance of yours that you have just recently pulled back from the border. My soldiers are still near my tanks and mine clearing vehicles there.
  7. I am almost certain you posted at one point that you either mined our border or placed minefields within 2 or 3 km from our border, and that you had until just recently had snipers very near those minefields. If you did not, you worded your posts in a way that made it sound/seem like you did. I even remember asking you about not placing them on our border and you refused to budge even a little, as always. Wherever those minefields are, that is where I am, finishing mine removal. Now, you will have to check with Director, but I think some of his forces may have made it a little further into Austria than I have.
  8. All the tanks and soldiers I have deployed haven't even crossed the minefields yet. Most of your planes, especially since you say they haven't crossed into Burgenland, would be preventing from reaching them from all the SAMs and intercepting jets in the air, I would believe. So I believe 8 tanks and 200 is being fair.
  9. "Unless I am mistaken, isn't it Mareshal Rodger Sanicheau, whom they call the "False Emperor", and I believe whom leads the Nationalists, who wishes to return France to a Napoleonic nation?"
  10. (OOC: Just for my own clarification, aren't the Nationalists the one that's being led by the "False Emperor", or is that a different faction? There are so many of them in France currently, I could be confusing that with another faction. Isn't this referring to the Nationalists?)
  11. I'm not usually one to complain, but if I need to list casualties, surely it is only fair that Markus needs to list some as well. He surely didn't knock down every SAM and SCUD. There is also a squadron of jets that already intercepted over Burgenland as well. :P
  12. (OOC: Ya know, if I have to list casualties, it is only fair that you have to list casaulties as well, Markus :P )
  13. Public Hungary-Slovakian elections will be taking place in 2 weeks. Pre-election polls so far are strongly favoring the Capitalist Party and Conservative Party, which if holds, would mean Rikard Beres of the Capitalist Party being re-elected to a third term as Prime Minister. For the second time in a row, the Communist and Socialist Parties continue to lose popularity, which if this holds true come elections, they will once again lose more seats in the next parliament.
  14. "Hungary-Slovakia sends it's deepest sympathies to the United Carribean States amidst this tragedy." --Prime Minister Rikard Beres
  15. Public With the Constitution having been suspended several days ago, the Polish Governing Committee would dismiss the remaining parliament members and disbanding and abolishing the parliament. It would also dismiss all the current judges, disband and suspend the current judiciary system, and begin using military court-martials in their place.
  16. (OOC: This post is just the first initial response and is still a work-in-progress, as I will continue to work on it over the next few days..) *Mobile SAMs already located in Burgenland, as well as long-range SAMs, would begin firing at any Alvonian aircraft as soon as the jets came into their range.More mobile SAMs would also be ordered to mobilize and head closer to the Burgenland border as well. Meanwhile, jets at the nearest airbase would be scrambled to intercept any Alvonia aircraft that made it past the mobile SAMs. Cruise and tactical missiles would continue to be launched at the ARTHUR system as well. With the nearest minefields having been at least partially cleared already, and very little if any enemy fire being returned from nearby them, military engineers would begin using mine-clearing vehichles to clear the rest of the mines in the immediate area. More tanks would also be mobilized and begin arriving at the area. The now growing number of tanks, along with the 20,000 soldiers, would be ordered to provide cover fire for the military engineers and to suppress any remaining Alvonian soldiers and snipers left in the area. While all of this was going on, SCUD missiles would also continue to be launched at Vienna as well. Most of the Alvonian aircraft was kept at bay by intercepting Hungarian jets and anti-air defenses; however, the Alvonian aircraft did manage to sting some of Hungary-Slovakia's forces before they were chased off.* Casualties 8 tanks 200 soldiers
  17. Public The Polish Governing Committee has this afternoon announced that after conducting a thorough review of the Polish Constitution, that it has decided to suspend the Constitution, and that the old Constitution will eventually be abolished and replaced by a new Constitution that the Polish Governing Committee will be drawing up over the next few months. The Polish Governing Committee has blamed the weakness, ineffectiveness, and corruption of the previous government - which the Polish military ousted a year ago in a bloodless coup - on the "failings of Poland's ineffective Constitution."
  18. *30,000 additional troops and four tanks would be called into Burgenland to supplement the 20,000 soldiers already there. The troops would be held back in reserve for now, while the troops already engaged and the tanks would continue blasting away at the defenders in and near the minefields. Cruise missiles would be fired at the ARTHUR system to at least take it offline, if not destroy it. After that, the artillery would turn towards Vienna and begin firing upon and into it. SCUD missiles would also the be launched at Vienna as well.*
  19. *Hungarian soldiers monitoring the French border in Baden-Wurttenberg would warmly greet their Northlands allies as they arrived, before returning their attention back towards the border again.*
  20. Marshal Jozef Pilsudski and the Polish Governing Committee recognizes the Kingdom of England and Wales.
  21. *10,000 Hungarian soldiers have arrived at the western borders of North Rhine, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Baden-Wurttenberg, and another 5,000 Hungarian soldiers have arrived at the Switzerland - France border, via way of APC - light tank convoys and transport - assault chopper sorties, from several bases in southwestern Northlands. They are under orders to not engage or fire unless engaged or fired upon first, and to not cross into France. They are also under orders to block/bar and turn back any French soldiers or insurgents that try to cross into Germany or Switzerland.* Classified They have also been ordered to turn a blind eye towards any Republican fighters that temporarily cross into Switzerland or Germany, so long as they don't cause/incite/provoke any conflicts, trouble, or violence while across the borders, and so long as they don't venture any farther than 4 km across the borders.
  22. Confidential 10,000 Hungarian soldiers would move to several bases in southwestern Northlands. In 24 hours, these soldiers would then be transported by APCs and military transport Helicopters to the western borders of the regions of North Rhine, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Baden-Wurttenberg - near the borders of France - where they will help guard those borders against any French incursions. Though they have been instructed to turn a blind eye against any French Republicans, as long as they didn't start/cause any conflict or trouble across the border, and they didn't go farther than 4 km across the border.
  23. "We thank the Northlands for its permission, though we believe you misunderstood me somewhat. We do hold a joint protectorate with Yugoslavia in Austria, though. We mostly just wish to station some soldiers along the west and south west Geman/Alvonia border to help discourage conflict or communist revolution from spreading into Germany, Switzerland, or Austria, though we don't have any territorial claims to Germany or Switzerland; we do wish to help with their protection during the French Civil War, since they neighbor our Austrian joint-protectorate and wish at all costs to prevent the spread of any conflict into Austria and its neighbors Germany and Switzerland. However, Northlands is quite welcome to Bavaria and Baden if it wishes to make them its protectorate. Although, once you have Bavaria secured - or if you already have so - with your permission, it would likely be a good idea for us to temporarily base near the western border of Bavaria as well, so that we can more easily and more safely move another five to ten thousand soldiers into the adjacent Baden region, for the duration of the French Civil War, that is again, if you will allow us to do so again."
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