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Fox Fire

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Everything posted by Fox Fire

  1. My name is Fox Fire and I've been an IRON addict for nearly 3 years. You have no idea what it's like to be an under appreciated, yet highly valuable mineral. Fortunately, vegetarians do not yet rule the world. There is still hope.
  2. Looks identical. Loads noticeably slower. Just my very first observations.
  3. Please re-educate me about why I should give a fuck about an alliance we have nothing to do with.....
  4. I for one would absolutely love to lose all my pixels for NoR, our closest ally. I mean, lets face it. IRON and Oculus would be nothing if not for.... What was the na- Oh yeah.... NoR. Go NoR and your one expired war! Oculus will crumble without you?
  5. The true destroyer of your own alliance is obviously yourselves..... Idiots... :facepalm: Ciao.
  6. I think something along these lines would be fantastic: Too lazy to turn it into a flag right now.
  7. So when are you going to disband? I mean I'm correct in assuming this is your alliance? At this point, even Animal Crackerz are far more notorious and even successful than you....
  8. I hereby charge the alliance known as Animalz (Animal Crackerz) with war crimes and acts of international terrorism. I demand all nations on Bob recognize my legal authority to prosecute these nations regardless of my own alliance standing, representation of any alliance or position in said alliance/s. Why? Because I'm making a thread about it, that's why. All Animalz members are hereby charged with acts of terrorism on the entirety of planet Bob itself. If convicted, I promise to do absolutely nothing, mostly because they're all too small for Foxburo to vaporize. We will start by allowing the defense to present their opening argument, to which the prosecution may, or may not respond. Begin.
  9. Without even reading this wall of text: The Animal crackerz are not worth that amount of words. Just a simple "we're eating animal crackerz" or even nothing would have sufficed.
  10. Happy day people. Cheers. EDIT: Yeah I have no resolutions. Can't exactly change perfect. :smug:
  11. They've been through the shredder only because of their own incompetence. And even then, they still continue trying to throw around their weightless corpses like someone might actually be afraid of some ankle biting noobs that barely know how to play the game. I mean, most of their members, including their non-existent top tier don't even seem to know how to effectively use improvements, but someone somewhere is supposed to listen to them or care? You do at least, but that's not saying much. I mean I'm not sure if you've noticed this yet, but animal crackerz aren't the most popular nor the best PR, nor the best ally. In fact, they are a lot more like a ball and chain. You seem to have to publicly defend them from retaliations and their own stupidity rather often. Don't you think you would save yourself a whole lot of issues if you just told them to piss off? What exactly have they done for LN that would make you stick your neck out to the blade of a sword for them every time they get themselves rolled? I think any competent alliance protecting them would probably roll them just for being such consistently shit allies. I would.
  12. I do voice my opinion about alliance affairs. All the time. Also, our leaders are not elected and I don't want to be in government.
  13. Well personally, I'm in favor of an Oculus-Doomsphere war for no other reason than to simply spice things up. This doesn't seem to be a popular opinion among my allies as there is really no reason for it, other than to spice things up. So either way, it seems like there is no reason for anything anymore. Like I said, CB's are seemingly becoming an old idea. The fact that we all have one major, completely predictable war once a year every year, should be enough to tell you that wars these days are more like annual celebrations than they are wars. You can criticize me for the actions of over a thousand other nations if you'd like, but I don't control them. I don't lead an alliance. I'm not a government member of an alliance. I guide newbies and help them fight their wars. That's my role and I'm content with that. I suppose I could have bailed from IRON and applied to MI6 for this whole war in some attempt to be "moral", but what would that do? Nothing, that's what. They'd probably throw my application away anyway. I like my home. I'll support them through it all. I wasn't whining about your posting. I just thought that was a really dumb question.
  14. Like all your comments in this thread? :V lol. Sounds like a solid CB to me. :awesome: Not like CB's are a thing nowadays anyway. Do you need to ask stupid questions? Probably not, but you will anyway. I don't see how needs are involved here.
  15. I enjoyed the Bern if nothing else. Kudos to MI6. I've gotten to know you better in this war and have a new respect for you. Twas one sided indeed, but I'm not making the decisions around here and I probably would have rolled you if I was. :V Literally all I saw from your comment was boobs. What am I replying to?
  16. This week in GOONS: GOONS don't like Methrage. Tune in next week to find out whether GOONS like Methrage.
  17. Not sure where to post this. I've been having this issue with the wiki for some time. Whenever I try to edit my page, a loading icon pops up but nothing ever loads. Thus, I have to resort to the more complex full editor, instead of using the simple one. I don't have a lot of experience editing wiki pages, so this makes things a lot more difficult. Does anyone else have this issue? Can it be fixed?
  18. Dude, it's Animal Crakerz. Dropping them in any situation can only look positive.
  19. For shame. That would have been the best alliance ever conceived.
  20. I'm just going to assume your alliance is called "Stonewalls Alliance". Or maybe just "Bones n stuff".
  21. It's like I'm losing more respect for Stonewall every day.... Dude, I honestly don't even give two !@#$% if KoRT is "in the wrong". Your entire alliance is by default wrong in anything ever, if you ask me. Any initiative to eat animal crackerz is good enough for me. I mean, there is a reason you have no notable allies. And it's not because the people who roll you are in the wrong. KoRT! o/
  22. My name is Fox Fire and I approve of this message. Animal Crackers. It's what's for dinner. o/
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