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Everything posted by Guido

  1. I agree with the OP, it makes no sense that an attacking squadron of planes would not be at the highest level of alertness seeing as they know what their plans are and are in the process of flying over enemy ground.
  2. Would you say that it's worth it as a wonder though? It still sucked having to attack you with my planes, but they posed no real threat to my infra and didn't really protect yours all that well for being a wonder. IMO this is a wonder that has great potential, especially for protecting infrastructure.
  3. Well like I said above, a slightly less than 50% success rate is what I would expect from 2 full airforces going head to head, either both having construction or both not having it. That should give a slight advantage to the defender since they don't have to have 3 bombers, and in the case of construction, can have 10 extra fighters defending since you can still only send 50 planes with construction. But with 20 extra planes, I'd expect a large advantage for the defender. Essentially in my case, the defender had 30 more fighters defending than i sent in my bombing run, that should almost be a sure win for him, IMO. A successful bombing run is destroying infra. Anything else (including making them lose many fighters) is nearly worthless since planes are cheap to large nations that will be getting the military wonders, which normally come after the 3 or 4 awesome economic wonders.
  4. My main question is, "How does this wonder effect air defense?" I mean, I know that for most people, this equates to have 20 extra fighters, but I just finished fighting a guy that had this wonder, and I found that I was successful on my bombing runs around 50% of the time, possibly a little less. My point here is that this should provide a large boost to your defenses since in most cases, a defender that has this wonder should go from a 47-47 fighter ratio to a 67-47 ratio (assuming both are using only 3 bombers). But in my case I was at a disadvantage against this guy of 47-77 fighters since he had construction. That's 30 fighters more than me and yet I still had a decently high success rate. I really feel that the chances of a successful air raid against him should be around 20% or so, but i'm not sure how the strength/odds are calculated for air attacks. I have thought about making this my next wonder, but i'm just not impressed with what i've seen.
  5. I really think that adding an additional deployment to it would be really OP. The whole reason Admin made the change to dismissing troops/tanks is because people were quading their enemy, and then dismissing all their troops so they had 100% on defense, therefore making it impossible to counterattack them. I don't think he wants to change this and I think it is a good thing. MAYBE if the 2nd deployment only allowed you to increase your deployed troops level...I could see that. But allowing someone to 99% deploy and then bring everyone home in 1 day, every day, is really overpowered.
  6. Although your calculations look good, I think you are overlooking one thing. The pentagon is meant to give you the advantage in battles so that you win more ground battles. Saying that you can replenish your troops 16 times from nothing is a moot point, because you are always limited to your max # of soldiers and tanks. This essentially raises that maximum number. Now since the battle system is so screwed up anyway, that makes this wonder even less than worthless than it would be if the battle system were well designed. I'd pay about a million for it, no more. It's horrible.
  7. So I'm fighting a GPAer, nice guy, we've been chatting. Both of us are having a good laugh at how ridiculous the battle system is. Here are our stats for reference.. Attacking Ruler: Guido Defending Ruler: conan the barbeque Attacking Technology: 2,541.55 Defending Technology: 1,516.24 Attacking Infrastructure: 9,389.99 Defending Infrastructure: 8,154.99 So as you can see I have over 1k more tech than him and more than 1k more infra than he does. So really I should have an advantage, but I understand that when attacking I have to deal with the infra bonus he has defending. OK no problem. My problem is a very weird thing that has been consistently happening... Before I attack, I deploy about 85k troops and about 9k tanks, He usually has about 70k troops and 7k tanks. I think 4 out of the last 5 days, my first attack has been a defeat and I lose ALL my tanks. 9k tanks lost every time. How is this possible? Bad luck? I thought so, but then I got talking to a few other guys in NPO and they said that both them and their attackers have had this happen as well. The funny thing is that after I lose all those troops and my chances of success drop to about 25%, I usually win the battle...with no tanks at all against his 5k tanks and 50k troops. This seems really odd to me. Isn't there a defeat that doesn't destroy all of your tanks? I rarely get one. POINT 2: The last 2 times the GPAer I'm fighting against has had a ground victory attacking me, he has only destroyed/looted half of everything. 37.5 miles of land, 2.5 tech, and 10 infra. And I've actually looted 1 million of his money. 2 times in a row...How rare is that? I hadn't seen this until like 2 days ago.
  8. You mean if he is ghosting your alliances AA? No, that should be fine. People attack ghosts all the time and it isn't a problem.
  9. IT just happens, just like you will have ground battles where no one dies on either side and your troops just turn around and come home. I don't think it's a bug, but if it happened to you twice, that is really unlucky lol.
  10. I'm not terribly familiar with the coding of this game, but I think the admin created this mostly on his own. And it's doubtful that he will let you see the source code for it.
  11. This whole argument is moot. It's clearly not 10% because events last for 30 days, which means that the AVERAGE nation would have 3 events active at the same time ALWAYS if this were true...which it clearly is not since most people don't ever have an active event.
  12. The SDI will pay for itself after 2 nukes for me, so it is very much worth it. Plus once you are around 9k infra, a small boost in income does nothing for you considered to the benefits to make an enemy use 3 nukes just to get 1 through your SDI
  13. yes it is, scholars does not make up for all you CAN't get
  14. if you click on "nation strength" on your nation page it will take you to it. The most efficient way to increase your NS is through troops and tanks atm, but permanently through tech (depending on your size). but of course NS doesn't represent true strength.
  15. I'm not sure the new people understand what this thread is for. There is no grand master of foreign aid checking this thread daily waiting to hand out money, essentially what you are doing is asking people in the community (like yourselves) for help. Most of the posts I see here give no reason other than, "I want money pls ty". If you want people to give away their own money to you, make a case for yourself. Tell us why you deserve our 3 million over the other 200 people here that are asking for it or why we should even bother linking to your nation. Otherwise, you will never get anything chances are.
  16. The admin tells you why you were banned at the email address you registered with the site. I can't believe you have been banned 3 times LOL. You would think after the first time you would find out WHY you were banned and not do it again. But you know what they say about insanity... And why do you end every single sentence with an explanation point? Are you high on drugs or something and are always excited?
  17. I'm sure there is still a cap, but I don't think anyone has reached it after admin expanded it. All that happens is that I think the cap is your useable land.
  18. I believe it was expanded. But the"earth" you speak of does not exist in this game really. The admin just put the google earth map in the game for fun. Just like it doesn't matter if my area of influence overlaps with 10 other nation's. Its just there for looks.
  19. This sounds like a scam if I ever heard one. But if you are serious, PM my nation. ITally
  20. This happened to me 2 days in a row, then right as the first one ended, it happend again.
  21. his first reccomendation is the #1 growth/infra combo in the game. If you aren't going for that, then other combinations will work, but it depends what your goals are.
  22. You have to remember that in this game, having a large nation does not necessarily show your value. An alliance needs small nations, medium nations, and large nations. Yes, a large nation can give out alot of aid during war times as well as fight a war himself, but who would he give that aid to if there were no smaller nations? you can't take advantage of those large nations without skilled small nations. So don't worry about it, you grow when you can, and someday you will be a bigger nation and realize its not all that great considering 1 nuke can do 30 million dollars in dmg
  23. What exactly is this post about? You are mad that other nations play the game smarter than you? The value of a nation is not messured by it's nation strength. If oyu had to work for your money...great, you may know how to play the game better as well...maybe not. Either way, dont' complain that some people have so far played it smarter by getting aid.
  24. LOL, this isn't a question. The harbor will always be better. I found it particularly funny that oyu said you would wait until you get nukes to get a harbor...it will take you along long time to get nukes if oyu are only running 4 trade slots. You could get the 5 resource combo with the harbor which would greatly increase your efficiency income:bills. This isn't a real question, listen to those of us that have been playing the game for over a year.
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