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Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Blog Comments posted by Tom Marvolo Riddle

  1. And loe, the Messiah came down upon Bob, and his name was Winner. But the sightless heathens knew him not for what he was, and thus tore him down in their iniquity. But the messiah loved his people and was reborn as one Tom Riddle. For a time, it was good and his teachings flourished across the land. Alas, the unbelievers soon realized his status as the reborn avatar of the messiah and once more trampled upon the teachings of the righteous.

    Fear not people of bob, for as our savior lived and died, and lived and died again. He shall arise once more and be made anew. And this shall be the dawning of the Third age of winning.

    Wow. That is great.

  2. That is ridiculous. How does a 1 rogue cause all of this? 42 major alliances all fighting because of one rogue, who fought under the Kaskus Name. I know it was Anarchy, a ally of DT, who declared but it appears that maybe they grasped at straws. But who am I, I still support the efforts of DT's Allies.

    WIN THAT WAR BLUES! (That's what color the graph is for our allies.)

  3. Or, in the reverse logic, the reason the President needs so many armed people with guns is because Guns are too easily obtained?

    Yes, they are easily attained. Especially at gun shows. But backgrounds need to be put in place.

    But the Drug Lords and the Gun Smugglers want us to put a bunch of gun regulations in place, it ups there profits.

  4. Yes he would! How dare you say anything otherwise.

    No but to be honest, Obama may be the most hypocritical president ever and that is saying something. Today he said that Spending Needs to be cut but in the same sentence said that he will not negotiate spending cuts. He also said that assault rifles should be banned a few days ago but we all know that there are assault rifles in all presidential motorcades.

    Not only that, shouldn't we ban guns from the military? Wouldn't we be safer that way?

  5. agree on Seahawks. I have them winning. the broncos. no. have the patriots. just a BETTER qb that makes average peeps stars.

    Really, i see the Patriots as one of the least consistent teams in football. Now Brady, he always gets his numbers but they have no running game (Broncos do) they have one above average WR (Broncos have 2), i just can't see the pats winning it.

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