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Everything posted by greatmagnus

  1. Then where is the statement giving FAN its freedom? Where is the apology for keeping GATO under the heel all of this time? Doing something just for the PR and doing something because there was a realization of mistakes are two different things. One means you have seen the supposed "light" and will aim to make better decisions in the future, and the other is only a temporary deal meant to sway the public eye long enough to shove a knife into their back.
  2. Grub.... >_______________> Also hai.
  3. 10/10 would read again. Also congrats on rooting out the problem early.
  4. Don't we have forums for this? >_>
  5. Well, I suppose I should be happy that GR kinda got a mention in one of these, although hate is such a strong word.
  6. After reading the thread I don't see what all the hate/hissy-fitting is about. VE canceled some treaties. It happens. Not 36 page worthy IMO. EDIT: And of course my post ends up on the 37th page.
  7. Actually I think water is the absence of said boat. >_>
  8. What destroyed the game is alliances between alliances. Things got more and more muddled until you have the kluster**** that is the current MDP web.
  9. Just a heads up, I never campaigned for MoD or anything. Just got nominated by random people and someone voted for me. /shrug
  10. The problem with comparing this to real life is that in real life you had guerrilla tactics and such to rely on to get out a stronger aggressor, here the second you do anything your name is automatically known, and as such you get roflstomped.
  11. I honestly do not see what the big deal is over. The clause was pretty much something for them to snicker about in private rooms/forums, not enforce on anyone. Sure they might be able to call it on some teeny tiny alliance, but by the looks of it most if not all of the alliances listed there are either bigger or are tied to bigger friends.
  12. Because your posts make her eyes bleed.
  13. Why is everyone being so butthurt? Just accept that the war is happening, elborrador is a wanna-be troll, and everything becomes much simpler. Deep breaths everyone, deep breaths.
  14. I will take it line by line since your probably do not understand. No, you do not have knowledge of the situation otherwise you would not be trolling this thread. Yes, you are whining when you tell people to "get knowledge and backstab someone else". That is in essence telling us to go attack someone else because you cannot handle it. FV is educated, thats why she made you post this atrocious attempt at a troll post. She didn't take it very seriously, her entire post is making light of the situation and passing CNTE off as a game. Maybe you need to "get knowledge" and actually read what people post.
  15. Upon reading your post I was struck by the fact that I could not come up with an appropriate response because there was a perfect one sitting right in your sig. So please allow my to point it out lest you have forgotten:
  16. From what I have seen its alot more than one. And look, we cannot be responsible for teaching you to warz. But since you stuck your face in it, I will tell you now. Its gonna be hot as hell and no burn cream or ice pack in the world is gonna be enough.
  17. But but but.... I look pretty in pink.... I THOUGHT YOU DID IT FOR ME AIRME.
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