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Everything posted by bombuator

  1. You attacked while you were at 1000 Infra, stop trying to make it out to be that you were down near 100 like you are now. I had around 1000 soldiers left, with a 1K Infra deploy it wouldn't be hard to win both GAs. You held your own against the weakest members of Hellas/WDs, good for you.
  2. You could have spied nukes away from me until about 5 minutes before I declared on you, I'm surprised no one did start spying them really. But if we want to go into personal insults, how just how did you lose 2 GAs against me AFTER Integral GAed me twice AFTER he nuked me. I had 2K soldiers left at most, and you managed to fail that hard. We did throw Misfits quite a legit war, if you knew how to fight a bit better. The war isn't won for us totally, you guys can still win I'm just not going to tell you how. Well, unless you are this guy To: bombuator From: Nuclear tech 2 Date: 2/18/2014 10:13:32 AM Subject: peace Message: I will decom my last nuke if I get peace now. Not that I care if he decoms his last nuke, he is a member of your government though. Misfits had to hit Hellas, we were practically a perfect match NS/ANS/Nukes so why shouldn't we have some fun with friends and get the upper hand in the war? You don't have to be going after revenge to start a war, out of targets that could be attacked we were most likely. We assume likely situations and destroy them as a threat beforehand. I hate Paul, but I :wub: Samwise. Adude, asking the tough questions. Yes it is, and this is a long post.
  3. What is this? Warriors choice of words will come around and destroy them in the future... This is practically as bad as when Hellas hit TPC like over a year ago. Good luck Kong and DZE, you are gunna need it here. Burn'm down.
  4. I could brag too, but it would be far too easy. The worst part of all of this, Samwise was the only person I knew that didn't dislike you before this, looks like that has changed.
  5. I very much care, but I already heard him say that like last night so it isn't new news. He's finally getting it... we have no chance at all to counter his posting now.
  6. Those peace terms in the OP are a joke, I hate peace terms in TE. I wouldn't mind forcing Skaro to kick out Daenerys Targaryen though.
  7. Daenerys you should take notes from Kaboom. This is practically a Hellas vs. Misfit war at the top except for a few Doves thrown in, but we got the surprise advantage ! Considering every nation in Skaro/Misfits above 10K were hit at update I'm not surprised, wait and take those stats after everyone gets their attacks in for the day, it'll even out some.
  8. 03:18 Samwise[GOP] Kurdanak "WD" actually stands for War Dodger, didn't you know? 03:19 Samwise[GOP] We <3 infra 03:19 Kurdanak Pleeease post that I think this stands for all of the aggressive AAs in this war.
  9. Cool. You have an advantage in every category outside of ANS and Nukes. Skaro's ANS is largely brought down by a lot of lower tier guys that aren't even in reach of most of our guys. So is the only way we can have an updeclare as if we are far, far below in every category possible? I'm pretty sure Hellas is the master of that, I taught Sam and Kurd a little bit ago though. Have you checked the war screen? Everyone above you in Hellas/RB/WD have practically declared 3 wars already. You have called me a noob while not recognizing the almost 2 years of getting smashed in wars here in Steve. I've updeclared almost double my NS 3 times in a defensive war against Cath to try to get these guys before they attacked against my AA. I purely want to fight you because of the shittalk you do here, while you are in reality a shit member in one of the non elite AAs in TE. Like you know what is actually going to happen.
  10. Yes we had the advantage of blitzing, obviously because we declared. Thanks for telling me, I didn't know. Yes it does make sense for you to updeclare so massively if you claim that I am a noob and you are this great gift to the world. Alright I love your response, seriously it all I am saying practically in different words. Why would I declare on someone so much lower NS? I would be a noob if I declared someone with half my NS when I had 3 targets around the same NS, same infra and activity levels. I declared on the best targets I could have, did you? Paul has spoken, everyone kneel down and praise. Especially Warriors!
  11. When the majority of the AA is D5 it's not my fault, but I personally attacked 3 Misfits with 24 Nukes. I like how you try to avoid my response by trying to stat my entire alliance is attacking like you when trying to call me a noob. Thanks Adude, where is your stamp of a downdeclare? I'm sure about half of Steve will call this that. Acting smug when purposefully choosing easier targets that more likely would have less warchest. Why didn't you hit me? Prove yourself or stop talking trash on here like you are a big dog.
  12. Talks big on OWF, attacks 2 People in D5 with no GCs. Why didn't you counter me?
  13. B-) EXTERMINATE :lol1: :wub: :frantic: :excl: :war: B-) YA... man. I wish these GUYS had WARCHEST ....! like LOOK AT EM Kaboom : Total Money: $5,841,873 Nuclear : Total Money: $4,777,117 krazymonkeyninja : Total Money: $16
  14. B-) GUYS.... are you READY for WAR!!!! ... because WE ARE :smug: :popcorn: :war: :nuke: :gun:
  15. Not as much as you think, but stop being so negative in your posts, especially to people you don't even know. I just stop posting in most threads after Paul and DD start going at it. And I'm contradicting myself right now but w/e.
  16. I watched someone get 81 yesterday. The overall best is like 400 iirc.
  17. What is this? Could it actually be, Doves that fight? I guess we will all have to find out... o/
  18. I haven't given in to getting Flappy Bird or Candy Crush. Impossible Road is better imo, but I like more long term games like Clash of Clans and Deer Hunter 2014 etc.
  19. Or just do 5M? A big problem this round for me was building at random without guides, at least with 5M we all have guides to build to make the round more interesting and more even.
  20. You must have been in Hellas a long time ago, because under my horrible leadership I tell my members nothing. Not even my own government bitches like Eljierro and Wasso :ehm:
  21. I'm pretty horrible at TE, but does this mean I can join OP too?
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